The only positive is that I can deal with loneliness better, but I don't even know if this is a personality characteristic or an autism condition. Maybe I've just gotten used to being alone.
Other than that, it's just negatives. Im far slower than everyone else. At my old job I always had someone to supervise me, even after working there for more than 1 year. To this day I don't have a driver's license, I've already failed the test 3 times, because i can't learn. And i will probably fail more if i try, because already forgot everything.
I also have difficulty expressing myself, I cant express how I think properly and a huge block of creativity.
I have a child's vocabulary. Tests that require much writing I leave blank.
Its incredible difficulty relating to people. Keeping friendship, because no social skills. Im offensive and embarrassing without even realizing. I can't connect with anyone, it seems like people are different specimen than me. I just observe them around me, as if I weren't there. Every conversation I have with them seems robotic, boring or harmful. Eventually I just hate them and wanting as much distance as possible.
My fate is to be alone forever, it was like that from the beginning.
I can't see how someone would see this condition as a gift. I'm lonely, isolated and permanently overstimulated due to my autism. The only benefit it comes with for me is the high IQ, but like mentioned above there are also drawbacks to high IQ and self-awareness.
I was clinically tested with an IQ123, but what difference does it make if I'm too mentally flawed to perform any task. My performance is that of someone with 80 IQ, even they can accomplish more than me.