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Jane Doe

Jane Doe

Aug 19, 2018
I really hope this is true.

I have had nde and it's just as great as people have descriped. It's impossible to me to even try to describe the peace, love and serenity and how your senses are better and you are so much more than in earthly life. You know and understand everything and can do anything. That experience was more real than life on earth. I didn't get to experience as much as others (talk to God) but I believe those who did and have told that this life is a learning experience and everything was predestined to happen and we chose this life.
I remembered right away I'm going home and that this is me and that I have many loved oness there. I looked down the peace of meat, my body and doctors around it and it was actually like nothing to me. I had instantly left my feelings and intrest for earthly life. I was free. I looked my worrying loved ones and had one wish " that they knew that I'm in heaven, my real home and more happy anyone can be in earth, this was meant to happen and wished they could be happy for me" (it was my only thought about earthly life and after it I happily forgot the earth and enjoyed enormous love and being home). I had no saddness or worry for loved ones since there is only love, peace and happiness. It was just loving thought.
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Sep 30, 2018
It was so beautifull, peacefull, serene and filled with love and happiness that we can't ever imagine that. I also felt part of everything as if everything were connected with God's love. I could experience anything. For example I could feel how butterfly feels when it's flying in the sun and lands in flower and it's amazing. Anything. Being Human in earth feels like being a wingless bug in comparison regarding limits and how anyone can destroy you if they feel like it.

Some have managed to write about it very well in other places.

I was kid and knew nothing about dieing. How could I. There was no internet or books in kids (or other) section where I only went then where to read about nde's, surely no one ever talked about it to me and I was afraid to tell to anyone because they might think I'm grazy. Christianity says we stay in grave and are resurrected when Jesus comes again. No influence could come from there and we didn't have mandatory religion classes in that age in school and at home nobody talked about religion.

People remember very vividly every very good and bad experiences. Only that bad experiences get depressed which is good for ones health.

No matter if I was very happy in life or sick and unhappy. I have longed there every day of my life and feel that that is my home where I belong, not here. When I had happiest moments in this earthly life, even then I compared in my mind (sometimes I told to my friend/boyfriend) that it's little bit like death but that's like miljard times better.

French people have for ages compared good feeling in dieing to and orgasm. Orgasm= petit mort (little death).

I feel that God has left the door open to him. When people want to go home to him they can. But we all go there some day anyway.

Wow. Yes, that would be something to look forward to.
Sounds lovely.

Many, many accounts of people experiencing this.

Did it seem like a long time to you?

Could you see your body? Again many have said this

It did feel like a long time. There isn't time like in earth. And it felt kind of like waking up from a dream but this earthly life no matter how nice (I was always really happy and fortunate kid) felt like a nightmare after you wake up and remember how great everything is in your real life and how you don't have anything negative, bad people and limits in your real life, in my (and everyone's) real home.

I saw my body. I was up near the ceiling or more up (I didn't look up then) and looked at doctors working on my body. It was just a piece of meat. I had no feelings for it. If I knew they could fix it so I would be forced to go back to it I would have most likely been scared and wished they couldn't fix it.

I saw my father and brother who drove me there (it was accident) also in different room looking all distressed and sad. Then I hoped they knew I was happy and would understand that this is a good thing and meant to be and I hoped they could be happy for me. It was a loving thought, I smiled and moved on. But I didn't feel sad or sorry for them since there wasn't any suffering.
I just wished I could share the knowledge of this Godly love and wished everyone would know that this happens to all after we die and could be happy for deceased. In some cultures people celebrate for deceased getting to better place and are happy for them. I wanted that it would be how everyone saw death, I wished they could all know so they could be happy for dead (or moved on since there is no death) loved ones.

Then after what felt like really long time I just woke up in hospital bed spitting blood and feeling really angry and depressed to having to live in this earthly life for maybe a very long time. I hated the doctors who brought me back to this life. And I have hated and have been scared of hospitals all my life after that. Witch I just understood could have came from that experience.

I was never truelly content with this earthly life after it and didn't feel belonging and interested in material things. I had friends, I competed in sports and went to school but I no longer felt like I really belong to any group. I didn't care much how I look, about money, clothes and staff. I no longer cared what people thought about me so I got brave enough to stand out to stop mean kids bullying few other, shy kids and I started to be friends with them and so did my other friends after it. Because I didn't care if mean kids would trash me in front of everyone for it or try to bully me. They were nothing to me.

I always had friends, I loved many people, I loved animals and nature but I didn't just feel I didn't belong to groups of people but that I didn't belong to this earthly life. This wasn't my home, I knew it now and wanted to go back home.

I have lived between two worlds to say for decades after it.

I also believe that God has left the door open to him and that people die when they are destined to die. Some people say they had nde and was told it's not their time to die. Well of course it wasn't since they are alive. But when people die I believe it was their time to die.
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Sep 30, 2018
When I was a kid I spent summers in countryside where my grandparents lived. They had different farm animals. Cows for milk and pigs and sheeps for meat. I hugged and petted those pigs and sheep's and told them not to be scared because they will go to heaven then where it's much nicer than here. :)
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Sep 30, 2018
I think I was brought back so I could tell about afterlife to pigs and sheeps living their last month's in this earth. ;)

I did become more emphatetic too. I stopped eating meat. I also saw people who had hard life like homeless and badly handicapped as beautyfull as their soul is. Though I got used and abused badly after people saw I give anything for others.

I also saw angel one time after it. I have never had the experience of being half awake and half asleep which could be the case but I wasn't sleeping then and I don't believe it was sleep eyes open, sleep paralysis or what ever it's called.

It was after a lot of unjust harm had happened to me and I asked God to take care of me and save me. To take over. I got first so scared that I was sure I would get heartattack from it.

I believe that is the reason why most don't see them because it's not their time to die and they would get heartattack from being scared though there is nothing to be scared of. They are 100% love.

That felt also so real and reminded me of my real life and that this life is like a dream.

I didn't have any illnesses or medication, no drugs or alcohol and I have never ever seen anything that is not there, had vivid sleeps etc.
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Morbid Cam

Morbid Cam

Oct 28, 2018
I dont know if there is one but I really hope so, and I hope it's nothing like life here on earth (a terrible rat race), this life has sucked for me but I would like a chance at actually experiencing real happiness and peace without all of the pressure and stress of this evil world, and I would like the same for others who had to suffer so much in this world (including animals) it would be nice if there was also the option to not exist for those who dont want to anymore.
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Sep 30, 2018
I believe you can have rest or what you want and need in afterlife. I mean I'm sure you don't have to bath in bright life even if it felt good but can sleep in black secure, peacefull, lovely place and bed as long as you wish there.

There are so many who have had nde's. Also those who have been totally blind since birth have seen and previously atheist doctors and hospital personnel's have made tests to prove it. They have for example put pictures and words on top of selves in ER room where they take care of seizures and only way to read and see them would be to be near the ceiling. And those whose soul rised could see and read them. People have said what doctors and nurses did, said, where they went and what the machines read after their heart stopped. When something exceptional happened or someone said something unusual then it's nothing one could make up.
There is about 2-3h document about nde's which tells about the tests and everything. I recommend it to all to see. I will see if it's in YouTube. I can't remember where I watched it years ago.

I wish that it could be tested so that for example someone willing who have only days to live would get meds so they feel no pain (there is other meds than anesthesia so that when alive you are awake and see and hear everything but don't feel any pain) and their heart would be stopped or other method used so that they are clinically dead. Then they wait little time and resurrect them back to life. Then the patient can tell what happened.

I would volunteer for it if it was possible. Of course it wouldn't be legally possible. I wonder if anyone with right equipments have ever done it.
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Nov 24, 2018
One depressing theory is that every time someone dies an "unatural" death, they're shifted into a parallel universe where they only suffered injuries and not death, but in the previous universe they did die.
This is terrifying!
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dead and gone
Nov 6, 2018
I've always considered myself to be an Atheist. I'd love for there to be a heaven but it doesn't seem plausible in my mind. Reincarnation has also been something I've thought about but again doesn't seem plausible to me. I believe when you die it's like when you pass out asleep. No dreams just nothing.
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Nov 25, 2018
I believe in the abrahamic god, but not in heaven or hell currently. This life is dream we are all dreaming together. I have had many experiences supporting my theory, glitches, mandela effects, dreams that happen, etc. There is not much reason for this dream i think, maybe what happens in the dream wont happen in real life? I hope so.
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Sep 30, 2018
I believe in the abrahamic god, but not in heaven or hell currently. This life is dream we are all dreaming together. I have had many experiences supporting my theory, glitches, mandela effects, dreams that happen, etc. There is not much reason for this dream i think, maybe what happens in the dream wont happen in real life? I hope so.

I feel the same way. In my nde that's how it felt like waking up from a dream.
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