Listen to the voice in your head
- May 2, 2024
- 121
Less than a year ago I lost my friend due to anorexia. I still suffer from it so to know exactly how she felt and it is heartbreaking. Im mad a the doctors who only kept her alive to create a higher medical bill. I'm mad no one could help her. And I feel shame for being angry with her. The thought'' Just eat, I could do it so can you'' '' why did you give up'' still haunts me. I am ashamed when Those thoughts come up because I know how hard it is and it is NOT that simple. But I think these things out of loss,out of pain. I still refuse to let her go. I'm not gonna mourn. She is in my heart and that's it. She is still here. I was not there when she was suffering, when she needed someone. I was not there. If only I knew, I would have been there. I know how it feels, what it does to you. I could have helped her....maybe?