

May 29, 2020
and people think i'm evil...
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Useless since day 1
Jan 3, 2020
this is suppose to be a safe and accepting place, away from a society that only looks down on us, while you treat some of the people that come here the exact same thing you are getting away from. whats disgusting is the hate and hypocrisy from some of the members here.
while i agree with you that villifying OP does not help his situation specifically the welfare of his cats, i would like to point out that its unfair to call some people in this thread hypocrites. yes we all come here looking for support. however there is a difference between putting an end to suffering by CTB and torturing an innocent animal. we need to draw a line in the sand at some point. how far should our compassion extend? should we forgive a member who shows remorse even though they raped a child? there must be limit to what SS can tolerate.

As a vegan and animal rights activist obviously I am disgusted by any form of animal use/abuse, exploitation etc. but my only hope here is that you commit to not doing something like that again. You said you feel deeply remorseful which is of course a good sign.

I also wonder how many on here attacking the OP are not vegan? And support various other forms of animal abuse, ie the animal agriculture industry, purchase products made from wool, leather etc., buy from brands that test on animals? Part of my work as an activist was to document and film what happens on farms and in slaughterhouses and the torture that goes on there is just as horrific, if not worse, than what the OP did, yet most of you probably eat animals.... (ight imma go run for cover)

Edit: OP please do not hit or spray the cats!! That's still abuse.

i hear where you coming from. i wish i can be vegan but I love meat too much.

sad arrested development GIF
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Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
I'm hoping this is a troll post, or the OP is from another country. So OP, what country are you in where they have such lack of animal welfare when something like this happens? And you say the streets are far more cruel than what you did has me thinking you live in India or China.

Secondly, the fact you won't see a therapist because it's GAY? As opposed to "unhelpful", really makes me believe you're trolling to get a rise out of us cause most of us on here are animal lovers.
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:Professional Hypocrite:
Nov 19, 2020
Spaying is expensive and the aftercare too, so that's outta the question.
A bit off topic but have you ever looked into free spay and neuter programs? That's how I got my cats neutered. Maybe you can encourage your mom to take them there? They're usually near public animal bite centers and colleges that offer vet courses. It might help a bit?
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Do what's best for you šŸ•Æļø Sometimes I'm stressed
Jul 1, 2020
while i agree with you that villifying OP does not help his situation specifically the welfare of his cats, i would like to point out that its unfair to call some people in this thread hypocrites. yes we all come here looking for support. however there is a difference between putting an end to suffering by CTB and torturing an innocent animal. we need to draw a line in the sand at some point. how far should our compassion extend? should we forgive a member who shows remorse even though they raped a child? there must be limit to what SS can tolerate.
i speak in general not just here.
also i ask, are they really seriously willing to change and never do it again?

i dont know if you know or if you remember if you do but, there was someone on here claiming just that only they had never done anything and already felt bad enough about it as is for just feeling that way, something that was out of his control and yet still he controlled it. and the people here ran him off just for feeling that way.

i still stand by that this should be a safe place for all as long as one truly means well
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Awkward & weird
Jul 5, 2020
I'm not going to some pencil neck therapist just for some useless advice, that's super gay

I can barely walk let alone do sports, lots of back injuries
Ok, I understand. It's only suggestions.
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Nov 27, 2018
My dad used to beat the shit out of my dog but I was too cowardly to intervene, I hate myself and him, he never once apologised or owned up for it, its whats making me want to ctb bcs I'm traumatised over witnessing what he did
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Apr 26, 2020
I have been wanting to share this story since reading this thread earlier today.

I had a parakeet and heard they liked hot climates. I put his cage in front of a wall heater with a blanket over it. I never heard him squawking or anything, or I would have went to see him sooner.

It was too hot for him and I killed him by doing that, and it still bothers me today because I know he must have suffered. I am really sorry for having done that to him :aw:

I feel like a bad person now because I remember two other times now too. :aw:
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Nov 26, 2020
The short of it is that I severely tortured a cat some years ago. Only later did I regret what I did.
I cry a lot over it, I haven't cried in 13 years before this.

I just want redemption. A clear conscience and good health would mean the world to me now. Life is just unbearable otherwise.
Do you think it's driven you to suicide?
Deleted member 17949

Deleted member 17949

May 9, 2020
Well as gross as it is I have to say you're far from unique or especially deranged. My nan's boyfriend cut a cat's tail off when he was little for fun. Not everyone grows up with the intense respect for animals that's generally common now (especially common online) and animals are sadly the target for a lot of people's stray emotions. There's not much to say on the matter, you know the mistake you've made, learn from it and don't do anything like this again.
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Apr 26, 2020
Well as gross as it is I have to say you're far from unique or especially deranged. My nan's boyfriend cut a cat's tail off when he was little for fun. Not everyone grows up with the intense respect for animals that's generally common now (especially common online) and animals are sadly the target for a lot of people's stray emotions. There's not much to say on the matter, you know the mistake you've made, learn from it and don't do anything like this again.
Oh my Fuxking GOD! FUCK ALL OF THIS SHIT FOR REAL!! Oh My Fucking GOD! It is too much, but for some reason want to delve more deeeeeeeeeply!!
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Pronounced dead
Jan 14, 2021
Do you think it's driven you to suicide?
I'd like to think so, but failing health and a messed up back is the only reason

It was a heavy bag of cat food which ruined my back tho, karma and all.
Maybe torturing her caused this punishment, so yeah in a way I'm suicidal cuz of torturing her


That's the hell I live with
Apr 19, 2018
This is a trainwreck.
Not sure if this guy is a troll, his only other thread is about diabetes, and in that thread he said that he caused it by sunbathing?
That makes no sense, as sunbathing is not a cause of diabetes.
It is sort of an odd forum to troll about this subject matter if he is a troll.
But if this guy is for real, I have no words, and I know if I do start to get into a discussion about this, I am going to get very heated and while I would be defending animals, I would not want to say anything offensive and get banned.
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Somebody you used to know.
Oct 18, 2020
i can not believe some people. its the past, they cant change that. what matters is that they want to change it now. instead of reminding them of what they already know why not help them progress into the future so they dont do it again. im sure everyone has regrets theyd rather not be hounded about so why do you have to do it to them. kindness doesnt cost anything and can change a lot. by being mean youre only continuing the cycle and i speak in general not just here. if you seriously want the world to be a better place, if you seriously want shit like this to stop, then encourage it to stop not for them to just want to kill themselves, thats nothing more then a good way to prove that we encourage death. making hurtful comments that could push someone over the edge is nothing more then that. you want a nice community, where you can be free to talk but ive noticed whenever someone comes in with something you dont agree with you become horrible people really quick, ditching everything that you yourself is looking for here. why should you have a safe place but not them? why do they have to put up with what you came here to escape when all they are trying to do the same thing? this is suppose to be a safe and accepting place, away from a society that only looks down on us, while you treat some of the people that come here the exact same thing you are getting away from. whats disgusting is the hate and hypocrisy from some of the members here.

(in case my last sentence didnt make it clear, im not talking about everyone so if this doesnt pertain to you then im not talking about you)
Why are you defending an animal abuser? From the other posts I've read this person is still hitting (abusing) the cats in the house. You're like those flying monkeys that narcissists are always surrounded by. That makes you just as bad as the offender (aiding and abetting.)
This is a trainwreck.
Not sure if this guy is a troll, his only other thread is about diabetes, and in that thread he said that he caused it by sunbathing?
That makes no sense, as sunbathing is not a cause of diabetes.
It is sort of an odd forum to troll about this subject matter if he is a troll.
But if this guy is for real, I have no words, and I know if I do start to get into a discussion about this, I am going to get very heated and while I would be defending animals, I would not want to say anything offensive and get banned.
I was wondering the same, whether he was trolling.
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Useless since day 1
Jan 3, 2020
why would someone troll about torturing cats? Ban if that's true
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Jun 10, 2020
Sounds like your mom is an animal hoarder. If you have an animal control hotlines or RSPCA then anonymously call them and tip them off and they will remove the animals... You have too many and I bet its disgusting in that house.
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Do what's best for you šŸ•Æļø Sometimes I'm stressed
Jul 1, 2020
Why are you defending an animal abuser? From the other posts I've read this person is still hitting (abusing) the cats in the house. You're like those flying monkeys that narcissists are always surrounded by. That makes you just as bad as the offender (aiding and abetting.)
1) thanks for proving my point with your comment.

2) do you even know what a narcissist is? Because it doesn't fit here.

3) I stand by what I said. Throwing hate at people doesn't fix anything and only makes problems worse and in some cases drives them to suicide.
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Nov 26, 2020
I'd like to think so, but failing health and a messed up back is the only reason
It sounds like it to me and your other health issues and coming from the mental issues from doing it. It's eating you up inside and making you sicker overtime.


Somebody you used to know.
Oct 18, 2020
1) thanks for proving my point with your comment.

2) do you even know what a narcissist is? Because it doesn't fit here.

3) I stand by what I said. Throwing hate at people doesn't fix anything and only makes problems worse and in some cases drives them to suicide.
And I stand by what I said.
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Do what's best for you šŸ•Æļø Sometimes I'm stressed
Jul 1, 2020
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There are many of us in one mind.
Nov 2, 2020
People constantly change, you're no longer that person anymore. Take baby steps but understand you are different now.
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Sep 11, 2020
First - Nobody should ever have 9 cats in one house. It can't be safe ,happy or healthy for the poor animals. I wish the proper authorities could check this out and remove them.
Sort it out !
(And there are , as you well know , other options than just throwing them out on to the street)

Second - What you did was despicable and horrible but if , if , you are truly sorry then maybe there is a little hope for you yet and I can only hope you now and for always appreciate animals for the beautiful creatures they are and treat them with kindness.
However , if you do ever hurt something again I really hope that somehow somewhere someone inflicts the same pain, suffering and fear on you because cruelty to animals is inexcusable and you would deserve all that you got.
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Nov 30, 2020
If you had of learned from what you did, felt shame and guilt and never harmed another animal, that would be one thing but it sounds like you still harm these animals.
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Sep 15, 2020
I sometimes wonder how people would feel if it was them in a situation like this. If it was them asking to be forgiven or just trying to get it off their chest in a "safe" place only to be ridiculed and told how horrible they are as if they didn't already realize this. Only being made to feel worse then they already do.

If you really want to help someone then you won't point out that what they've done is wrong if they already recognize it as such, instead you'd offer ways to help so it doesn't happen again, not make them feel horrible and in some cases to the point of inhuman.
ok you have a point @Life And Death. thanks for calling this out. i actually thought about what you said as i was crafting my initial response. i felt very conflicted and just heartbroken for the innocent poor little baby kitten. @soap i really hope that you have the resources and motivation to get the help that you need. also, please PLEASE make sure to distance yourself from any living things that you could hurt so that you don't harm them in any way. good luck on your path to forgiveness and healing.
If @soap had said he was remorseful for what they did to that poor cat and that was that, I'd have a small amount of sympathy for them, but to then go on to admit that they are still abusing the cats by spraying and hitting them, I'm appalled quite honestly.
hitting is a no. spraying w a little spray bottle (like the cheap plastic ones you get for $3 at target) is ok and many vets say this is the most gentle yet effective way for training. i'd never hit my cat. even when she slaps the shit out of me i apologize to her! lol.
It's argumentum ad hominem.

Ehhh man... it's a good thing you feel guilt at least. Sorry for harsh words but emotions took control over me. You mustn't do that! Cats are very sensitive to any form of abusement/strict discipline and you won't teach them anything this way. You're just teaching them that they should avoid you. There are other ways.
love you grungie!
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Apr 19, 2019
This is a forum with free speech and I have the right to express what I think. I am not gonna pretend OP didn't do anything bad and comfort them. What they have done is unforgivable. Reckless animal cruelty is something awful regardless of circumstances like abnormal childhood, bullying etc. There's not really a way to help OP. They simply shouldn't have any animals in the house.
i have to disagree with this in some points, nobody expects you to act like op didnt do anything bad, nobody thinks op didnt do anything bad, not even himself. i love animals and its almost impossible for me to show op sympathy but that doesnt make it right for me to say something to make him feel worse. and also a traumatic events can lead to such things, they literally change the way your brain is wired, not defending op here, i mean in general. so i hope op gets help bc theres obviously something wrong if he did it out of bordedom. only positive thing i can say is that he recognized his mistakes and i hope he will seek out for help to maybe find the roots of this behavior and change something
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Somebody you used to know.
Oct 18, 2020
so you dont care if you make people feel even more suicidal. good job
I don't care if animal abusers, rapists, pedophiles, serial killers etc. kill themselves. The world is better off without trash like them.

And the OP is a liar. He/she says that they feel remorseful about torturing the cat but then when you read later comments you learn that he/she is still abusing cats. People who are truly remorseful don't carry on with the offending behaviour, they immediately stop the behaviour because it makes them feel bad. Yet the OP is still carrying on with the abuse. Something isn't adding up here.

So zero sympathy from me for the OP.
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Always give 100% - unless youā€™re donating blood.
Sep 10, 2020
No one wants a single one, and shelters here are a joke

I've kicked like 8 of them outta the house if that makes you feel better. Mostly to have enough space for the new litter.

None of them want to leave.
This is abuse in itself!! How can you even think that you kicking "8 of them outta the house" would make anyone feel better?? To free up space for a new litter... a new litter that will be reproducing even more new litters within months because you and your family aren't responsible enough to get them spayed and neutered!! This is a total fiasco! Those poor cats :((((
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Sep 11, 2020
This is abuse in itself!! How can you even think that you kicking "8 of them outta the house" would make anyone feel better?? To free up space for a new litter... a new litter that will be reproducing even more new litters within months because you and your family aren't responsible enough to get them spayed and neutered!! This is a total fiasco! Those poor cats :((((

This is abuse in itself!! How can you even think that you kicking "8 of them outta the house" would make anyone feel better?? To free up space for a new litter... a new litter that will be reproducing even more new litters within months because you and your family aren't responsible enough to get them spayed and neutered!! This is a total fiasco! Those poor cats :((((
Exactly. Well said. It just makes me despair with people...
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Jan 4, 2021
In what a world are we living? I am so scared because of bad people like matter how much u are in pain Nothing Nothing gives u the right to do such horrible things. I am speachless and cryiing.
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Jan 17, 2021
I've had to deal with some crazy cat ladies/couples. Irresponsible people who "love animals" and get tons of them but don't know or bother to take care of them. Living with such people and their mismanaged animals against your will would be quite the psychological challenge. Maybe OP's family are like that.
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