Why they always say they going to suicide but you always ended up seeing they in the forum others days? Any case of brothers really reached that peace?
it is a massive thing to do, whoever said suicide is cowardly is talking bs ,the human will to survive is amazing and my god are you all strong to be here .
If you are 99 percent sure, I would not do it. I want to be 110 percent sure before I go because I will not fail when it is right and I dont mean yeah i have had a total bastard of a day so I am off,
For me personally it would be ideally after a decent sleep and before I have taken any meds I am on...rested and clear mind then I know it is time. Another cliche but things do always feel different after sleep, even the physical rest of body and mind can make a new day look a little differently.
Then you start winding those springs and cogs up again in your head and often it is yet another bastard of a day.
Someone I know, a friend they are a shopaholic especially after he is stoned lol he has more shoes than any woman I know, how many high quality brown leather brogues do you need? He said to me one day if I get to this stage in my life , achieve that then I will be happy as Larry (who the fuck is Larry anyway because I need to get his Doctors number , he is on some good shit)
So he used to say this kinda thing often like a throwaway comment , I said I know what you do have 3 things you have that 75 percent of the world do not and those are a roof over your head, a flushing toilet and electric fridge. All things you and I use and take for granted ...anyway he is a flat earther, stoner looney but he makes me laugh and humour gets me through some tough times. And I can laugh at the silliest thing then forget what it was but lol some more
Until I am 110 percent though, I might hang around a little longer.
sorry for the major waffle