

Jul 30, 2019
I know self-loathing isn't exactly rare around here, but just wondering if there are any lgbt members for whom being gay was a major cause of fucking up their lives. It has been in my case and I'm definitely feeling it tonight as I work my way through a bottle. And yes I'm single lol and have a disastrous relationship history. No surprise there. I have become so determined to kill myself eventually that it's forced me to stop looking for a partner. Sort of a self-reinforcing plan I guess.
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Dec 15, 2020
Sorry to hear that mate. I live in a very liberal town. Maybe you should try to get out from where you are?
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Jul 30, 2019
Sorry to hear that mate. I live in a very liberal town. Maybe you should get out from where you are?
I'm already in a pretty liberal area and country. Issue is me not the context. But thanks.
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Sep 19, 2020
So I dont know, I'm genderfluid so that means sometimes I'm really gay. But unfortunately I just dont fit into the community. I dont pick up on natural cues. So it makes things harder. I dont hate myself, but find myself hating other gays. Because of the shroud of secrecy they wear. Itd make things easier for me if we could all wear an I'm gay sticker. But that shouldn't be the case, considering it's a totally natural thing. Dolphins and monkey gay-fuck all the time. I've been looking for a thing, like a serious knot (relationship). But I refuse to believe I have fuck something before I can love it. Whatever happened to meeting nice guys in coffee shops. But then again I'm the ever hopeless romantic I've always been. Always looking for love, always failing. I'll be honest if things dont figure out in the next month or so. Ima go back to tinder, might even join Grindr. Might even just have sex with anything willing. A kinda final 'eff you' to the universe that continues to work against me.
Sorry to hear that mate. I live in a very liberal town. Maybe you should try to get out from where you are?
This might be my problem... just got move.
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Dec 28, 2020
While I am a self-hating gay I don't hate myself because I'm gay, I'll reserve that for Chick-fil-A. Navigating queer spaces is quite difficult though. As mentioned above, while the open attitude towards sex is daunting and not something I want to be a part of unlike most in my area, I also don't intend on ever finding a relationship as I don't feel I'm fit to with plans to ctb. I just add it to the list of things that are "wrong" with me.
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Jul 15, 2020
I'm part of lgbt and it's also my main reason I want to ctb
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Mar 21, 2019
You are who you are. Nothing changes that. If your environment does not support you, change your environment. We should not suffer for the weakness of others.
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
I'm part of lgbt and it's also my main reason I want to ctb
I don't understand. It's just a gender preference. I admit I'm not gay so it's hard to understand looking at it from the outside. But it's just you, like your eye color. Please don't hate yourself for being gay. It sounds like it is buying into some cultural condemnation and if so, it is just so wrong. Don't allow yourself to be influenced by it.

I know openly gay men and women who don't have the drive to self destruct at all.
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Tired of being lonely
Sep 3, 2020
I wish I was gay tbh. Would be easier to get realtionships (or at least better than literally nothing) and by now nobody hates them anymore
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Jul 15, 2020
I don't understand. It's just a gender preference. I admit I'm not gay so it's hard to understand looking at it from the outside. But it's just you, like your eye color. Please don't hate yourself for being gay. It sounds like it is buying into some cultural condemnation and if so, it is just so wrong. Don't allow yourself to be influenced by it.

I know openly gay men and women who don't have the drive to self destruct at all.
I'm also trans tho, and that's the main reason I wanna ctb. Not that I'm gay, I know the title is about gay ppl but in the text it also says lgbt so I thought I'd comment. With being trans it's hard cause I can never truly be the gender I want to be even with countless surgeries which I can't even get but ya know, in the end I'm still biologically the wrong gender and that's consuming me and it's one of the reasons I wanna ctb. I guess being gay might make it harder to find a partner if you're in some country where it's not safe to say it publicly but in my country it's not personally a problem.
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Exhausted. RadHomo.
Feb 11, 2020
My being gay is the best part of my identity, and has been the most useful for my 'self' to navigate life. It's been a consistent boundary-forming 'thing' and the most tangible, grounding aspect in my sense of self.

I'd have been even worse and unaware of my relation society had I been straight.

I feel sorry that what's a cause of joy and strength in me is such a cause of distress and negativity for others. We're all different, though, and each person's life's trajectory is unique ig. I just think homophobia is such a disease.
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Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
I'm still biologically the wrong gender and that's consuming me
Oh I see. Isn't there any way for some radical self acceptance? I know trans people also. They have learned to love and accept themselves and lead happy lives. It can be done. Sorry if I sound stupid since I can't know what it's like to go through that situation. I'm sure it's really bad. The most wonderful person I've ever met is trans. Seriously, it can be an advantage in a way. I know that sounds odd. But with radical self acceptance can come a transformative experience in other ways, or so I get the impression from the person I know who is trans.

I guess I sound dumb and I'm sorry. I want so much to understand. There has to be a way to survive this.
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Jul 15, 2020
Oh I see. Isn't there any way for some radical self acceptance? I know trans people also. They have learned to love and accept themselves and lead happy lives. It can be done. Sorry if I sound stupid since I can't know what it's like to go through that situation. I'm sure it's really bad. The most wonderful person I've ever met is trans. Seriously, it can be an advantage in a way. I know that sounds odd. But with radical self acceptance can come a transformative experience in other ways, or so I get the impression from the person I know who is trans.
I hope I could achieve this sort of self acceptance, maybe someday but dunno. I have a lotta issues and this is just one of them:( there's too many things that need to be fixed
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Mimi Ruru- 21 ~ she/her soft, death craving nerd
Dec 20, 2020
I'm trans female ugly and lesbian I get lots of abuse And I'm a victim of many transphobic hate crimes. I'm romantically socially emotionally alone and I hate myself nad wish I was born in the right body with a real family in a better place
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
I'm trans female ugly and lesbian
It's your personality that can attract girls to you. The person I know who is trans female is surrounded by girls all the time who all adore her. It's the personality. Fun. Happy. Loving. Empathic. A joy to be with. It's fun to see the pleasure she takes in all things female.

Although she is clearly not born female she gets hit on all the time by men, which she hates. Anyway the point is, hopefully you can overcome some of the problems you face. It sounds like you live in a hateful area. Sorry you are going through such a hard time!
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Dec 3, 2020
i hate myself
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Narcissist Gay NEET-cel
Mar 4, 2020
I am a self hating gay dude, but not because of the gay part.

Why do you dislike being gay?
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May 11, 2020
yuppp i'm a gay girl rn but i think i might be non-binary which would be 1000x worse because of dysphoria, changing pronouns, not being accepted, etc.
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the haru that can read
Apr 27, 2019
I don't understand. It's just a gender preference. I admit I'm not gay so it's hard to understand looking at it from the outside. But it's just you, like your eye color. Please don't hate yourself for being gay. It sounds like it is buying into some cultural condemnation and if so, it is just so wrong. Don't allow yourself to be influenced by it.

I know openly gay men and women who don't have the drive to self destruct at all.
I think just because other people see it as simply being another part of them, doesn't mean the person who experiences or owns those traits does.
For instance, plenty of people hate their eye color or other physical things about themselves, it's not who they are, they had no say in it. Really, they have every right to hate it.
Being part of the lgbt crowd is certainly not identical to that scenario, but most seem to feel it is something they were born with. I really don't see a problem if the person themselves just does not feel at home with something they have no control over, but I agree with the notion that society should not be making these people feel any more uncomfortable than some already do. (However, we should not be dismissing any discomfort that remains.)
The ones who have no problems with their divergent gender identity or sexual preference, surely benefit from a more accepting society, but there may still be some who just don't connect with their own urges or an alien sense of self.
We really should not be blaming the sufferer for contributing to "cultural condemnation" just because they have disdain for something about themselves, the fault is not on them and the push for change should not be on their shoulders.
Not when we live in such a cruel and superficial society. Humans are shallow creatures in this regard.
It's your personality that can attract girls to you. The person I know who is trans female is surrounded by girls all the time who all adore her. It's the personality. Fun. Happy. Loving. Empathic. A joy to be with. It's fun to see the pleasure she takes in all things female.

Although she is clearly not born female she gets hit on all the time by men, which she hates. Anyway the point is, hopefully you can overcome some of the problems you face. It sounds like you live in a hateful area. Sorry you are going through such a hard time!
The personality > appearance argument is really just an empty platitude when it comes down to it.
Unless you experience the exact same thing, it's not a good thing to preach. Because for so many, it does not ring true.
The energy some people have to put in, just to compensate for something physically lacking, can really exhaust a person mentally, until they snap or burn out. Not everyone is a social butterfly who seems to absorb balls of energy from the sun and utilize it in their interpersonal relationships. Nor should they be required to. Some people are dark and lonely, miserable or shy, maybe they're bitter from being so broken, doesn't mean they don't deserve the attention that only "catching up", and "making up for" with an over abundance of enthusiasm and smiles will accomplish. There is no area of the world that isn't guilty of making this the only way around other disparities or difficult situations.
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Jan 1, 2021
I'm trans and it's why I want to ctb too. The dysphoria, the fact I'll never look like a man even if I get onto hormones, the fact everyone in my life will reject me, the possibility of losing my job/housing/relationship opportunities when I'm older, and that I lost my childhood and teen years that everyone hyped up to dysphoria and living in the wrong body. It's the main reason I hate myself. I wish I could be one of those people that accept themselves and live their lives out and happy, but I know that it's never gonna be me.
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low-wage worker
Oct 29, 2020
I'm sorry you feel this way OP. Having doubts (and even loathing) (about) your own identity can be really detrimental to your mental health. Wish there was a simple cure...some practice of self-acceptance is possible at least.

Being bi has never really had a negative mental effect on me personally and I wish that it was the same for everyone and people would just accept you the way you are without prejudices.
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
it's not a good thing to preach.
I just mentioned a wonderful person I know. I said I was sorry he or she lives in a hateful area. It's a stretch to call what I wrote preaching. I admit the person I was talking about was unusually fun, warm, and outgoing.

I said it might be buying into the cultural condemnation to hate your characteristics. Not contributing to it. Big difference.

I don't understand how you interpret what I said as them not having a "right" to hate something about themself. They have a right to do so of course.

Someone said the main reason they want to ctb was from being part of the lgbt community. The cause apparently is self hatred. The issue is not whether or not they have a "right" to hate themself. They have that right. But apparently I don't understand why that would cause the desire to ctb, if it's not a cultural bias or pressure. Self hating gay who wants to ctb is describing hating being gay, but why?

All I have to go by are the people I know who are lgbt and are happy and accepting of who they are. And I know several. So apparently it can be done. But I'm not "preaching" that anyone has to stop hating themself if they can't or don't want to.
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Mar 31, 2020
I'm so sorry you're struggling with this.

I'm bisexual, and I struggle with internalized biphobia from time to time, so I can relate. Growing up immersed in an environment where being gay or deviating from the societal norm is frowned upon can cause us to unconsciously internalize some of the hateful or shaming messages we receive from the world around us.

Whether it's sexual orientation, gender identity, race, etc, feeling "othered" by the world around us is incredibly painful. I wish I had some helpful advice for you about overcoming this self-hate.

I just want you to know that you're not alone in your pain, and that all of us, consciously or unconsciously, internalize many of the "messages" we receive from society. We buy into it unconsciously, through no fault of our own. I'm sending you hugs :hug:
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Sad transgirl
Sep 2, 2019
I'm trans and it's why I want to ctb too. The dysphoria, the fact I'll never look like a man even if I get onto hormones, the fact everyone in my life will reject me, the possibility of losing my job/housing/relationship opportunities when I'm older, and that I lost my childhood and teen years that everyone hyped up to dysphoria and living in the wrong body. It's the main reason I hate myself. I wish I could be one of those people that accept themselves and live their lives out and happy, but I know that it's never gonna be me.
Losing out on youth because of lack of support is what gets me too, if I had been born into a supportive family I could have started transitioning when I was 12 and avoided the worst of puberty. Maybe in the next life though.
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Jan 17, 2021
I once decided to check out one of those "lesbian nights" at a bar in my city when I was a confused teenager. Not a bar person at all but I didn't know where else to make contact with any lesbians.

From the start I got some really weird stares and nobody wanted to talk to me. Eventually I chatted up the bartender and complained about it. She told me that's probably because I look too hetero. In the end I left without having a proper conversation with anyone that night. Never attempted anything of the sort again.

There's much to it, I mean, the women there did look a certain way. I don't recall seeing anyone who wore heels, makeup or hair longer than shoulder length. So apparently the gay identity doesn't come stand-alone, but as a part of a subculture where you have standards to conform to. Not looking, walking or talking gay enough? Get out.

It wasn't that big of a deal to me since I barely have a sexuality, but if I did have one, I'd sure be self-hating with a community like that.

I realise that this is just an anecdote but it didn't exactly make a good impression of what it's like to be gay.
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Can’t do this anymore
Jan 28, 2021
Self-hating here, but not because I'm gay. I was having a mid-life crisis about five years ago is the only way that I can explain it, and I started using crystal meth as a way to meet people - the wrong kind of people - because I was lonely basically. Foolishly thinking that it wouldn't happen to me, my occasional use quickly devolved into a full-time addiction. At first, I just smoked it, but soon enough I was injecting it. And all because I saw it as a a way to get sex, which it wasn't really. Soon enough, I became psychotic and was experiencing delusions and hallucinations, then I was sectioned to a psych hospital, started having multiple run-ins with the cops because I would wander around outside while I was twisted, got thrown into ambulances on numerous occasions and sent to the hospital for psych evals, then got arrested twice, the second time which was covered on the nightly news and now featured in a damning story on the internet. Needless to say, I lost my well-paying job, my career, and my reputation. Now, I'm in the process of losing my home. I've lost friends and now I'm slowly losing my mind to treatment-resistant depression and anxiety. I'm no longer using, but that's mainly because I no longer have any income. I now spend my days mostly in bed crying and having panic attacks, unable to derive any joy from living anymore. I'm filled with regret over the past and fear of the future. The few people I have left in my life are under the misguided impression that I somehow still have a life worth living, but this is what they want to believe because what's the alternative? I keep insisting that I no longer want to live, that I just can't do life anymore, and that I prefer death over a diminished existence. Of course, nobody wants to hear that and I have to be careful of what I say for fear of being sectioned again. So yeah, self-hating doesn't even begin to describe me.
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Jul 30, 2019
I am a self hating gay dude, but not because of the gay part.

Why do you dislike being gay?
I don't dislike (or like) being gay. What I hate is the way I mismanaged and threw away my life, leaving me alone with an awful future. The sexual orientation and hence romance part is the failure that's affected me the most. I do think if I'd managed my feelings about the issue earlier I wouldn't be in such a shit situation, but in the end I have no one to blame but myself.
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Oct 26, 2020
I am bisexual but being transgender is way more of a reason why I hate myself. I've been waiting to start hormones for 2 and a half years & have tried to cbt twice in that time period.
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
I had some gay experiences before I hit puberty (cuddling, nothing too serious). Puberty straightened me out and now I'm sadly unable to get sexually aroused by men.
I don't dislike (or like) being gay. What I hate is the way I mismanaged and threw away my life, leaving me alone with an awful future. The sexual orientation and hence romance part is the failure that's affected me the most. I do think if I'd managed my feelings about the issue earlier I wouldn't be in such a shit situation, but in the end I have no one to blame but myself.
Don't play the blame game, man. Shit happens and then we die. We are computers, the genes are our hardware and the rest is software given to us by the external.
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Feb 1, 2021
My father believes I'm gay. I'm 28 years old and my grandmother said recently: you look like a girl. When I was 15, a little boy called me a girl-boy. I have a strange body, I'm gaining muscle very quickly, which shows normal testosterone, i have normal testicles but my face shows something else. I don't understand it at all. Several times at school they had suspicions that I was gay or bisexual. Maybe it's LGBT issues, but only women excite me, and body reaction shows that too.

Although sometimes I wanted to please some men and it was an involuntary reaction which surprised me. Except that other men also lick the ass of an alpha male, and even lions have gay sex. I mean, I didn't want to have sex with them, but psychologically I let them know I was lower in the hierarchy. Like beta wolves, they obey alpha wolves.
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