- Jun 12, 2018
- 2,150
You couldn't be more wrong. I'm not
You couldn't be more wrong. I'm not a bible carrying close minded christian. I'm an athiest and I don't hate on trans LGBT people. In fact, when I was a kid some teens were bullying a gay boy because he was "two person in one". I did't understand what was going on back then. Looking back, if I knew what was going on I would surely have stood up for him. I believe everyone should be able to do what they want as long as it doesn't hamper others. You are a dude and want to fuck another dude? Go ahead! None of my business. You are only responsible for your own happyness.
That being said, however, every animal needs proper parenting to survive and succeed. I'm merely reporting on the social degeneracy we are curretly witnessing. Do you not think a child deserves a mother and a father to learn his life skills from? Have you seen what crap the media crams into these young fragile minds? Do you not recognize that it's the parent's responsibility to install good moral value and belief system in their offspring?
And by good moral values I mean honesty, empathy, open-mindedness, courage and selflessness.
Conspiracy is it? Yeah sure, they have turned everything into "conspiracy theories" haven't they. All these flat earth, moon base, etc craps are created by our rulers to decoy and hide the real truth. It's the oldest trick in the book. Put hundreds if similar pens in your bag so that you can't tell which one is actually yours. And if by your logic, everything is what is seems, why is the world so fucked up. Inform yourself.
If I'm wrong, what did you mean with "destruction of family" and cultural marxism? Why don't you explain to me what this even means? I'm sure you can explain this to me, since you seem to be such an expert on that topic. Because the last time I checked, people that oppose cultural marxism also view homosexuality and transsexual people as somewhat inferior. Why else would it be an alt-right talking point. Just google that term and you'll find a lot of alt-right content, talking about white genocide executed by jews and other nonsense. It's hateful propaganda. "Cultural marxism", the way you're using it, doesn't exist.
I don't care if you're LGBT-friendly or not. The moment you pick up alt-right talking points, you're actively helping these people to erase us. Also: children don't need a father and mother for role models. I've read plenty of studies on rainbow-families because as a pansexual person, I've talked about that topic in the past. And none of these studies suggest that having 2 mothers is worse in any way. The opposite is the case, children in rainbow-families tend to do better than children in regular families. Do you know why? Gay couples have to fight for their right to adopt children while heterosexual people simply can "make" them. That's why gay couples usually value their children a lot more than heterosexual couples and therefore, take better care of them. I can link you some of these sources if you want. So you saying that the media is doing some witchcraft to poison young minds is simply not true. They do not need traditional family roles to succeed.
Regarding conspiracy theories. You dismissing other peoples conspiracy theories just shows your arrogance. It implies only YOU have found the ultimate truth and all other people with similar believes are wrong because of the elites. That's not how you have a debate. You can't simply use "the elite" every time I try to debunk your conspiracy theory because yours isn't even verified yet. By scientific standards that's nothing more than a hypothesis. But you talk about if as if it were some facts. No, I've talked to people that believe the Illuminati are real. And they hate the governments as much as you and these people are real. And I can't see any difference between you and them. You all talk a lot without providing any evidence.
The only problem is that we can't go along with the notion that you "need" a mother and father anymore. I mean, I don't know, maybe it would be ideal, but it just isn't possible for homosexuals, for example. That doesn't mean they can't adopt a child and be great parents. This is part of what I was talking about when I was saying that we need to rethink (or just think more) about how to better integrate the people with uncommon sexual identities/orientations into our society and our families in a positive way.
That's true. Scientific studies on that subjects show that children don't need a mother and father anymore. They do very well with two mothers or two fathers. Also, the family doesn't just consist of parents. A family usually involves a lot more people that have traditional relationships. Grandparents, siblings of parents, friends of families. They all influence children. They still experience traditional values because of that. It's not like they're in a LGBT-bubble just because their parents are gay.
When I say a mother and a father, I don't necessarily mean biological mom and dad (but ideally, yes). For example a stepmom can a good replacement provided she actually loves and cares for her baby. What's important is the need to have a father and a mother figure who can install motherly and fatherly values. The bottom line is, if you want a child, you should be a capable of good parenting.
According to these studies, children look for role models outside of the family too. As I said before, a family doesn't just consist of parents. There are more people involved and they usually find role models outside of the family. I didn't look up to my parents when I was a child. My older brother was my role model. I looked up to him.
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