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Jun 12, 2018
You couldn't be more wrong. I'm not

You couldn't be more wrong. I'm not a bible carrying close minded christian. I'm an athiest and I don't hate on trans LGBT people. In fact, when I was a kid some teens were bullying a gay boy because he was "two person in one". I did't understand what was going on back then. Looking back, if I knew what was going on I would surely have stood up for him. I believe everyone should be able to do what they want as long as it doesn't hamper others. You are a dude and want to fuck another dude? Go ahead! None of my business. You are only responsible for your own happyness.

That being said, however, every animal needs proper parenting to survive and succeed. I'm merely reporting on the social degeneracy we are curretly witnessing. Do you not think a child deserves a mother and a father to learn his life skills from? Have you seen what crap the media crams into these young fragile minds? Do you not recognize that it's the parent's responsibility to install good moral value and belief system in their offspring?
And by good moral values I mean honesty, empathy, open-mindedness, courage and selflessness.

Conspiracy is it? Yeah sure, they have turned everything into "conspiracy theories" haven't they. All these flat earth, moon base, etc craps are created by our rulers to decoy and hide the real truth. It's the oldest trick in the book. Put hundreds if similar pens in your bag so that you can't tell which one is actually yours. And if by your logic, everything is what is seems, why is the world so fucked up. Inform yourself.

If I'm wrong, what did you mean with "destruction of family" and cultural marxism? Why don't you explain to me what this even means? I'm sure you can explain this to me, since you seem to be such an expert on that topic. Because the last time I checked, people that oppose cultural marxism also view homosexuality and transsexual people as somewhat inferior. Why else would it be an alt-right talking point. Just google that term and you'll find a lot of alt-right content, talking about white genocide executed by jews and other nonsense. It's hateful propaganda. "Cultural marxism", the way you're using it, doesn't exist.

I don't care if you're LGBT-friendly or not. The moment you pick up alt-right talking points, you're actively helping these people to erase us. Also: children don't need a father and mother for role models. I've read plenty of studies on rainbow-families because as a pansexual person, I've talked about that topic in the past. And none of these studies suggest that having 2 mothers is worse in any way. The opposite is the case, children in rainbow-families tend to do better than children in regular families. Do you know why? Gay couples have to fight for their right to adopt children while heterosexual people simply can "make" them. That's why gay couples usually value their children a lot more than heterosexual couples and therefore, take better care of them. I can link you some of these sources if you want. So you saying that the media is doing some witchcraft to poison young minds is simply not true. They do not need traditional family roles to succeed.

Regarding conspiracy theories. You dismissing other peoples conspiracy theories just shows your arrogance. It implies only YOU have found the ultimate truth and all other people with similar believes are wrong because of the elites. That's not how you have a debate. You can't simply use "the elite" every time I try to debunk your conspiracy theory because yours isn't even verified yet. By scientific standards that's nothing more than a hypothesis. But you talk about if as if it were some facts. No, I've talked to people that believe the Illuminati are real. And they hate the governments as much as you and these people are real. And I can't see any difference between you and them. You all talk a lot without providing any evidence.

The only problem is that we can't go along with the notion that you "need" a mother and father anymore. I mean, I don't know, maybe it would be ideal, but it just isn't possible for homosexuals, for example. That doesn't mean they can't adopt a child and be great parents. This is part of what I was talking about when I was saying that we need to rethink (or just think more) about how to better integrate the people with uncommon sexual identities/orientations into our society and our families in a positive way.

That's true. Scientific studies on that subjects show that children don't need a mother and father anymore. They do very well with two mothers or two fathers. Also, the family doesn't just consist of parents. A family usually involves a lot more people that have traditional relationships. Grandparents, siblings of parents, friends of families. They all influence children. They still experience traditional values because of that. It's not like they're in a LGBT-bubble just because their parents are gay.

When I say a mother and a father, I don't necessarily mean biological mom and dad (but ideally, yes). For example a stepmom can a good replacement provided she actually loves and cares for her baby. What's important is the need to have a father and a mother figure who can install motherly and fatherly values. The bottom line is, if you want a child, you should be a capable of good parenting.

According to these studies, children look for role models outside of the family too. As I said before, a family doesn't just consist of parents. There are more people involved and they usually find role models outside of the family. I didn't look up to my parents when I was a child. My older brother was my role model. I looked up to him.
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Mecha Man

Jul 16, 2018
In my opinion it's about the increasing derailment of irrationality. A hates B because he's white/black, B hates C because he's gay/straight, C hates D because he doesn't believe in the same god(s) as he does, D hates E because he's too skinny/fat/ugly/handsome, E hates F because he feels he's got undeserved privileges, F hates G because in his opinion he's not doing 'enough in life', G hates H because he doesn't see the same conspiracies as he does, etc.

put it all together and make a special blend of discrimination and hate, redistribute it all over the planet, and then the mess is done.

I think you meant the derailment of rationality *ahem* anyways...

while there is definitely a lot of truth in what you say, especially about people hating other people because of their views or social status instead of trying to understand them, as far as tolerance for other races, sexual orientation/identities, and people with good looks (or lack thereof), I was under the impression that a lot of progress has been made in this area. I mean, with the way things have been going, I think tolerance for all the aforementioned things will simply increase with each generation, because I think it's the older people who cling to their beliefs and and have a hard time letting go, and young people are more impressionable; everywhere I look, it seems like tolerance and acceptance is being shoved in your face (I don't mean that in a bad way).

*warning bad discriminatory words ahead*
People can be subtly intolerant, but when they're blunt about it (you nigger, faggot, kike, dago, honky, etc.)
*end of bad words* the vast majority of people get really, really upset about it. It's simply not accepted.

I really think it's just a matter of time. Or it would be, anyways, if we weren't all going to perish in the next 1,000 years from climate change.
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Jul 26, 2018
People are living longer and the elderly have the highest suicide rate. People are beginning to realize how shitty life is.
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Mecha Man

Jul 16, 2018
I don't think there are more LGBT people. The changing situation within society simply allows a lot more people to out themselves and be visible. It also allows them to question themselves and find out who they are. They aren't pressured as much anymore by heteronormative standards. Younger people are simply more open now.

Here is an article talking about numbers.

I think that's a good thing. More diversity is great. If that trend continues, there won't be room for any LGBT-phobia anymore soon.

There isn't really much of a difference between girls and boys. It's only different if you make it different, you know what I mean? I don't see a huge difference between men and women and I have personal experience in this topic. I'm transitioning from male to female, which means I literally experienced both genders. And the only thing that really distinguishes between men and women are the hormones. Hormones have a huge impact on a physical and emotional level. That also counts for sexuality, a subject where men and women work very differently. As far as I can tell, estrogen is a softer hormone and less aggressive than testosterone and I'm glad that's the past for me. I really didn't like my male libido, it always felt forced and put a lot of pressure to me. It was mostly about the orgasm in the past while it's all about emotions and intimacy for me now, after transitioning for over one year. Anyway...

What I was trying to say is: there isn't much of a difference between women and men, especially when they still are kids because there isn't much of a hormonal difference. It starts to get tricky when puberty starts and both genders start to develop in a slightly different direction but that's really just a minor thing. We're all human beings after all and the same species. We all have wishes, desires, goals, fears, like we're individuals first. Gender really isn't important I think.

And you're right, the right age is certainly important. When do you think children should be educated about that? The thing is: homophobia, transphobia, racism - all of these things don't exist in children. Until society teaches them to feel hate towards certain people. Children aren't irritated by gay people kissing because they aren't socialized by a heteronormative society yet. It all happens later, when they grow up and adapt prejudices of other people. No child is born with hate towards gay people and parents have such a huge influence on children when they are young. That's why I think acceptance and tolerance about minorities should be teached in schools.

I think having literally experienced being both genders, as you put it, may have given you a greater sense of enlightenment than those of us who only get to experience being one gender could ever possibly have. I've been told that I could never fully understand what it's like to be a woman, because I'm not one. This makes sense, of course (I still like to try, though).

But one point I really wanted to try to make was, I feel like you are wrong in saying that the hormonal thing is just a minor thing. I think your emotions have a big impact on your mind and how you end up thinking about things. I think it's all the more significant because this hormonal change happens in the early, developmental stage of a person's life, and becomes a factor in developing and shaping their mind and personality into the kind of person they are ultimately going to be molded into as they mature further. But I'll leave it to the scientists to make definitive statements about the inherent differences between men and women; This is all just conjecture on my part. (I talk too much...)

Also, I feel like you have an overly optimistic view of children. Sure, some kids are nice and friendly. Maybe I just had a bad experience because of my mental illnesses (high functioning autism; was never treated because I wasn't diagnosed until the last year or so, and am 32. Also, OCD and ADHD. I didn't start suffering from depression and anxiety until later on in life.) I'm not saying I had a bad childhood. I just was always made fun of, bullied, and told by everyone, even my friends, that I was weird and awkward. This went on until I graduated high school and went to college. None of this affected my happiness in a big way -ultimately-, because when I went home everyday I somehow managed to block it all out and forget about it and become totally fixated on doing the things that I loved (playing video games and watching movies). My childhood was actually the best time of my life.

But the point is, kids can be fucking brutal. Sure, there are nice kids. I was a nice kid. But my experience has been that most of them are, like, evil. They will make fun of anything and everything. They make fun of people with glasses, people who use crutches, people with physical disabilities in general, people who have red hair (I was subjected to this a lot), people with braces... I could go on and on. My older sister was born with a problem with her left leg; they had to cut a tendon somewhere or something and so she can't really bend it. As a result she walks slowly and awkwardly. I have been told that she had a very, extremely difficult time in school because she was constantly ostracized due to this disability of hers.

They often seem to feed on the misery of others. They like to hurt people, physically and emotionally. When someone cries, there are cries of joy and laughter everywhere. This has been my experience, as a child, watching and interacting with other children, for the most part.

Of course, all this just makes it all the more important to educate them in the areas of tolerance, kindness, and understanding, both in school and at home.

Edit: Oh, and WOW! That's a much higher number of bi's and homosexuals than I thought. I thought it was more like 1/10 or something like that. Surprising.
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Mecha Man

Jul 16, 2018
I totally agree with you, kids can be brutal. I was referring to kids under the age of 10 maybe, before they get confronted with the norms and values of our society. I was bullied during my whole time in school, for years. It has fucked me up really badly and it's one of my reasons to catch the bus. I feel you on that, don't worry. But I think children bully in school for very specific reasons. I don't know about the psychology behind bullying, I'm sure it would be an interesting read but I think bad parenting surely is one of them. I also think they do it to compensate their insecurity and own personal struggles or simply because they want to feel though in front of others. I think that's the reason why weak people, shy people, people with disabilities (you already listed some of the targets) often are victims of bullying. You can see, the competition already starts in school. Stepping on weaker people to boost your own ego. I'm sure we could prevent that if we actively worked on solutions. But the problem is: n-o-b-o-d-y is talking about it. We talk about it slightly when someone murders several people in a school shooting but that's it. I never hear or read anything about bullying when it isn't connected to dead people and I think it's a much larger issue than we as society assume.

Regarding the hormones... it's difficult to explain. Hormones really influence everything in your body. If you switch them out, your whole person, including your body and your perception, basically changes, you know? I mean the brain structure between men and women is slightly different but it doesn't really explain the differences between men and women. Let me try it like this:
Trans people experience a second puberty once they start with hormone replacement therapy. That means we're starting basically at the same point where children start when they experience their puberty for the first time. I started my HRT one year ago, so I started my second puberty when I was 22 years old. And you can actually delay your puberty if you take so-called puberty blockers. That means you stop your puberty, that's usually something doctors prescribe for children who discover their trans-identity very early in their life. You take them until you reach maybe 16 years and then you start immediately with hormone replacement therapy. At that point your puberty will start. That's the best case scenario and it will completely turn you into a woman with none of the struggles most trans women have to deal with. You won't grow facial hair. You won't develop a male voice, your bone structure will also be affected, like you'll have smaller bones (many trans women for example struggle with broad shoulders and a larger height). What I'm basically trying to say is: if you're a boy and switch your hormones before you started your puberty, you'll develop exactly like a cis-girl. Physically as well as emotionally. People would never know. So yeah, I'm basing my claims directly on scientific observations when I'm saying that hormones literally define you as a person.

Yeah, I wasn't saying that your statements weren't based on scientific evidence, I was just talking about the stuff I was saying. I didn't use any scientific evidence, I was just talking about my opinions.

Regarding the kids, I dunno... People seem to be talking about bullying a lot more these days. I mean, I even see a lot of people getting annoyed by it, like it's not a real problem. But I hear a lot of people talking about how bullying is even worse now because of social media and whatnot, and since they're talking about it, I can only assume they're trying to figure out what to do about it. I don't really research these things, though. I'm just saying what I've heard. My dad watches the news a lot, and I randomly come across articles about various things on the internet. And I can feel like I can distinctly remember kids being jerks even in kindergarten.
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Jun 12, 2018
Yeah, I wasn't saying that your statements weren't based on scientific evidence, I was just talking about the stuff I was saying. I didn't use any scientific evidence, I was just talking about my opinions.

Regarding the kids, I dunno... People seem to be talking about bullying a lot more these days. I mean, I even see a lot of people getting annoyed by it, like it's not a real problem. But I hear a lot of people talking about how bullying is even worse now because of social media and whatnot, and since they're talking about it, I can only assume they're trying to figure out what to do about it. I don't really research these things, though. I'm just saying what I've heard. My dad watches the news a lot, and I randomly come across articles about various things on the internet. And I can feel like I can distinctly remember kids being jerks even in kindergarten.

That's true, cyberbullying gets some attention, yeah. But I rarely hear about traditional bullying outside of the internet. It gets some coverage usually when someone takes their life. And I guess it can happen in Kindergarten too but I'm not sure if that's a common thing. My Kindergarten was actually okay, it was probably the best time in the education system in comparison to my time in school. I just know it became worse when I got older. When they started to use physical violence to harm me. That was funny.
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Mecha Man

Jul 16, 2018
That's true, cyberbullying gets some attention, yeah. But I rarely hear about traditional bullying outside of the internet. It gets some coverage ususally when someone takes their life. And I guess sit can happen in Kindergarten too but I'm not sure if that's a common thing. My Kindergarten was actually okay, it was probably the best time in the education system in comparison to my time in school. I just know it became worse when I got older. When they started to use physical violence to harm me. That was funny.

Speaking of cyberbullying, I'd say that's pretty relevant to this thread, if suicide rates are getting worse because bullying is getting worse (another symptom of social media).

And... what?? it was funny when people starting hurting you? Am I missing something here??


Apr 9, 2018
A rise in cynicism, nihilism and decadence.
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Jun 12, 2018
Speaking of cyberbullying, I'd say that's pretty relevant to this thread, if suicide rates are getting worse because bullying is getting worse (another symptom of social media).

And... what?? it was funny when people starting hurting you? Am I missing something here??

That would be interesting to know. There are some numbers on Wikipedia but the quoted source doesn't work anymore and there aren't any information about the date of these numbers. But it seems like bullying is one of the leading causes of death for young people.

I wasn't being serious of course. Some irony on my part. Bullying was the worst part of my childhood. It literally broke me and is one of the main reasons for my depression and social anxiety. I was suicidal the first time in my life because of bullying. I still remember the summer in 2009. I'll never forget that.
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Mecha Man

Jul 16, 2018
That would be interesting to know. There are some numbers on Wikipedia but the quoted source doesn't work anymore and there aren't any information about the date of these numbers. But it seems like bullying is one of the leading causes of death for young people.

I wasn't being serious of course. Some irony on my part. Bullying was the worst part of my childhood. It literally broke me and is one of the main reasons for my depression and social anxiety. I was suicidal the first time in my life because of bullying. I still remember the summer in 2009. I'll never forget that.

I'm awful sorry to hear that. I don't suppose there's any chance of overcoming your past traumas?
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Mecha Man

Jul 16, 2018
I've been thinking about saying something about it for awhile, but I didn't really know how... But anyways, as bleak as things seem right now, for anyone who likes sci-fi/horror and/or is interested in seeing how things could potentially (or maybe just hypthetically) get much worse, as well as some cautions in how the advancement of technology can be dangerous for society if not used properly, I'd highly suggest watching the show Black Mirror (It's on Netflix). It's pretty disturbing, though, in my opinion. Fair warning. Not blood and gore and torture disturbing, just disturbing ideas.
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Jun 12, 2018
I'm awful sorry to hear that. I don't suppose there's any chance of overcoming your past traumas?

I don't think so. Everything that happened back then is buried deep inside of me and I'm gonna keep it like that until I ctb.
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Apr 1, 2018
A rise in cynicism, nihilism and decadence.

There's nothing wrong with nihilism. The real problem is that "normal" people, after a gazillion years of religious brainwashing, don't have the antibodies to recognize that life can be lived without assigning this super special meaning to every breath we take
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Jun 7, 2018
If I'm wrong, what did you mean with "destruction of family" and cultural marxism? Why don't you explain to me what this even means? I'm sure you can explain this to me, since you seem to be such an expert on that topic. Because the last time I checked, people that oppose cultural marxism also view homosexuality and transsexual people as somewhat inferior. Why else would it be an alt-right talking point. Just google that term and you'll find a lot of alt-right content, talking about white genocide executed by jews and other nonsense. It's hateful propaganda. "Cultural marxism", the way you're using it, doesn't exist.

OK a quick question: did you use to work as a label sticker at the mall by any chance? It seems as if you have an overwhelming urge to label opposing opinions with some stereotypical ideological label. As if calling me an alt-right will somehow automatically invalidate my points. I can just as easily label you a far-left pro-massacre pro-famine gulagist commie libtard if you choose to go that route. As for my definition of cultural Marxism, marmxis, I am using this urban definition. And by destruction of family I mean;

There is no mention of transgenders and homosexuality anywhere in the definition of cultural Marxism I referred to nor is it in my list of family degradation. There is no mention of your group let alone the view that trans/homo's are "somewhat inferior".
The homophobia and trans-phobia you accuse me of are the work of religion and the not right ideology. Not all right wingers are Christians (some are the but same is true for leftists too). In fact, true European right ideology advocates for non-religion. It is only in America where it has been mixed up with Christianity. So you can blame the Christians for your problems. I repeat: The original right ideology has nothing to with homo/trans-phobia. The right is not your enemy, the right-Christians are.

I don't care if you're LGBT-friendly or not. The moment you pick up alt-right talking points, you're actively helping these people to erase us. Also: children don't need a father and mother for role models. I've read plenty of studies on rainbow-families because as a pansexual person, I've talked about that topic in the past. And none of these studies suggest that having 2 mothers is worse in any way. The opposite is the case, children in rainbow-families tend to do better than children in regular families. Do you know why? Gay couples have to fight for their right to adopt children while heterosexual people simply can "make" them. That's why gay couples usually value their children a lot more than heterosexual couples and therefore, take better care of them. I can link you some of these sources if you want. So you saying that the media is doing some witchcraft to poison young minds is simply not true. They do not need traditional family roles to succeed.

Again, if somebody is out to erase you it is the Christians and the Muslims. In the Middle East Muslims will chop your head off if they get the slightest idea of your homosexuality-no questions asked policy. Go visit Saudi Arab some time.

When I complain about family destruction and bad parenting, I'm not talking about LGBT people. I'm referring to a normal family, perfectly straight with a mom and a dad. The ones who fuck without a condom on but are not ready and committed to raise a child. They fight, divorce and neglect the child and the government does everything in its power to facilitate this process. Giving single mothers free food and money, glamorization of single parenthood, normalization of teen pregnancy only to name a few. If say a child is growing up in an orphanage without no guidance and love then I would agree it would be better for the child if he found a gay couple who loves him and is actually capable of parenting him. With extreme emphasis on capability. A gay couple should not fail to give the child motherly(female) traits; love, care and empathy as well as the masculine values like emotional ruggedness, courage, adventurousness, physical activities and fitness. And you don't necessarily have to be a female to give feminine values and a male to give a masculine values. Only with the right balance between the qualities will the child grow up armed to compete and succeed in the tough world of adulthood at the same time being a decent emphatic responsible human. Or you could just get a child regardless you can parent it or not. The world is already fucked up as it is so you you might as well add to it. I don't even care if a robot is rearing a child as long as it can install these humanly values. I only care about the child and it's future, while you seem to be stuck with (your's) the parent's happiness. Now who's more selfish?

Regarding conspiracy theories. You dismissing other peoples conspiracy theories just shows your arrogance. It implies only YOU have found the ultimate truth and all other people with similar believes are wrong because of the elites. That's not how you have a debate. You can't simply use "the elite" every time I try to debunk your conspiracy theory because yours isn't even verified yet. By scientific standards that's nothing more than a hypothesis. But you talk about if as if it were some facts. No, I've talked to people that believe the Illuminati are real. And they hate the governments as much as you and these people are real. And I can't see any difference between you and them. You all talk a lot without providing any evidence.

I suspect you even know the original definition of a conspiracy theory, i.e. before the media introduced lunatics like Alexi Jones to redefine it make all the people that see through and speak against the mainstream lies and propaganda look like some kind of madman and discredit them automatically. And I don't dismiss other people's conspiracy theories just because I don't agree with them. I'm going to let you in some secret tests to tell if a conspiracy theory is true or it's fabricated by the elites to confuse the mass, so that they can never tell conspiracy is true and which one to believe since there are so many of them.

  • True conspiracies don't appear on mass media. They don't trend on YouTube like the Illuminati videos. The videos exposing Federal Reserve Bank, the Rothschilds, the Queen and the Bolsheviks are flagged and taken down by you-tube shortly after they are uploaded. You need to put an effort for finding them while false conspiracies like flat earth conspiracy and the moon landing hoax run wild and are promoted all over the YouTube. Sometimes when I'm busy I save some true conspiracy videos to watch later but magically they are all removed by the next morning when I try to watch them.
  • Real conspiracy theorists don't act crazy like Alex jones and David Icke. They are highly intelligent, polite and extremely honest.
  • True conspiracy theory perfectly explain the events that's going on in real world. False conspiracies are just fantasies and doesn't help understand the real world. Flat earth theory doesn't explain why Syria is being bombed to dust.
  • The biggest one; They murder the true conspiracy theorists. They don't want the truth leaking out to the public. If someone tries to do expose them they kill them. One recent example of a filmmaker named Crowley murdered because he tried to bring out the truth through his movie. They later re-edited the movie and released it. The original movie was never released.
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Apr 9, 2018
There's nothing wrong with nihilism. The real problem is that "normal" people, after a gazillion years of religious brainwashing, don't have the antibodies to recognize that life can be lived without assigning this super special meaning to every breath we take

Nobody lives a 'gazillion' years, I have no religion, never have. In general, belief in a higher power that has some basis in morality can obviously be of great deterrent to suicide. Nowadays, it's much harder to find true believers.

Mecha Man

Jul 16, 2018
This thread is going downhill fast... someone is always a bad guy.... left wingers, right wingers, Christians, atheists.....

Do the mods -ever- step in and say something like "keep it civil guys or we're gonna have to lock the thread?"
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Apr 1, 2018
Nobody lives a 'gazillion' years

Of course not, it's a matter of "culture" and "tradition". That unfortunately perpetuates

Nowadays, it's much harder to find true believers.

There's loads of people who believe in 'karma' and are all about having a "good" reincarnation based on their deeds, I'd say that the situation hasn't changed that much.
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Mecha Man

Jul 16, 2018
There's nothing wrong with nihilism. The real problem is that "normal" people, after a gazillion years of religious brainwashing, don't have the antibodies to recognize that life can be lived without assigning this super special meaning to every breath we take

You know, I'm not saying you're wrong, but I just got to thinking about something... What about the people who start religions? They surely aren't -all- corrupt people who just want to control people. I mean, how did religions in general get started in the first place, aside from religions that are just offshoots of other religions (which, frankly, seems to be most of them)?


Apr 1, 2018
They surely aren't -all- corrupt people who just want to control people.

Uh... I didn't talk about corrupting others for economical reasons. It could be about people "in good faith" developing random delusions and then redistributing them to the whole community without giving a shred of evidence or insinuating that it just might not be true, just for social cohesion
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Mecha Man

Jul 16, 2018
Uh... I didn't talk about corrupting others for economical reasons. It could be about people "in good faith" developing random delusions and then redistributing them to the whole community without giving a shred of evidence or insinuating that it just might not be true, just for social cohesion

I see. And I wasn't trying to imply that you did talk about them corrupting others. I just thought it was worth stating because, well, like I said, how DOES a person come to just start their own religion from scratch if it's not for nefarious purposes? Like, how does a person legitimately formulate these ideas in their head and then gather a huge following? But anyways, you pretty much answered the question.


Apr 9, 2018
Of course not, it's a matter of "culture" and "tradition". That unfortunately perpetuates

There's loads of people who believe in 'karma' and are all about having a "good" reincarnation based on their deeds, I'd say that the situation hasn't changed that much.

People aren't nearly as religious today as they have been throughout history. Karma, is hardly a comparison to a true believer in a just higher power.

Nihilism without a doubt adds to suicidality.


Jun 12, 2018

I have to remove your quote, otherwise I can't post my message.

I didn't say you're an alt-right, I said you use alt-right talking points. I think it's very important to check the history of certain terms if we have a political debate, right? The urban dictionary isn't a legitimate source. Please, everyone can create their own definition for ridiculous terms. I could create a definition about RainAndSadness and claim I'm the goddess of Pluto and use it as a scientific reference, right? No. Of course not.
Despite, your link doesn't even work.

Your first source is a website for singles, trying to find positives things about being single parents? Like, I don't know what you're even trying to show me. Of course a website for singles will try to spread some positive vibes about being single, right? Is that the media trying to break "natural family structures"? I think that website might be a little bit biased, but that's it. I'm sure you can find positives about being single, even when you're a parent, right? Is it bad to try to enjoy life if you're single and have kids? I don't think so, this website simply is trying to send some positive vibes, that's it. That's no attack launched by the media. I mean, is that even the media? It's a website that barely attracts traffic. I thought you'd came up with some CNN headlines.

The next source simply mentions the fact that more people divorce nowadays. Correlation doesn't imply causation, right? Like, you simpy assume someone is destroying marriage. There is a very simple reason why people divorce nowadays. Because they can. I think that's the magic behind it. 30 years ago when we didn't have the option to find partners in tinder, it was a lot harder to find an alternative to your husband, for example. And it wasn't even socially accepted. Like, it was a really bad thing back then. But things change and marriage is an outdated model of relationships really. Humans change. And it's very unlikely two partners change into the same direction during a marriage and if they don't fit together anymore, they break up. It's simple as that.
I mean, are you even trying to understand why people divorce?

Same applies for your next point: marriage is simply an outdated concept. Nobody wants to promise to stay with their current partner for the rest of their lives. I never wanted to marry someone, it's simply not my way of having a relationship. It's romantic but unrealistic.

Your last point regarding children being negatively affected by divorcing parents is true. My parents divorced when I was 6. It was so horrible for me, I can't even remember anything of that time anymore. My mom said it was the point when I started to chew my fingernails and I'm still doing it. Yeah. But why would a secret organization try to turn children into criminals?

Okay buddy, let me do some research now.

Here, the following picture is from "rightipedia", a neo nazi, alt right website. Check what it says about LGBT people. Oh and look at that, fucking jews are the leaders of this conspiracy theory. Antisemitism? Interesting.
(The website takes a while to load, the servers probably are located somewhere in the antarctis so nobody can pull them off the internet)


Okay. So I literally proved to you that people inventing that conspiracy theory are neo nazis and alt right people, calling LGBT people sexual freaks and putting us on the same line with pedophiles. Could it get any clearer?

Anders fucking Breivik, a nazi that killed like 70 children in Norway listed his resistance against cultural marxism as one of his reasons for his mass murder. People literally kill children over this nonsense.

But you need more examples? Oh look at this:
Antisemitism and again, transphobia, homophobia, racism. All in one picture, created by neo nazis that believe cultural marxism is a real thing. You still think you're not helping their cause, oh well let's continue.


More racism and homophobia, from, hm what could that be, another neo nazi website?


More homo- and transphobia to fight off cultural marxism:


Okay, so... you're telling me it doesn't have anything to do with racism, homophobia, transphobia? When nazis literally spread these images in high quantity? Yeah buddy, I'm sure you're totally not helping neo nazis with your propaganda show.

Next point. You say you're against bad parenting and in the next sentence you say you don't care if bad parents have kids?
I quote: "Or you could just get a child regardless you can parent it or not. The world is already fucked up as it is so you you might as well add to it. I don't even care if a robot is rearing a child as long as it can install these humanly values."

That sounds fucked up. The solution to our current situation is less kids, not more. We already have a population of 8 billion people, we don't need more. I don't know why you think it would make you look less selfish than me if you literally say: I don't give a fuck about the children, as long as children are born. That's literally what you say. You even dismiss your whole paragraph by saying even robots could raise children, basically refuting all that talk about good parenting and values and taking care of the children, giving them love and so on. What the hell man?

And buddy, regarding Alex Jones. He just got pulled from all social media platforms. Everyone talks about it because it happened like 2 days ago and of course, Alex Jones is crying and raging like a baby. How does that make any sense if you believe he was installed by the elite to spread misinformation. Why would they take their own soldiers down? His youtube channel had over 2.5 million subscribers, that's a very large audience for a political channel on youtube. Doesn't make any sense, if anything it debunks what you just said. You know why? Because he is simply a fanatic that got popular because he talks about weird shit. There is no elite controlling us. Sorry dude, but that's how it is.

Anything else in the last the last paragraph is nothing but speculation, again. If youtube pulls down videos that talk about conspiracy theories, why can I find videos that were uploaded years ago and have a decent view count? Ah I guess they only take some videos down, right? Because it would be too obvious otherwise, right? What kind of explanation do you have for that? Regarding Crowley, that so-called "movie" had a budget of 60'000 dollars. Yeah, I'm totally sure someone would kill that person because he made a terrible low-budget conspiracy movie. Like, you people act as if "they" control the whole world, yet they blatantly kill people that have no audience and no money because they make bad movies. Makes totally sense.
Name me "real conspiracy theorists" that believe cultural marxism is a thing then. Because right now it looks like you only could provide names of nazis. Odd, isn't it?

I'm done. Waste of time.
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Jun 7, 2018
I quote: "Or you could just get a child regardless you can parent it or not. The world is already fucked up as it is so you you might as well add to it. I don't even care if a robot is rearing a child as long as it can install these humanly values."
That was a sarcasm. I really need some sleep right now. I'll reply on you later.


Jun 7, 2018
I'm done. Waste of time.
BTW you didn't really counter any of my points. If anything it's my time that's wasted. Seems like you only want to hear what sounds comforting and familiar. Good for you! But remember my friend, the truth is never warm. It's cold as a frostbite. I hope someday you learn to tell who's really friend and who's a foe in a friendly skin. Good luck!


Jun 12, 2018
BTW you didn't really counter any of my points. If anything it's my time that's wasted. Seems like you only want to hear what sounds comforting and familiar. Good for you! But remember my friend, the truth is never warm. It's cold as a frostbite. I hope someday you learn to tell who's really friend and who's a foe in a friendly skin. Good luck!

Uhm, I literally proved that nazis are behind that cultural marxist conspiracy theory, with graphic evidence and links that directly lead to their websites. But yeah buddy, I didn't counter any of your points. If I lived in a bubble like you, I wouldn't have any issues in my life. That's an easy but extremely cheap way to exit a debate without having to acknowledge that you were wrong. You won't have to respond to all the evidence about the nazis anymore though, I hope that makes you feel good. And Anders Breivik, who killed 70 children in his rampage to defend his nation against cultural marxism, none of your concerns anymore because you ejected away. I hope that makes you proud. Keep spreading neo nazi propaganda. I'm not the one who is partnering up with them.

But hey, thanks for proving once again, debating conspiracy theorists isn't worth the effort.
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Jul 27, 2018
@RainAndSadness @Strumgewehr

The term "cultural Marxism" doesn't even make any sense when you consider what Marxism is.

From the wiki:
Marxism uses a methodology, now known as historical materialism, to analyze and critique the development of capitalism and the role of class struggles in systemic economic change.

According to Marxian theory, class conflict arises in capitalist societies due to contradictions between the material interests of the oppressed proletariat—a class of wage labourers employed by the bourgeoisie to produce goods and services—and the bourgeoisie—the ruling class that owns the means of production and extract their wealth through appropriation of the surplus product (profit) produced by the proletariat.

This class struggle that is commonly expressed as the revolt of a society's productive forces against its relations of production, results in a period of short-term crises as the bourgeoisie struggle to manage the intensifying alienation of labor experienced by the proletariat, albeit with varying degrees of class consciousness. This crisis culminates in a proletarian revolution and eventually leads to the establishment of socialism—a socioeconomic system based on social ownership of the means of production, distribution based on one's contribution and production organized directly for use. As the productive forces continued to advance, Marx hypothesized that socialism would ultimately transform into a communist society; a classless, stateless, humane society based on common ownership and the underlying principle: "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs".

There is no mention of the following:

  • Media parenting (digital parenting). Letting vulnerable kids ultra-violent (watch oggy and the cockroaches) and sexually suggestive creepy cartoons all day long. When we were kids we used to watch respectable cartoons like the moomins with emphasis on morals and values (I have already defined these terms in my previous post) .
  • Laws and regulations that makes it difficult for men (and women) to get married. Insanely unjust divorce laws.

It seems that in today's world certain groups are just taking the existing word "Marxism" that is considered a dirty word in most of Western society and then prefixing "cultural" to it in order to add a bunch of stuff that the original word "Marxism" never stood for.

Now I'm not championing Marxism or communism, personally I think that while Marx's criticisms of society were valid his ideology was ridiculously idealistic.

I'm just saying that before anyone makes claims about "cultural Marxism" or some other ideology ostensibly taking over that they really analyze the terms they're using because to me it seems that such people are more interested in using slanderous terms than accurately analyzing their society and the various groups within.
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Jun 7, 2018
That's an easy but extremely cheap way to exit a debate without having to acknowledge that you were wrong.
Yeah dude. That's because, turns out it doesn't feel very good to have to be accused of wasting other's time specially when you are trying to be respectful and putting some real effort into the convo.


Jun 7, 2018
The term "cultural Marxism" doesn't even make any sense when you consider what Marxism is.
I've already informed that I'm using the modern urban definition of cultural marxism. However, my point still remains the same no matter what word I use to describe it.


Jul 27, 2018
@RainAndSadness You didn't go into much detail about what Marxism itself was, so I thought I might as well post that info so that everyone could clearly see that "cultural Marxism" had nothing to do with Marxism. That in itself would show that people tossing such terms around weren't interested in accuracy but in slander.

Say what you will about the Nazis, they made some nice jet fighters ^.^


I've already informed that I'm using the modern urban definition of cultural marxism. However, my point still remains the same no matter what word I use to describe it.

Your using a term that doesn't make any sense to describe separate phenomena as if they're all taking place under one umbrella phenomenon (whether you use that term or another term to describe that umbrella).
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Jun 7, 2018
@Dip I said it with my first post. What he is refering to doesn't make any sense and it's obvious he doesn't unterstand the history and background of this term. He is simply reproducing what others believe. In this case he fell for nazis that spread hateful propaganda with that conspiracy theory.

Again, 2 of the sources for the pictures I've linked in my reply, check them out.

Nazi content par excellence. One website promotes a white ethno-state to save the white race and the other website has racist and anti-semitic content.

Turns out that northwestfront website has a blog going, they literally praise Anders Breivik there. It can't get any more obvious.
Since you like the wordplay so much, why are you using the word Nazi? It doesn't mean anything. Use the word National Socialist.
Hateful is it? You see hate because you are filled with hatred and brainwashing. You say I wasted your time as if I forced you to continue. It was you who quoted me first.
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