Jan 11, 2024
Hello guys,
So basically someone from this forum advised me to take antidepressants and told me that considering how suicidal i was, I wouldnt loose much by trying it and that it could keep me alive. Anyone here can describe what antidepresives do to you in detail? Does it help a lot? Feel free to vent too. ^-
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and if i’m turning blue please don’t save me 🌛
Dec 14, 2023
It all depends on what you take, what doctor you see, how often, how your body reacts etc. I had to wait for 5 months until I felt something. It gave me some energy and made me more positive. To be honest though, I'm not really happy about it. It's complicated, but in a way my thoughts and beliefs don't match the "new me". I feel incredibly lost because physically I don't feel so dead anymore. I feel like I'm able to clean up my room, to get off my bed, to go out with a friend etc but I still don't see the point. I still want to die and I still have the same reasons to do it but I'm not depressed enough now to still consider it so strong. It's weird and I don't know, I'm not a fan, but I believe if someone wants to "recover" for real and wants to see the world as a beautiful place, then antidepressants can really help you!
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"Don't trip on what is behind you" • UK
Jan 15, 2024
I'm not on it anymore, because my symptoms were so severe. I had a dry mouth all the time. I kept getting headaches. I was always sleepy and fatigued. It also killed my sex drive.

It did help a lot with my depression, but it also made it harder for me to work on my life.

Not everyone experiences side affects, it's best to just try it and see.
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(ᴗ_ ᴗ。)
Nov 25, 2023
I never felt any difference on antidepressants and tried various kinds in the past.
I think some brains are wired different and don't respond to them.


Jan 17, 2024
please don't Listen to everything you hear on here.
i take venlafaxine. Probably the reason I'm still here.


Doesn't read PMs
May 20, 2021
Depends on the medicine, there are so many.

I doubt there are any left on the market I have not tried.

They all need a couple of months to work, and need time to change between each. Recovery can be a long journey unless you get lucky first time.
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novelist, sanskritist, Canadian living in India
Nov 13, 2021
You need to know that serotonergic antidepressants can permanently destroy your sexuality. Survivors are talking now. You can hear them in many places on the internet. Many don't survive.
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getting tired even for a phoenix..
Sep 29, 2023
it really depends on what you take. i tried sertraline first and it really helped me for a few months but then it stopped working and i could no longer increase the dose. im now trialling mitrazapine and i am yet to notice any effects. i think the most important thing to remember while trying medication is that it sadly does take a lot of time to find the right medication and the correct dose. the side effects can be unpleasant but it is not guaranteed that it Will happen to you


and if i’m turning blue please don’t save me 🌛
Dec 14, 2023
It all depends on what you take, what doctor you see, how often, how your body reacts etc. I had to wait for 5 months until I felt something. It gave me some energy and made me more positive. To be honest though, I'm not really happy about it. It's complicated, but in a way my thoughts and beliefs don't match the "new me". I feel incredibly lost because physically I don't feel so dead anymore. I feel like I'm able to clean up my room, to get off my bed, to go out with a friend etc but I still don't see the point. I still want to die and I still have the same reasons to do it but I'm not depressed enough now to still consider it so strong. It's weird and I don't know, I'm not a fan, but I believe if someone wants to "recover" for real and wants to see the world as a beautiful place, then antidepressants can really help you!
Also! It's important that I started antidepressants before finding this site. I would've never done it if I read opinions on sasu first. Please remember that this is a place for rather unhappy people who all want to die, so it's not very objective society. Take all the advice with a pinch of salt and do your research also somewhere else. The people who have "succeeded" and live a happy life now won't be found on here. So don't rely on our words too much
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Vengeance Incarnate
Apr 13, 2022
I am on two antidepressants for bipolar and one panic medicine and another mood stabiliser, they make me feel sleepy but I'm always tired but I feel I need to nap more on the meds. These medicines also do help me with keeping the thoughts down, and my anxiety at bay. Luckily these don't affect my weight like some can, some can ruin your sex drive but these haven't so far. I've been on some medicines that have ruined my memory, and have been on others that have done nothing for me. It all just kinda depends on what you talk to your doctor about when you express your concerns with any medicine they decide to give you.


Jan 22, 2024
i've been on about 5 antidepressants in my life that i can recall

of them,

one (celexa) made me intensely suicidal and sorta.. idk if panick-y is the right word but more like scared of myself and needed a friend to sit in a call with me a few nights because we were both worried i'd hurt myself. then one (venlafaxine) actually pushed me to impulsively attempt ctb because it made everything much worse (i tried to overdose on an ssri [i didn't know the likelihood of it failing and wasn't thinking clearly] and i still have occasional rare brain zaps to this day! not fun)

one (some antipsychotic i forgot the name. yes my dr prescribed me an antipsychotic for depression…) did nothing but made me gain weight, one (depakote) that i'm currently on makes me tired as hell all the time and maybe impacts my memory but gives me maybe less impulsive behaviors

finally, the only one that's somewhat helped from what i can tell - wellbutrin - kinda makes me feel a little more energetic sometimes and that is always nice, but it's counterbalanced by the complete tiredness that the mood stabilizer gives. overall it just kinda helps a bit

none of these are necessarily how anyone else would experience those meds, though. you'd have to find out personally what the meds would do for you

tldr meds are a very wild rollercoaster sometimes. if you wanna try them you have to understand that any given med might not work for you. my suggestion? keep a journal and keep track of your mood to see if you're getting better or worse, and if you're getting worse definitely tell whoever's prescribing you the meds. it's not worth staying on them because you're too out of energy to make an appt as it can become a downward spiral. i made that mistake and it cost me a hospital stay.


Jan 11, 2024
Depends on the medicine, there are so many.

I doubt there are any left on the market I have not tried.

They all need a couple of months to work, and need time to change between each. Recovery can be a long journey unless you get lucky first time.
Well I guess its not for me, there is no way I can deal with it all for months x) I aint staying alive for so long


Doesn't read PMs
May 20, 2021
Well I guess its not for me, there is no way I can deal with it all for months x) I aint staying alive for so long
Maybe speak to a doctor, things might be better now. I have been on a 25 year journey with ADs.


No chances to be happy - dead inside
Nov 25, 2021
I take mirtazapine and I feel like it helps a lot with energy/'motivation' but I also started taking it at the same time as several other life events so who knows. One for sure is they help with getting off to sleep, but make me sleep a lot and feel tired too.

I'm probably better off taking them. I ran out yesterday,, it was difficult to get to sleep. Anyway I recommend mirtazapine for C/PTSD, although it might be different for other people, since previous poster tried sertaline and trying mirtazapine too. Sertraline had a weird effect on me personally.


Jul 23, 2022
20 years to no avail.
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Jan 1, 2024
They can help some people a lot some people it makes their mental health worse. I've been on a lot and they haven't helped but if you are at the point of ctb it's worth trying and sometimes you have to try different ones to find what works for you


Apr 5, 2023
Hello guys,
So basically someone from this forum advised me to take antidepressants and told me that considering how suicidal i was, I wouldnt loose much by trying it and that it could keep me alive. Anyone here can describe what antidepresives do to you in detail? Does it help a lot? Feel free to vent too. ^-
So I have been on anti depressants for 5 years now.
I tried many different ones.

I had a lighter one at first but then I needed a more intense one? Sorry bad English.

I tried many different ones but had a bad reaction to all of them except for the one I am on to this day.
( bad reaction: I was shaking severely. I had no control over my jaw so my teeth were clapping as if I was outside in a snow storm. Some other things too but can't really remember)

What my meds do for me right now? They help me stabilize. My anxiety isn't as severe as it is without the meds. Probably would have Catched the bus a long time ago if I wasn't on meds .. however, whenever I hit rock bottom, the meds aren't helping at all.

There is gonna be a point when I hit rock bottom again and I will catch the bus. I have everything I need now and the meds won't help forever.

They're a good thing to help you but when your mind and body are ready for it , they won't do shit anymore.

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