

Mar 5, 2022
As much as I want to die, I'm afraid of the emptiness that would come with it. I just want an afterlife where everyone can find peace and, if possible, get a chance to redo life if wanted. I want to feel the pure happiness of being a kid again.
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Jul 7, 2021
As much as I want to die, I'm afraid of the emptiness that would come with it. I just want an afterlife where everyone can find peace and, if possible, get a chance to redo life if wanted. I want to feel the pure happiness of being a kid again.
emptiness is not bad if you are not human. It could feel quite natural and peaceful. It would also not be in time and you would not be bored. I think It is second best thing to eternal bliss.


Mar 11, 2022
I've never been much of a spiritual person, although i do love reading up on mythology and cultural history in general. I strongly believe there's nothing to be afraid of after death, because there won't be a me anymore to experience anything.
But you can never be too sure i guess. One day Shiva might descend from the heavens, or some weird goop thing that only some small fringe community somewhere believes in. Perhaps there is a god, but he's nothing like what any of us would have ever imagined him to be.
Same thing with the afterlife. I hope there isn't one though.


Dec 13, 2021
Has anyone here astral projected or had an out of body experience? That's probably the best way to at least answer some of these questions.


Mining for copium in the weirdest places.
Jan 15, 2022
This is the second worst thing to hell

Quantum Immortality:
Some people think that when something happens, new versions of reality are made, one for each possible outcome of the thing happening. For example, you flip a coin. In one universe, the coin comes up heads. In another universe it comes up tails. Now say you decide to kill yourself. You get a gun and point it at your head and pull the trigger. In one universe, it goes off and you die. In another, the gun jams and you live. Since the only universe you are alive in is the one where you live, you experience that universe. Therefore, according to you, you do not die. This happens every time you have a chance of dying. According to you, you can never die.
The problem with this is aging, which eventually should make all timelines converge into death all the same.
Has anyone here astral projected or had an out of body experience? That's probably the best way to at least answer some of these questions.
No, but I have seen a poltergeist slamming doors in front of me. It was terrifying but it saved me from being a materialist. Now I'm just vaguely mystic and agnostic. I know life isn't what Richard Dawkins pretends it to be but I couldn't really present a case on what I think it is.

EDIT: To elaborate on scientific materialism, I don't deny it, I just ADD to it. Evolution is real and scientific materialism can explain life to a great extent, but it's just the mechanical aspect of organisms, not the whole picture, and it needlessly snubs paranormal activity and metaphysics.
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Meowing to go out
Dec 27, 2020
The problem with this is aging, which eventually should make all timelines converge into death all the same.
Sounds like that theory is based on the many-worlds interpretation of quantum physics. The bigger problem is defining what is 'you' if there are many 'yous' in different locations of a multiverse, yet you are only ever conscious of one.

...not the whole picture, and it needlessly snubs paranormal activity and metaphysics.
Yes, it's effectively another religion trying to shut out anything that disrupts its world-view at that point. Though there are exceptions outside of the mainstream conflation of science and atheism.

Your poltergeist experience sounds really interesting BTW!
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Mining for copium in the weirdest places.
Jan 15, 2022
Your poltergeist experience sounds really interesting BTW!
Yeah, it was. I will put in a thread or here in a detailed manner sometime. It's even more compelling since I saw it alongside with two people that never had schizotypal symptoms such as myself, so dismissing it as psychosis is hard. And if it was group psychosis I have never experienced anything like that, it induced severe hallucinations. But I don't think it was.
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Mar 5, 2022
Do you guys think science will ever find a way to determine what happens to someone after death? I know scientific research will inevitably have its limits, but who knows if our technology gets good enough to find out what happens after we've flipped our hypothetical switch?


Feb 4, 2022
Do you guys think science will ever find a way to determine what happens to someone after death? I know scientific research will inevitably have its limits, but who knows if our technology gets good enough to find out what happens after we've flipped our hypothetical switch?

The issue is politics in most universities. It's really not conducive to a successful academic career to study the paranormal.

The academics who have studied it were usually independent doctors, or those retired and happily out of the tenure system.

There's been a number of prominent academics who have researched reincarnation using scientific empirical research. The two that immediately spring to mind are Dr. Ian Stevenson and Dr. Brian Weiss. Here's an interesting video with British neuropsychiatrist Dr. Peter Fenwick...

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Mar 5, 2022
The issue is politics in most universities. It's really not conducive to a successful academic career to study the paranormal.

The academics who have studied it were usually independent doctors, or those retired and happily out of the tenure system.

There's been a number of prominent academics who have researched reincarnation using scientific empirical research. The two that immediately spring to mind are Dr. Ian Stevenson and Dr. Brian Weiss. Here's an interesting video with British neuropsychiatrist Dr. Peter Fenwick...

Sound answer. Video looks pretty interesting, thank you for linking it!
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Feb 6, 2022
Honestly I just hope to God there isn't an afterlife or reincarnation. Nothingness sounds a lot better
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Mar 26, 2022
The Afterlife is either the Farplane or the Lifestream.
We die and we turn into pyrefiles, our memories can conjure up and they can visit us in the Farplane, just cut through Guadosalam.

"Memories are nice, but that's all they are."

Or the Lifestream. When we die we all return to the planet. Our memories will stay within the lifestream and the Maiden who travels the Planet will give us in the lifestream solace and ability to let go of anything still held on.

Then we realize we're just in a state of equilibrium, stasis, of nothingness.

Death is a mystery until you receive it. That's only the truth thus far.
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life is beautiful but not for everyone
Apr 17, 2022
my greatest fear would be an afterlife where i still got the memories of my current life. I just want to forget everything what happened. For myself i hope for reincarnation in a healthy body, for a new chance to be a better human without memories of the disaster im living right now. At the end i hope everyones expectations of after life will be true, i hope our soul gets what ever we are searching for even when everyones goal is different but also when i hear myself right now it sounds to easy.. and i guess it isn't. i hope we all get peace


Apr 19, 2022
I hope that after death, we get to choose to redo life.


Apr 19, 2022
I hope the afterlife is the athiests afterlife, aka nothingness.
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Apr 21, 2022
Honestly, if afterlife was that Stereotypical "perfect city in the clouds" hollywood bs, i think i would get bored of that in a weeks amount of time


Apr 22, 2022
I'm concerned about Eternal Return more than anything.
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Apr 23, 2022
Being raised in a moderately Christian household (church once a week, prayers before dinner, but not born again), I was always taught that Heaven was eternal. This honestly terrified me, as, being the overthinker that I was, I realized that it eternity was such a huge concept and left no hope of escape- it was almost Lovecraftian in the horror it inspired.
Losing my faith in middle school alleviated these fears, and I accepted death as complete cessation of thought. It felt far enough away that I wasn't really worried though; it had about as much relevance as planning for a 401k. Now that I'm approaching the end of my life, though, the thoughts are coming back... and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little scared. Intellectually, I'm almost certain I have nothing to be afraid of, since it's the complete absence of any sensation, but well... it kind of hits a similar note to the idea of eternal existence. I simply can't hope to comprehend it.
I suppose I wish that there was an afterlife where I could live out my greatest fantasies from life before leaving for good (as I've seen in some fiction)- getting to see the universe, sleep with my crushes, fly, etc. But it's pretty clear that I don't have that option. And so, faced between eternal existence and eternal nonexistence, I'll pick the latter. It's a more merciful choice than many in real life.


Aug 5, 2019
Being raised in a moderately Christian household (church once a week, prayers before dinner, but not born again), I was always taught that Heaven was eternal. This honestly terrified me, as, being the overthinker that I was, I realized that it eternity was such a huge concept and left no hope of escape- it was almost Lovecraftian in the horror it inspired.
Losing my faith in middle school alleviated these fears, and I accepted death as complete cessation of thought. It felt far enough away that I wasn't really worried though; it had about as much relevance as planning for a 401k. Now that I'm approaching the end of my life, though, the thoughts are coming back... and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little scared. Intellectually, I'm almost certain I have nothing to be afraid of, since it's the complete absence of any sensation, but well... it kind of hits a similar note to the idea of eternal existence. I simply can't hope to comprehend it.
I suppose I wish that there was an afterlife where I could live out my greatest fantasies from life before leaving for good (as I've seen in some fiction)- getting to see the universe, sleep with my crushes, fly, etc. But it's pretty clear that I don't have that option. And so, faced between eternal existence and eternal nonexistence, I'll pick the latter. It's a more merciful choice than many in real life.

I wanted to write you in private but i couldnt.. Maybe its because i haven't used my account for more than two years.. I dont know

About your message, I think the doubt that you have in your mind, your uncertainty, is something you should explore. If you plan on ending your life you should clear out all doubts first and really think this one through.

Have you tried to pray lately ? Ask God if he existed, if he could give you a sign for example ?

I wanted to end it too, I was really conviced that there was no God, and i had my SN ready.. But in 2020 I prayed, and he revealed to me that he existed. I was really shocked, sick for a week and cried for weeks.. I dont feel comfortable to write this in the open, i dont want the admin to ban me for proselytism.. And share my life on the internet but i felt the need to message you.

If one really wants to end it, they should first pray really hard. At least they could tell God that they tried to search for him first..

Feel free to message me If you want to talk.
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Dec 12, 2021
I think the nde stories are interesting. Also how different tradition and religions speak of afterlife and reincarnation.

The concept of Amitabha's pureland Sukhavati spesks to me. Although they say theres countless purelands like Jesus' heaven where one could go after leaving this life.
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May 10, 2022
Hello, for the first time after intro, I want to ask the members what kind of afterlife do they wish to find, and their least appealing one, if not the scariest one of them all, the latter part of the question interests me more to be frank, knowing what scares people the most fascinates me.

Feel free to make to make it a thread on its own, or a poll including the best replies.

To start things, I became convinced there is no personhood in death, that we will all be disintegrated in the abyss, although I do wish and naively may I add, that souls can have a second chance at life in a different setting, a propitious setting for enlightenment and coming in terms with previous life, which doesn't involve the material hinderance that is the root of all conflict in my opinion, something worthy of being called heaven.

As for my deepest fear concerning, it's quite simple, having to be sucked in a vortex of souls with no exit, just an eternal communal trial devoid of judgment or relaxation, an endless human laundry full of shame and sufferance where only those who never sinned if such thing is possible can be exempt, this is my vision of hell.
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Jun 5, 2022
Have you ever experienced a dream that felt like it went on for a longer than the duration of your sleep?
I think the afterlife is just that when you lose consciousness at the end, you start to dream and never wake up.
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Jun 3, 2022
my greatest fear would be an afterlife where i still got the memories of my current life. I just want to forget everything what happened. For myself i hope for reincarnation in a healthy body, for a new chance to be a better human without memories of the disaster im living right now. At the end i hope everyones expectations of after life will be true, i hope our soul gets what ever we are searching for even when everyones goal is different but also when i hear myself right now it sounds to easy.. and i guess it isn't. i hope we all get peace
I think lingering memory is very likely if reincarnation is true. There are stories of young children with memory of past lives. Some children also seem to do everything right, know their goals and everything from the very beginning ahead of their peers.

But it seems to disappear very soon. Maybe it's a way past lives can inform their future incarnation for a brief period of time to set their personality, give them a head start and so not make the same mistakes again. It may take many generations doing all the right/wrong things to move up/down the many-level heaven/hell structure.

That sounds very tiring. Complete annihilation sounds much better. But the closer I approach death the more I fear death is not an end, not even a drastic change, maybe a new body, but still reappearing in the same caste, family or society.
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Deleted member 847

I wanted the afterlife to be real. I watched new age videos and all of that stuff, hoping there was some truth to those anecdotes.
I think at the end of the day it was just a selfish desire. I didn't care about the truth.

Life is a useless stream of consciousness that happens in organisms
that play a zero sum game with each other, that means they have to steal energy from each other or their environment to survive.
That's why wars will never end. Going to war is the whole point of the game. You're a selfish bastard that wants to take from others.
You want to be the one rich and happy, not your competitors (Every single living being that breathes that isn't you
and has the same desires that you have towards finite resources).
It's all just scheming and exploitation. That's what life is. In nature and in the human world.
There's literally no function to life, it's just a copying machine. The mind and the stream of consciousness are just part of the strategy to outsmart your competition and make more copies than them. Why would there be an afterlife to this. What the hell would a t rex do in an afterlife?
What would a mice be doing in an afterlife? I'm confident when I tell you that I think my life is useless, the trex is too stupid
and useless to deserve an afterlife. It just gets horny and eats things. But so am I. I just get horny, watch youtube videos, and eat things. And I do other things that I don't like just to survive. If I could get away with being a useless sack of shit that parasites on the labor of others, like
some rich kids that inherit money from their parents, or have sold a good book once and they've made millions of euros/dollars, then I'd do that instead.

And you can see that being played in society too, it's not just lions eating giraffes on national geographic.
Human wars are just humans barking at each other for oil, gold, land etc. just like dogs bark at each other when they're fighting over food or territory.
A guy chasing a girl because he thinks she's pretty and he wants her in his life (what he really thinks is that she'd be a nice s3x toy to own, to satisfy his reproductive desires and desires to be nurtured) is
the same evil disgusting shit that I see on television when a lion is eating a giraffe. I can see through the bullshit.
And women do the same thing. I don't think women give a flying duck about their husbands or boyfriends. They're just using them for
some economical gain. Whether it's protection, status, money or they just make good jokes that no one else does (they got addicted
to that person's personality, that's the economical gain, feeling good chemicals in the brain).
Society only tolerates your existence on their land because they need workers. If they had robots that could work for them for free, in other
words if they were able to be their own doctors, their own construction workers, if they didn't need YOU to do those things, then
they would just kill every one and keep all the land to themselves. Why would they keep us alive if we were useless to them economically?
"please don't kill me I have feelings. Give me some of that money and land to survive" I don't think that would work lol.
When I watch some "alien vs human tv series/movies" sometimes they show human beings and aliens cooperating.
It doesn't make any sense. Just kill all the humans with some mosquito sized drones and take the planet for yourself.
There was this stupid show that I don't remember the name of, where the aliens allied themselves with human beings,
to help them fight some other evil aliens that invaded Earth. These aliens basically do all the work, liberate the planet, and then they leave afterwards, or they stay, but human beings are still in charge, instead of being put in a zoo where they belong.
What the fuck is that. You do all of that work and you don't even take over the planet. It's full of minerals and it's got a nice star
that you can use for energy. You're even prettier than these human beings. These human beings think having pubes on their face is a good idea.

I'm talking about a futuristic society where robots can even clean the toilets for you perfectly.
The rational choice for the owners of these robots would be to kill us all, the useless masses, if they really couldn't find any use for us anymore.
We'd just be leeches to them otherwise.

Even if there was an afterlife, and it was heaven, not the christian one where you play a harp on a cloud, I mean
something like a personalized world where you can get whatever you want. One where you can live forever, without ever
feeling pain, and having all of your desires satisfied all the time, it would still be hopeless.
You wouldn't go anywhere. I just can't bring myself to believe that that condition would
be so much better than nothingness. You'd just be a drug addict that can never die. A Sisyphus that must eat ice cream forever instead of rolling boulders up hills forever. Getting his daily dose of heroine for eternity. Being a needy prick for eternity, because that's what you are, if you are a living being. You're a "me want stuff" mind voice. If you were god and you lived forever in utopia oasis, you'd still be that, just smarter. A prick that has better toys than the other pricks.
It's all just meaningless and useless. You're just a parasite. Something that needs to feed on something (whether what you're feeding on is food to survive, or other targets that give you pleasure).

We're just patterns that emerged from the chaos of the void. There is no greater purpose to any of this. THIS IS A MADHOUSE.
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Mar 25, 2019
I have the fuckin fear that, if I CTB, then I will be punished by reliving everything I experienced till this day, for not giving to life the right value.
I don't know why I have this weird feeling, maybe because I'm plagued by everything and so I think I'll be tormented even for choosing the easy way... Maybe I have to suffer for some reason...
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Deleted member 31858

I have the fuckin fear that, if I CTB, then I will be punished by reliving everything I experienced till this day, for not giving to life the right value.
I don't know why I have this weird feeling, maybe because I'm plagued by everything and so I think I'll be tormented even for choosing the easy way... Maybe I have to suffer for some reason...
Same :(
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