If I had one iota of a clue what it is you are talking about, I might be able to comment, but as I have absolutely no idea, not much I can say is there.
Apart from "Fairly biased" is a oxymoron of the purest kind.
Borderline death experiences - NDEs are like
most real for the person who experiences it.
Nevertheless, none of these people died, all of them
relationships come from living people. This applies to different ones
states of consciousness, something similar to sleep.
The point is that consciousness appears in man already
in the fetal period (from the 7th month - the brain and senses are
developed, it enables feeling but also remembering).
What you described about your experience:
"The darkness was absolute and yet not. There was a "shimmer" for want of a better term. It was warm, welcoming and it felt like I was a part of something so vast, I cannot find the correct words or phrases to even begin to describe it accurately. I was never aware of anyone else in the sense that we understand, but I "felt" a belonging. It was also a very seductive sensation. Something I dont fear to experience again. It could be total crap, a trick of my subconscious, a way of dealing with death. I have no answers to any of it, just these lingering sensations that are not dulling with the passage of time. That was 3 years ago now and nothing I have "experienced" before or since has convinced me I was incorrect in the assumptions I am trying to make. Nothingness with a vast amount of everything is about as close as I can get."
- thinking rationally concerns your memories of the period
before birth and there is nothing in it
unusual. There is no proof of existence
consciousness after death. When the oxygen supply is cut off
blood to the brain, the brain is still functioning for about 4-5 minutes.