I wanted the afterlife to be real. I watched new age videos and all of that stuff, hoping there was some truth to those anecdotes.
I think at the end of the day it was just a selfish desire. I didn't care about the truth.
Life is a useless stream of consciousness that happens in organisms
that play a zero sum game with each other, that means they have to steal energy from each other or their environment to survive.
That's why wars will never end. Going to war is the whole point of the game. You're a selfish bastard that wants to take from others.
You want to be the one rich and happy, not your competitors (Every single living being that breathes that isn't you
and has the same desires that you have towards finite resources).
It's all just scheming and exploitation. That's what life is. In nature and in the human world.
There's literally no function to life, it's just a copying machine. The mind and the stream of consciousness are just part of the strategy to outsmart your competition and make more copies than them. Why would there be an afterlife to this. What the hell would a t rex do in an afterlife?
What would a mice be doing in an afterlife? I'm confident when I tell you that I think my life is useless, the trex is too stupid
and useless to deserve an afterlife. It just gets horny and eats things. But so am I. I just get horny, watch youtube videos, and eat things. And I do other things that I don't like just to survive. If I could get away with being a useless sack of shit that parasites on the labor of others, like
some rich kids that inherit money from their parents, or have sold a good book once and they've made millions of euros/dollars, then I'd do that instead.
And you can see that being played in society too, it's not just lions eating giraffes on national geographic.
Human wars are just humans barking at each other for oil, gold, land etc. just like dogs bark at each other when they're fighting over food or territory.
A guy chasing a girl because he thinks she's pretty and he wants her in his life (what he really thinks is that she'd be a nice s3x toy to own, to satisfy his reproductive desires and desires to be nurtured) is
the same evil disgusting shit that I see on television when a lion is eating a giraffe. I can see through the bullshit.
And women do the same thing. I don't think women give a flying duck about their husbands or boyfriends. They're just using them for
some economical gain. Whether it's protection, status, money or they just make good jokes that no one else does (they got addicted
to that person's personality, that's the economical gain, feeling good chemicals in the brain).
Society only tolerates your existence on their land because they need workers. If they had robots that could work for them for free, in other
words if they were able to be their own doctors, their own construction workers, if they didn't need YOU to do those things, then
they would just kill every one and keep all the land to themselves. Why would they keep us alive if we were useless to them economically?
"please don't kill me I have feelings. Give me some of that money and land to survive" I don't think that would work lol.
When I watch some "alien vs human tv series/movies" sometimes they show human beings and aliens cooperating.
It doesn't make any sense. Just kill all the humans with some mosquito sized drones and take the planet for yourself.
There was this stupid show that I don't remember the name of, where the aliens allied themselves with human beings,
to help them fight some other evil aliens that invaded Earth. These aliens basically do all the work, liberate the planet, and then they leave afterwards, or they stay, but human beings are still in charge, instead of being put in a zoo where they belong.
What the fuck is that. You do all of that work and you don't even take over the planet. It's full of minerals and it's got a nice star
that you can use for energy. You're even prettier than these human beings. These human beings think having pubes on their face is a good idea.
I'm talking about a futuristic society where robots can even clean the toilets for you perfectly.
The rational choice for the owners of these robots would be to kill us all, the useless masses, if they really couldn't find any use for us anymore.
We'd just be leeches to them otherwise.
Even if there was an afterlife, and it was heaven, not the christian one where you play a harp on a cloud, I mean
something like a personalized world where you can get whatever you want. One where you can live forever, without ever
feeling pain, and having all of your desires satisfied all the time, it would still be hopeless.
You wouldn't go anywhere. I just can't bring myself to believe that that condition would
be so much better than nothingness. You'd just be a drug addict that can never die. A Sisyphus that must eat ice cream forever instead of rolling boulders up hills forever. Getting his daily dose of heroine for eternity. Being a needy prick for eternity, because that's what you are, if you are a living being. You're a "me want stuff" mind voice. If you were god and you lived forever in utopia oasis, you'd still be that, just smarter. A prick that has better toys than the other pricks.
It's all just meaningless and useless. You're just a parasite. Something that needs to feed on something (whether what you're feeding on is food to survive, or other targets that give you pleasure).
We're just patterns that emerged from the chaos of the void. There is no greater purpose to any of this. THIS IS A MADHOUSE.