a LoT.But recently, what finish to turned me into pieces , is when i was askink for .. some 'help', human attention, or just for someone to be kind.Of course , as i am autistic, on the places and social media where i expressed my pain, most of them just ghosted me.But two of them told me particulary harsh words, and it still resionnate /got mixed with my painfull memories actualy.One of them wanted to be listened and helped, and i tried, but he used me like a tool, and was saying it was inbearable to think or speaking about me or my situations or problèms, not because they are so tragic, just because he just wanted to use me and not be nice or not even a decent considerate human personn toward me x) .. not really the most painfull fact i, my life, its a timing question , but every sentence he said "na please, in cant' ( i didnt ask for x)) ) it made me feel , i dont have the right to suffer and exist and express / be listened as a personn.The second one just came to tell me i will never succed to cbt and i should accept a life of misery, his words were really hard, and i was in shock, after that i tried to discuss more with him, because i was in derealisation .. and he didnt accept it, he said ' never speak to me again'.All of that, are not very .. violent things ?
but theses words and comportements of theses people came when i was desesperate for the slightest kindness, connexion, hope , i was with my last breathes, empty of energy, i really felt that, like they told me i didn t deserve to be treated kindly.I was in crisis, and i was feeling that, like if the world was speaking to me throught messenger to tell me, that i dont belong, and have the right to be there. and the were trying to explicate why people werent nice with me, as if there could be an excuse..( youre autistic so its ok if people ghost you, or be asshole with you.) + my stalker tried at the same time to cumpabilise me, and invade my life.. again
( of course the worse was abuse with my family)