
Born deformed
Dec 28, 2019
We won't know if there is an afterlife or isn't until we CTB. If there is an afterlife, what would it be like? Do the standards of what qualifies you to go to heaven or hell change? Is there a purgatory? Do we walk around on Earth and interact with things like in the Sixth Sense? There are millions of ideas on what the afterlife could look like, but we just don't know.

We can go on and on about science proving that there is or isn't an afterlife, but science isn't 100% accurate. There could be nothing when we CTB. We could pass out, see a vision of someone, and go to the light where it ends with nothing. Scary? Yes. I hope there isn't nothing, but can I complain about it when I have no more thoughts? No. I can't.

When we die do we reincarnate to be born as a baby from some other place in time and location? We just don't know.

The selfish part of me wants to believe that once we die, we will be judged based on the actions we've done to see if we go to heaven or hell. Be good? Wonderful afterlife with everything you could possibly want. Reincarnation? You can go back down to Earth to try again. Want to sleep eternally? You can have that as well. Anything you can imagine, you can have as long as it makes you happy.

Be evil? Misery and torture awaits you.

At the end of the day, there is only one way we can find the answer.
I always find the theory on reincarnation a bit weird because there wasnt life before the big bang so from where did we come? Also there wont always be life because after the expansion of the universe life on every planet would end so where do we reincarnate to its very intresting to think about
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Freedom Believer

Freedom Believer

Forever alone.
Dec 23, 2019
I always find the theory on reincarnation a bit weird because there wasnt life before the big bang so from where did we come? Also there wont always be life because after the expansion of the universe life on every planet would end so where do we reincarnate to its very intresting to think about
Yeah, I mean I wouldn't want to reincarnate, but some things will be beyond my control. But if I have a choice to reincarnate, I would rather stay in the afterlife.
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Born deformed
Dec 28, 2019
Yeah, I mean I wouldn't want to reincarnate, but some things will be beyond my control. But if I have a choice to reincarnate, I would rather stay in the afterlife.
i just hope if there is an afterlife we dont look like in our physical body's i want people to look at who i am on the inside and not the outside.
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gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha
Apr 12, 2019
Only one way to find out.

I don't know about that. Different things might happen to different people, and/or someone already knows exactly what happens - but I can't tell which one is right. It's rather hilarious if I think about it long enough. 8]
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Dec 10, 2019
It'll make my brain explode if I think about it too long. Maybe that should be a new CTB method.
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Dec 26, 2019
Be evil? Misery and torture awaits you

This line made me think what if at the 'passage' the person would just be made to see the opposite of the views they held beforehand, keeping the old views as well, and that was it.. No further addition to make them uncomfortable anyhow.

A sudden broadening of awareness and awakening of compassion in a formerly desensitized person would bring a guilt and a shame and a misery that no hell could match. I would readily forgive anybody who tortured me no matter how long, if I were to find out they're in this shift of awareness, as such an absolute torture of the identity looks to me like the ultimate redemption. It doesn't have to be infinite, a couple of months of this and one's pillars of evilness are broken. An evilness broken into compassion values more in my eyes than a goodness never pushed enough to become evil, as such a goodness looks suspiciously circumstantial to me.
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Oct 3, 2019
The afterlife is already in procession. Our essence IS and WILL ALWAYS BE. Perhaps the only noticeable difference is the detachment of this highly restrictive "meat suit" (AKA Body) in the darkness that follows.

I have greatly longed to be freed from the confines of this physical living and breathing corpse.
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Let it go. This to shall pass.
Jan 6, 2020
The first law of thermodynamics, also known as Law of Conservation of Energy, states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed; energy can only be transferred or changed from one form to another.


Let it go. This to shall pass.
Jan 6, 2020
The afterlife is already in procession. Our essence IS and WILL ALWAYS BE. Perhaps the only noticeable difference is the detachment of this highly restrictive "meat suit" (AKA Body) in the darkness that follows.

I have greatly longed to be freed from the confines of this physical living and breathing corpse.
Amen brother.


Jan 4, 2020
I hope i reincarnate but I'd rather not come back if i were to be a male. I only want to be a female. Otherwise I'd rather not come back.


antinatalist specialist
Jun 29, 2019
I'm not particularly a religious person, as I was not brought up with parents that strongly believed in it. As far as I'm aware, one was atheist and one is Pagan. I loosely adopted some of the Pagan religion for a while, but eventually slipped back into the "unknown" territory (agnostic, you could say). It was during this phase that I posted more frequently in places about topics like this, and I was linked this video by a friend.
It delves into a mix of both the afterlife and a little bit of religion, stating that everyone on Earth is the same person (you) and that once you die, you are reincarnated as a random person at a random point in time. I don't want to spoil too much, as the video itself is way more interesting to watch.
For me personally, I like to believe in this theory partly, still keeping the thought of everyone else being their own self as it makes me feel less...narcissistic in a way? I don't exactly like the thought of going around thinking "I'm so cool because I was/am a famous person".

But yes, that is my (current) view on things, and when I inevitably CTB, I will be intrigued to find out the real truth as I am still quite open-minded.

(P.S. I love the song they used for this video, it evokes so much more emotion while watching. :heart:)


Apr 24, 2019
If there is an afterlife I will probably feel more "alive" there than I ever felt in my entire time here.
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Jan 6, 2020
I don't believe in an afterlife. Afterlife seems like a way to be immortal and stay the exact same person but dead. At the same time I wouldn't call myself an atheist. Atheists are similar to religious people but they're a lot less scary because they all think they know what death is. I feel like people should stop pretending they know death. No proof that there's an afterlife but there's no proof that once we're dead then that's it for us. All of those explanations are based off of mostly faith.

Everyone of us were pulled out of nothingness or some void into our human body. So if that's the case then how come that can't happen again? More beings born is because more energy is being pulled and placed into humans, animals and etc. That energy is being converted into consciousness.

I feel like reincarnation is a possibility but not in the way we think of it. I do believe that we return to the void when we die but it's so sudden that we don't even realize it. In a way it's similar to heaven because we are nothing and have nothing to worry about. We didn't even exist for billions of years so there's really nothing to fear except the pain of death.

I feel like for death we will have to let go of our egos and accept the fact that when we die we will no longer be who we are now. When we were born we accepted the fact that this is who were are but death shows that we have to let go of the identity we got used to.
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Freedom Believer

Freedom Believer

Forever alone.
Dec 23, 2019
If there is no afterlife, what would 'nothing' be like? Would it be like sleeping except without the dreams and waking up?
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Dec 22, 2019
If there is no afterlife, what would 'nothing' be like? Would it be like sleeping except without the dreams and waking up?
It'd be like before you were born/conceived/etc. You can't perceive something when there is no you to perceive it.


Jun 27, 2019
Eternal nothingness or a dmt trip until we all reincarnated. Doesnt matter, gonna ctb anyways. Or alternatively Islam is right and we all go to hell have our skins burnt off and replaced forever.


Goodnight and always remember that’s life
Nov 5, 2019
I don't believe there is anything after death. There is no evidence suggesting consciousness is anything but our neurons firing in an electrical orchestra. Now does nothingness scare me? absolutely not. Most people assume that nothingness is black, you'll be locked away forever and ever. But when we die and become that nothingness, we also cease to exist. Think about it, your memories make up what you are, when you lose those you cease to exist, and with you ceasing to exist, everything else does too. Nobody is sad about you dying because they'll have never existed to you. The universe never existed to you. As far as you know, nothingness has always been and always will be. There is no tragedy. because there will be nobody to experience that tragedy. The closest I have gotten to this feeling is when I go into a deep sleep or unconsciousness. One second I'm on earth in my bed, closing my eyes, the next second everything ceases to exist, the next moment I'm back on earth 8 hours later. Now when you die in any way and your eyes close, one second you're laying there, and the next second everything ceases to exist forever. Back to where you were from before you were born. There's something remarkable peaceful about that. Like a nice warm blanket of nothingness, where sadness does not exist, depression does not exist, pain does not exist. Just content.
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Jan 4, 2020
I wish I could take my life lessons from this life into a next life.
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Apr 29, 2019
I don't believe there is anything after death. There is no evidence suggesting consciousness is anything but our neurons firing in an electrical orchestra. Now does nothingness scare me? absolutely not. Most people assume that nothingness is black, you'll be locked away forever and ever. But when we die and become that nothingness, we also cease to exist. Think about it, your memories make up what you are, when you lose those you cease to exist, and with you ceasing to exist, everything else does too. Nobody is sad about you dying because they'll have never existed to you. The universe never existed to you. As far as you know, nothingness has always been and always will be. There is no tragedy. because there will be nobody to experience that tragedy. The closest I have gotten to this feeling is when I go into a deep sleep or unconsciousness. One second I'm on earth in my bed, closing my eyes, the next second everything ceases to exist, the next moment I'm back on earth 8 hours later. Now when you die in any way and your eyes close, one second you're laying there, and the next second everything ceases to exist forever. Back to where you were from before you were born. There's something remarkable peaceful about that. Like a nice warm blanket of nothingness, where sadness does not exist, depression does not exist, pain does not exist. Just content.

I agree about the part where fear about nothingness exists because of the construct of time, when obviously billions of years could go by without us knowing about it if we cease to exist.

The part that makes me believe that something could happen after we die is on that timeline of forever and eternity...I find it hard to fathom that whatever perfect circumstances that allowed for "you" to be constructed as a consciousness wouldn't align at some point again.

I mean this could be the 8 trillionth time this version of the universe and planet earth have been constructed for all we know. Eternity has already happened up until this point.

I don't know if there is an evolution that exists with that in the same way it does in nature or if it's literally just eternal recurrence. The whole "it'll be just like before you were born" thing is something I've always had a hard time with because we simply don't know. That's just my opinion obviously.
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Apr 29, 2019
Eternal nothingness or a dmt trip until we all reincarnated. Doesnt matter, gonna ctb anyways. Or alternatively Islam is right and we all go to hell have our skins burnt off and replaced forever.

That last part about Islam illustrates the big problem with religion. Stuff like that was created and perpetuated to create fear and extremist behavior.

If you really take a look back, the core of most religions were created on the notions of peace, kindness, and gratitude. But because of the tendencies of human beings, most became weaponized for ulterior motivations.

It's entirely possible that these religions were created in an effort to stop all the murdering and raping that was going on in those ages rather than an actual belief in God(s), so still with good intentions. But yeah, humans will human.

Even to your point with DMT, I know there's a lot of theories that people who wrote the early versions of stories that would eventually be doctored and thrown together and be called the Bible, or the Dead Sea Scrolls, were written by people who were tripping on DMT and psilocybin mushrooms. I mean there's a lot of pictures with Jesus and disciples back then with mushrooms playing a big part of the surrounding art. Even in a literal way, Moses and the burning bush, could literally have just been a bush or tree that they were extracting DMT from to smoke.

I went off the rails there but yeah, I think anything is possible but I think the whole idea of "hells" was totally evolved by human beings.
Walking Disaster

Walking Disaster

Jan 20, 2020
To be honest i don't really care about religion, and for sure think some things are just made up to control us (church etc.)
But if i have to chose i really hope reincarnation is what happens next. i would want a second chance and a second life to try again, cause life doensn't sucks, just this life does.
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Semi-Professional Disappointment
Jan 16, 2020
I grew up christian as member of a CofE church in my early teenage years. Despite the fact I've become disillusioned with Christianity mainly due to my sexuality alongside other things, the idea that there is something, whether that is heaven, reincarnation, or spiritual passing, has always stuck with me. I guess in some ways that could be me seeking comfort in the inevitability that is death.
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Loves you all!
Jan 30, 2020
My mother, after a terrible car accident and the several surgeries that followed, had her heart stop multiple times. She said she observed herself on the table with the surgeons working on her and then was suddenly "yanked" upwards and was watching the Earth spin as if from orbit. She said she felt like she was a part of everything, that she understood the world in an entirely different fashion (described weird things like feeling like she was a part of colors, of time, etc). She "fell" back into her body and it was like falling into a pool of icy water, where she was suddenly aware of the weight of her body and all of the pain again.

It's stories like hers that lead me to believe there is something after death. That our consciousness moves on, continues to exist, even if it is as something we can't understand. To me, when a relative dies, it always feels like they've gone through a door I can't find. Maybe it is me seeking comfort but I usually listen to my gut feelings and my gut tells me I'll see them all again, even if in a different form.

But I'll never disregard anyone else's beliefs!
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Oct 5, 2018
Afterlife has been really getting to me lately. I'll start off by saying I dont know what happens after death. I see a lot of people compare death to "it's just like before you were born. Nothing" but I find myself thinking the same things, before I was born I hadn't experienced love, happiness, guilt, heartbreak, or even pain. Before I had no relationship (good or bad) with anyone.

I have lost most of my family to cancer or diseases over my teenage and adult years. I have had to find comfort in believing there is more. This can't be all of it. Live to cease to exist. I'm not saying I believe in God, a mystical fairytale above the clouds.

I do however think a lot is unkown. I want closure. I want to be satisfied in my decisions whether it's taking my own life or telling my father I love him one last time. I want to know that its over instead of "never waking up".
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Feb 2, 2019
Thought this presentation is better to be posted here. This addresses consciousness:

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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
I hope it's like how it is in the show The Good Place, especially by the end of the series. It would be nice to have infinite tries to become a better person with eternal paradise as a reward then from there you live enough eternities to experience everything you'd want to until finally you get to CHOOSE to walk through a final door that completely ends your existence in a painless way.
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