Cbting 07/03/24, love you all.
- Aug 16, 2023
- 214
I'm so damn stupid, I bought Sn so many times thinking it would be safe to use at any moment I was ready to Ctb, when everything it could've done is to make me sick, for some reason I always assumed any grade of Sn would be fine if it was pure enough, I had never even wondered some grade of Sn could be practically useless for Ctb purposes spite being labeled with a very high purity percentage, all this time researching this method and now is when I come to realize this, I had always bought TECHNICAL grade, I can't believe anyone could be as fucking braindead as I am, I hope I'm still able to get Food grade Sn without any questions asked and die in no time, I can't bare to keep being this fucking piece of shit that I am, I am as unaware and clueless as if I had just created my fucking account, at least I'm able to differentiate between Sodium Nitrite from Sodium Nitrate but WHAT THE FUCK, I'm so done….