
Feb 23, 2022
Mental health services in UK are a mess.
Have PTSD from Hillsborough football disaster and recurring generalised anxiety depression now treatment resistant and daily headaches all day.. I think partly due to the cacophony of drugs I was given .. no drug worked.
I'm now cognitive function impairment haven't worked for 2.5yrs... mental health services washed hands of me.. nothing they can do...
Tried therapy... family dont understand.
Daily thoughts of suicide all day...
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Girl, Interrupted
Apr 29, 2022
Everyone is disconnected. My soulmate died. I'm a shell of myself. I can walk through the city having a panic attack and crying silently looking like a zombie and nobody cares. Not a single person asks: are you ok?

We don't see each other anymore. We don't care. If we do see someone in the depths of despair, we avoid their eyes, look away, or worse - mock.

Drugs don't work, at least they've never worked for me. I think antidepressants are less about the patient and more about trying to make us palatable for a society that doesn't want to deal with seeing what that deem "negative" emotions.

Psyche "professionals" are also clinically detached, generally.

If I felt connected to anyone, anything, maybe I wouldn't be on this forum. But the only one who ever stopped my ideation died. So fast. And without him I just don't see the point.

MH services are a joke. Here, call a helpline. Because they don't have anything else to offer but meds.
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Apr 29, 2022
Mental Health is hard and people who want to help don't know how. The Health Care system is for profit, over burdened and filled with people who are overworked, underpaid and restricted. Then there are just the unqualified people. The education doesn't evolve as fast as civilization, the pandemic, the absolutely ridiculous and ever increasing wealth gap, it's insane right now. Everyone is so filled with bias and there are more people from different backgrounds moving to the same space with different value systems and upbringings.

It's a mess.... civilization is a mess. It's all 'one size fits all' and most people just aren't equipped to deal with mental issues.
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Mar 18, 2022
In our society, I believe there needs to be more conversation about mental health. It is obvious that our current mental health system fails everyone it touches and it shows. Those with mental illness or problems are often looked down upon, treated as outcasts, or even excluded from society entirely. Not only that, but the current "solutions" are obviously not working. Therapy is a joke in general, although it does help some. Psychiatrists only seek to medicate you so you can "feel" better. None of these things is treating the underlying problems, only the symptoms. Modern medicine is set up only to treat the symptoms, not address the underlying problems. This is what I believe is the crux of the problem: Too many medical professionals just simply don't care about the people that they treat, in my opinion. You can't talk about these problems with close friends or family, or you'll be labelled "crazy" and treated poorly for it. There is a stigma associated with talking about mental illness in general and even more of a stigma associated with talking about suicide. This community exists to let people talk about these things judgement-free and anonymously.

I want to open up a wider conversation about how we can improve the failed mental health system because the current approach isn't working.

What do you think could be done?
Well most these mental health professionals, if you want to call them that, most of them come from relatively comfortable middle class to upper class families, with little strife in their environments yet they hope to help those with much strife. I suggest that they get some street education let's say, to understand what it is like to be down in the gutter, to truly suffer, because there's just some things that can't be taught by books alone. They don't know what your going through nor do many really care to be honest. We need more therapists like Robin Williams in Good Will Hunting. Oh, and they should stop talking to you like your mentally incapacitated like Harry and Lloyd out of Dumb & Dumber.
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May 2, 2022
We had a brief physiology class and studied depression and other mental illnesses in psychiatry at med school. And it was more about discovering suicidal behavior to isolate and "help" them or what medication to give me than actually helping them. Surely that's not really our job to treat patients with mental disorders but at least give us brief instructions on how to help them. Symptomatic treatment is good but it is temporary if the undelaying cause is ignored and it does get ignored most of the time.
Plus it's not common in my country to go to a therapist if you are not crazy. Mental disorders don't exist here and if you are suffering from depression you need to just man up or get a job.
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Banned ProLifer
May 21, 2022
Why does someone who has had enough of life and wishes to die suddenly gets labelled as having a mental health condition? How many soldiers lost their lives when they were heading for certain death, were they also labelled as having mental health issues? Or is our lives only worth being disposed of when is for the benefit of the rich and powerful?
We live in a society were social inequality is getting constantly worse, there are only 2 classes, rich and poor. You can work all you like, you will still end up with nothing.
So , when I decide I no longer want to be part of this, living in servitude of the rich who control how much we are allowed to earn and how much of that we are allowed to keep, and in the end the majority will spend their lives working just to survive, if I decide to end my life before becoming old and crippled from years of work, why should I suddenly be labelled as having a "mental health" condition?
Should I let someone else decide whether I should live or die?
Thats my own choice to make, it should be anyone's choice to make
I am sure that if suicide benefited the ruling classes, no doubt it would be accepted, just like covid where the vast majority who died were old, frail, sick, disabled. Was it an Aktion T4 in disguise? Only know one person who died "from" covid, well not really, an over 70 who went to hospital with a bowel condition but died of pneumonia while hospitalised, but labelled as a covid death.
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New Member
Dec 9, 2021
This wouldn't fix everything for everyone, but stop basing our medical model for "normal" exclusively on cis men, and do drug/other treatment trials on a wider gender spectrum. Put money into researching premenstrual dysphoric disorder, and premenstrual exacerbation.
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I want throat hugs & anime! Can't use chat pm me
Aug 7, 2022
In our society, I believe there needs to be more conversation about mental health. It is obvious that our current mental health system fails everyone it touches and it shows. Those with mental illness or problems are often looked down upon, treated as outcasts, or even excluded from society entirely. Not only that, but the current "solutions" are obviously not working. Therapy is a joke in general, although it does help some. Psychiatrists only seek to medicate you so you can "feel" better. None of these things is treating the underlying problems, only the symptoms. Modern medicine is set up only to treat the symptoms, not address the underlying problems. This is what I believe is the crux of the problem: Too many medical professionals just simply don't care about the people that they treat, in my opinion. You can't talk about these problems with close friends or family, or you'll be labelled "crazy" and treated poorly for it. There is a stigma associated with talking about mental illness in general and even more of a stigma associated with talking about suicide. This community exists to let people talk about these things judgement-free and anonymously.

I want to open up a wider conversation about how we can improve the failed mental health system because the current approach isn't working.

What do you think could be done?
Nutritional deficiencies & physical diseases have "mental" symtoms. Look t the vitamins B deficiency symptoms. It can cause exhaustion & psychosis. Vitamin C deficiency cause extreme physical & mental distress. It's hard core. Lack of magnesium can make you feel lonely & suicidal.

They should know. But admitting that the food supply as toxic as their drug would collapse a very profitable system.

Have kindness for yourself, for your loved ones. Don't throw them at a machine thinking they're pros.

We all just need real food, rest and safety.
Why does someone who has had enough of life and wishes to die suddenly gets labelled as having a mental health condition? How many soldiers lost their lives when they were heading for certain death, were they also labelled as having mental health issues? Or is our lives only worth being disposed of when is for the benefit of the rich and powerful?
We live in a society were social inequality is getting constantly worse, there are only 2 classes, rich and poor. You can work all you like, you will still end up with nothing.
So , when I decide I no longer want to be part of this, living in servitude of the rich who control how much we are allowed to earn and how much of that we are allowed to keep, and in the end the majority will spend their lives working just to survive, if I decide to end my life before becoming old and crippled from years of work, why should I suddenly be labelled as having a "mental health" condition?
Should I let someone else decide whether I should live or die?
Thats my own choice to make, it should be anyone's choice to make
I am sure that if suicide benefited the ruling classes, no doubt it would be accepted, just like covid where the vast majority who died were old, frail, sick, disabled. Was it an Aktion T4 in disguise? Only know one person who died "from" covid, well not really, an over 70 who went to hospital with a bowel condition but died of pneumonia while hospitalised, but labelled as a covid death.
The text under his name says banned pro lifer. He doesn't sound like one. If I get executed here please don't give me such embarassing label. 😭 But I think everyone would be pro life if society wasn't such an abusive machine... Oh god... I kept thinking of robots or AI taking over end enslaving us... But bureaucracy did! Everyone hate it but just obey... No one question or can change the procedures. Just mindlessly following orders like nazis. Easier & comforting.

Use your head! Use your heart! Don't be the mindless drone of a corporation that wants to keep it's bottom line statistics intact. I am a person! Not a percentage! Society is too big. We need to downsize so we can be a caring village helping each other like family... A not shitty one.
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Nov 20, 2021
If you'll be the only pe
We had a brief physiology class and studied depression and other mental illnesses in psychiatry at med school. And it was more about discovering suicidal behavior to isolate and "help" them or what medication to give me than actually helping them. Surely that's not really our job to treat patients with mental disorders but at least give us brief instructions on how to help them. Symptomatic treatment is good but it is temporary if the undelaying cause is ignored and it does get ignored most of the time.
Plus it's not common in my country to go to a therapist if you are not crazy. Mental disorders don't exist here and if you are suffering from depression you need to just man up or get a job.
My mom is rotting away - literally by one body part after another - in a medical apparatus that doesn't even pretend that it cares to alleviate her (and thus my) suffering.

They locked us up on and off for almost two years with the excuse of Corona and likewise didn't care what that did to our psyche.

And now they are dragging us all screaming and kicking to the brink of economc meltdown and milittary catastrophe, so that 1 more stinking outfit near the Urals may join NATO.

Why do those in charge always claim they want to "help the depressed" and then turn around and do whatever they can to feed depression into a monster?

Heck, they even outlaw weed because powerfull psych-meds are fine for your brain but marihuana will supposedly turn you into a crazy eyed danger to society. :O

I got a hint for all "psychological professionals": Give people more reasons to be happy and less to be sad - and then watch depression related suicides drop down to just above zero.

People in chronic pain or those with other medical issues might still X themselves. But those of us who were born with the "glass half empty" predisposition are asking for just 1 thing from the powers to be:

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Jun 14, 2018
Not only is it a failure to those with legitimate conditions, it claws in innocent healthy individual such as myself. I was coaxed into taking a prescription of benzodiazepines by the university counselling services. Suffered a withdrawal that was wrongly diagnosed as mental illnesses. Ended up plied with more pills including SSRIs and as a result I now suffer from PSSD. PSSD is now making me chronically suicidal. Imagine being unable to relief yourself, form relationships and feeling aroused. Something so sacred as been taken away from me.
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𝙴𝚡𝚒𝚝 ➔
Sep 22, 2023
as mentioned, i think destigmatisation at all levels is probably the most important. people who are statistically lucky enough to not go through it themselves (which is good btw) simply don't know what to do. for many the downward spiral is a cycle, and the first part of the cycle is usually when other people avoid dealing with mental illness. this leads to many things including perpetuating the original problem and so on. i guess i mean an active attitude to mental health is what's needed, but this has been exploited and ruined by attention seekers.
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Oct 22, 2023
My medication is cigarettes. Speed up the time I will die. After my attempt the police pulled out taser guns on me. Three cop? The developed countries demand cheap labour, I say no more for me. There's no dignity and respect, know your place. My grandfather's life fell apart, and him being a highly intelligent man decided to drink, smoke and deliberately crash his tractor through a wall. Brain emarage, we are fully self aware on these posts/blogs. To live on my knees isn't to live at all, I'm to die on my feet.
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Oct 24, 2023
I live in the UK. I have complex PTSD, autism, CFS amongst other challenges - mh was due to an extremely traumatic childhood from the start of my life, leading to homelessness as a young underage teenager and basically a messed up with life. Still I survived and made something out of my life to find myself going downhill when covid hit and since then I have not been able to get back up again. When I went to my GP (NHS), he was initially helpful and willing to learn to be patient and just listened - in a sense, he kept me alive and his time and listening skills helped. I am terrified of masks (terrible flashbacks, hence covid triggered me big time) and I ended up in the local hospital and they were unable to keep me safe as they basically stated that I have tonshare a space with everyone wearing masks - they could not meet my accessibility needs and I walked. My GP was still supportive and then he surgery changed the way in which we can communicate with them and I pointed out that ieil not be able to access the service due to accessibility challenges and basically I did not have a choice. So more than three months ago, I stopped taking all my meds and speaking to my GP ad he is no longer accessible. As someone with acute mental health challenges, I (essentially my life timer) has been shelved by the NHS. I do see a clinical psychologist on a weekly basis (which is often cancelled as well) and I find these sessions okayish/beginning to help if I had it long term - however that is due to end as well as her am can only offer limited sessions. My guess is that I will be dead within 3 months of those sessions ending as no one has the time, patience and care to invest in me getting better. I am trying to stay alive for the sake of my children and clearly I am aware that I am going to fail in this mission- if I do and end up dying (99% sure I will), that will really mess up my children's mh - so even economically it doesn't make sense for NHS to make short sighted decisions around timing, denying treatment due to not meeting accessibility needs of disabled people etc. I genuinely think that we have a system that is made up of so much red tape, regulations, too much power given into the hands of people who own GP's surgeries (they are private business funded by the tax payer in the UK) etc., that many more people with mental health challenges will end up taking our lives. I have written a letter to the coroner for whenever I end my life - but I also know that coroners are aware of the existing problems, the degrading manner in which NHS treats people with disabilities etc.., that I will just be another statistic.


No Longer Human
Dec 5, 2023
I recently thought of depression intervention. When I googled it I only found ways to intervene but that's not what I'm talking about. What I'm talking about is where everyone sits down and reminds the depressed what they love about them and why.

I know this isn't a good option for a lot because they might not have family or friends to do this but I know for people like me it would be helpful.

Because of my disorders and BS I've had to put up with I've become blind to their love. I think everyone is setting me up for a life sized prank. That I'm just a joke to everyone. I "believe" that my husband is videoing us 'in the bedroom' and posting it on the Internet for laughs and humiliation.

This is something I struggle with. And the reminder that they do love me would be really fucking awesome.

To get help with mental illness or takes a lot on the depresseds part and the loved ones and I think this is where it falls down a lot.
This actually seems like a somewhat plausible option a therapist might actually be able to set up, although I'm not sure because I've only been to a few therapists and I've never gotten that far. I don't think it would work for me because I've faced a lot of abuse from family members that they justified by saying that they, "Love me," or "Only want what's best for me," but it might work for you.
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Existence is Pain
Dec 18, 2023
In our society, I believe there needs to be more conversation about mental health. It is obvious that our current mental health system fails everyone it touches and it shows. Those with mental illness or problems are often looked down upon, treated as outcasts, or even excluded from society entirely. Not only that, but the current "solutions" are obviously not working. Therapy is a joke in general, although it does help some. Psychiatrists only seek to medicate you so you can "feel" better. None of these things is treating the underlying problems, only the symptoms. Modern medicine is set up only to treat the symptoms, not address the underlying problems. This is what I believe is the crux of the problem: Too many medical professionals just simply don't care about the people that they treat, in my opinion. You can't talk about these problems with close friends or family, or you'll be labelled "crazy" and treated poorly for it. There is a stigma associated with talking about mental illness in general and even more of a stigma associated with talking about suicide. This community exists to let people talk about these things judgement-free and anonymously.

I want to open up a wider conversation about how we can improve the failed mental health system because the current approach isn't working.

What do you think could be done?
It depends on where you live. In the US the system is awesome if you have money/good insurance.

It might seem extreme and maybe I'm just over tired but ... let's abolish the for profit healthcare industry. Don't even allow people to have private insurance. Rich people don't get to jump the que. EVERYONE has to use the same system.

I bet if we did that the system would improve and rich people would be begging to pay their taxes.
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Dec 11, 2023
I called my local mental health unit and begged for help. They said they could only take me if I was suicidal and in that case I would be locked in a room and have my possesions taken away. I never called them again. The threat of being locked in a room alone is enough to scare most people away from seeking help. I'd rather suffer quietly at home than deal with an over burdened system that takes such delight in threatening imprisonment because someone is suffering.
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Dec 14, 2023
I can only speak to the situation in the United States because that's only place I have ever lived and had experience with MH entities. It's all part of the larger issues with our entire health care apparatus. People citing capitalism have some valid points. Health care would have to be totally dismantled and reimagined in a way that put patients welfare, well being and quality of life over profits. Actually should be no profits. Hippocrates in original translation from ancient Greek in Oath of Hippocrates which every doctor in USA swears to including psychiatrists contained the phrase "without fee or stipulation". A phrase the American Medical Association edited out quite a few years ago. What the inventor of the entire concept of medical care was saying is, " this won't work as a capitalist venture". We have proven his infinite wisdom to be correct in America as we do not have any kind of health care system. Instead a nationwide insurance fraud racket.
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Jan 26, 2024
I think destigmatizing suicide talk is a good start on maybe improving therapists. There were too many times where I felt unable to tell my therapist what was wrong with me because I just wanted to kill myself and refused to see any other form of reason. I also tend to get very stubborn when I'm set on something and I just feel like the only thing that can actually help me is if someone can actually meet my logic head on and tackle it instead of just trying to disarm it like so many therapists do.

There have also been too many times where they actually gave me some decent advice but I either lied about being willing to take it because I didn't want to hurt their feelings or I simply forgot after the session was over (btw sessions only being an hour long isn't always enough).

Often times, even when a therapy session goes well I can't help but feel like it only feels good in the moment while somebody is listening to me but once that's over and I have to wait days, weeks, or months until the next appointment it doesn't help improve my situation at all.

I don't know, I have so many other reasons/excuses as to why I feel like I'm therapy/treatment-proof. Anytime someone gives me some good advice I feel like I eventually use my bs logic to get around it. If only I could actually be challenged within the confines of my own logic.

One thing that has helped more than therapy though not completely is to simply see media that portrays circumstances similar to what I've lived through. No media really does it perfectly in my case though. I guess I'm just waiting for someone to create a fictional world that somehow serves more as a complete walkthrough tailored to me and how to live my own life and shoots down every possible protest I could have...
I'm new to the Table and this conversation, but the posts I've read from you all seem cogent and represents the kind of logic and critical thinking I feel our world could udlse more of. I'm curious about your precise meaning when you write about your "bs logic." Don't mean to pry, but I'm wondering if you really believe your logic is bs or if that's the result of comparison with "normal logic?"
I think that allowing us the use of some land to build lives and communities outside of society and western culture could help a lot of people. The cause of a lot of mental distress for many is being forced to study things they have no real interest in/ work pointless jobs that bring them no joy, money or purpose/ inability to find secure housing and the knowledge that no matter how long or hard they work they will never achieve the most basic human needs like shelter/ lack of interest in material things/ not fitting in with herd mentality/ no freedom of expression/ not looking or feeling the way society says we should/ having no interest in the "dream life" that we are expected to aim for "university, job, marriage, house, kids, get old, die etc.
If we were given land and we could form our own community, build our own homes and do work that has a genuine meaningful purpose like growing food for our community, working as a team to tend the land and build shelter, educating ourselves in subjects that directly benefit our lives and community like agriculture, medicine, sanitation etc and generally living a more peaceful and simple life with minimal need for modern drama like money, status, mass consumerism, strict rules and rigid routines, the need to constantly run the gauntlet 24/7 for an unattainable goal. we may actually find a sense of peace, belonging, purpose. We don't fit in the cookie cutter and repeatedly trying to squash us into it HURTS. Accept that we don't fit and let us get off the hamster wheel and choose a different path. Drugs and therapy can only do so much but usually it feels as though they are not designed to make us better, only to grease us up a bit in the vain hope that if you cover us in butter we might eventually slip through the cookie cutter and turn out like the rest of the herd. I feel like a dairy cow that has been bred and farmed to serve a purpose that is of no benefit to me at all and I'm a wright off and disappointment because I failed to produce any milk. Antidepressants are the equivalent to the nasty hormones they feed to dairy cows to increase their milk production even though they are detrimental to the cows health. Just put me out to pasture already.
Edit: just remembered to add that I feel the reason peoe suffer less with mental health in less developed countries is because they DO live in tight knit communities where everybody has a meaningful purpose no matter their level of ability. They support each other and I think it must feel good. Like when you hear stories of joe who walks 7 miles every day to get water, he knows he is carrying that water for his community who need it, because he does this the people in his community who cannot make that journey will survive like the Children and elderly ect. That sort of thing gives life meaning. The western equivalent is walking 7 miles to get water (aka going to work) arriving home to your community with that heavy bucket of water, then your employer takes the bucket from you and hands you just one cup full of water for your family, he keeps the rest and builds a water park and wastes water.
I tend to agree that a different model of community might benefit many who our society has labeled "mentally ill." I think it is society that is ill, and folks who are tuned to the cosmic frequency can't live comfortably or satisfactorily in this illness.
Years ago I fantasized about a community that would be a haven for folks who didn't fit the "normal" bill and who shared the bottom line premise that everyone in the community has value and a right to be as they are as long as they weren't interfering with anyone else's right to be who they were. Pie in the sky type stuff. I've given up on that, hence my hanging out in a suicide forum trying to find the most convenient and painless way out.😊
Why does someone who has had enough of life and wishes to die suddenly gets labelled as having a mental health condition? How many soldiers lost their lives when they were heading for certain death, were they also labelled as having mental health issues? Or is our lives only worth being disposed of when is for the benefit of the rich and powerful?
We live in a society were social inequality is getting constantly worse, there are only 2 classes, rich and poor. You can work all you like, you will still end up with nothing.
So , when I decide I no longer want to be part of this, living in servitude of the rich who control how much we are allowed to earn and how much of that we are allowed to keep, and in the end the majority will spend their lives working just to survive, if I decide to end my life before becoming old and crippled from years of work, why should I suddenly be labelled as having a "mental health" condition?
Should I let someone else decide whether I should live or die?
Thats my own choice to make, it should be anyone's choice to make
I am sure that if suicide benefited the ruling classes, no doubt it would be accepted, just like covid where the vast majority who died were old, frail, sick, disabled. Was it an Aktion T4 in disguise? Only know one person who died "from" covid, well not really, an over 70 who went to hospital with a bowel condition but died of pneumonia while hospitalised, but labelled as a covid death.
Well, Jim might not be in the group anymore, but he asked some pretty good questions.
Why does someone who has had enough of life and wishes to die suddenly gets labelled as having a mental health condition? How many soldiers lost their lives when they were heading for certain death, were they also labelled as having mental health issues? Or is our lives only worth being disposed of when is for the benefit of the rich and powerful?
We live in a society were social inequality is getting constantly worse, there are only 2 classes, rich and poor. You can work all you like, you will still end up with nothing.
So , when I decide I no longer want to be part of this, living in servitude of the rich who control how much we are allowed to earn and how much of that we are allowed to keep, and in the end the majority will spend their lives working just to survive, if I decide to end my life before becoming old and crippled from years of work, why should I suddenly be labelled as having a "mental health" condition?
Should I let someone else decide whether I should live or die?
Thats my own choice to make, it should be anyone's choice to make
I am sure that if suicide benefited the ruling classes, no doubt it would be accepted, just like covid where the vast majority who died were old, frail, sick, disabled. Was it an Aktion T4 in disguise? Only know one person who died "from" covid, well not really, an over 70 who went to hospital with a bowel condition but died of pneumonia while hospitalised, but labelled as a covid death.
Well, Jim might not be in the group anymore, but he asked some pretty good questions.
I can only speak to the situation in the United States because that's only place I have ever lived and had experience with MH entities. It's all part of the larger issues with our entire health care apparatus. People citing capitalism have some valid points. Health care would have to be totally dismantled and reimagined in a way that put patients welfare, well being and quality of life over profits. Actually should be no profits. Hippocrates in original translation from ancient Greek in Oath of Hippocrates which every doctor in USA swears to including psychiatrists contained the phrase "without fee or stipulation". A phrase the American Medical Association edited out quite a few years ago. What the inventor of the entire concept of medical care was saying is, " this won't work as a capitalist venture". We have proven his infinite wisdom to be correct in America as we do not have any kind of health care system. Instead a nationwide insurance fraud

As others have mentioned, therapy falls short in a lot of cases. I'd wager most aren't cured by it, but because people are afraid to question psychiatrists and psychologists, and placebo effects are reinforced consistently by our culture, it makes it look as if more people are benefitting from it than not.

We hear things like, "Therapy and meds together works in __ amount of cases" yet those measures never acknowledge those who either slipped between the cracks or went on to relapse later in life, or if these people were under pressure to say yes in fear of stigma/sectioning. In my experience, therapy and psychiatry are incredibly unscientific, and it's a whole lot of throwing random things at you and hoping they stick.

People should be allowed to question and criticise this, because critiquing this is the first step towards changing it. Many medications are prescribed inappropriately or unnecessarily. The most appalling example of this that I can think of is suicidal people getting injected with haldol when they are sectioned against their will.

Sectioning of suicidal people against their will in mental institutions needs to go. It is a human rights violation, and far more have been harmed than helped in these pseudo prisons. People should not be afraid to tell someone their suicidal feelings in fear of having their dignity and free will stripped away. Responding with empathy and kindness rather than shackles is what makes us feel understood.

Individuals do not need to be shamed and treated like insane criminals for wanting to peacefully end their own lives. Nor do they need to be gaslit and say its their fault when bunk psychiatric treatments don't work. The reality is that the mental health industry does not understand the complexities of the brain, because even real Neuroscientists don't yet. I study this at university and I can safely say that Neuro is still in its infancy, we do not have enough knowledge to pinpoint what causes actual mental disorders (not situations where someone's circumstances are clearly the trigger for their suicidality)

On the subject of that, mental health services are failing to provide community care, it's all about blaming the individual and their supposed diseased brain. Instead of staring blankly at a therapist for an hour and getting booted out the door when the time you payed for is up, why don't mental health services put lonely people together who need genuine human connections and not artifical bullshit platitudes?

There are many older people out there living alone who would love to have a friend and have someone who they could bond with. Many of us don't have families, and we would love to have someone step in and be the mother, father, brother, sister, etc we never had. Social media is making us even more isolated and no one seems to care about bring people together. There is no service providing this. Group therapy in my experience was also fake and artifical, you weren't even allowed to speak to anyone outside of the group!

Disabled people should also be treated like human beings and not massive burdens on society. People treat us like garbage, ensure we stay lonely and poor forever, then wonder why we don't want to live. Even just permission to access assisted suicide/euthanasia would be a massive weight off my shoulders, and I believe every consenting adult should have this option. Maybe it would stop the platitudes about life being a gift if enough of us demonstrated that yes, our lives are bad enough that we want out, and no, your inspiration porn feel-good stories aren't reality for a lot of people. Will the world at large ever confront this elephant in the room, though?

We need real science and research into treatments that aren't done by psychologists who know nothing about the physical and chemical structure of the brain, much less greater human physiology, we need services to aid people with awful socioeconomic conditions, and we need to have honest conversations about death and mortality that the majority of people are unwilling to partake in. Only then, can things change.

Edit: Also the power play between doctors and the hurting and ill is despicable. People should be given more choices, respect, and not treated like they know nothing. This dichotomy that some austeric authority figure knows how you're feeling better than you do needs to stop, it only invalidates people's struggles and makes us further feel trapped, especially when psychiatrists do it.
Wow, wow, wow! So much of this post is dead on! I wish there was some way that more voices like yours could be heard! Sadly, the US and seemingly the rest of the world prioritizes economics and I suspect that as long as that's the case, chances are slim that your very insightful ideas will be implemented 😔
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
I'm new to the Table and this conversation, but the posts I've read from you all seem cogent and represents the kind of logic and critical thinking I feel our world could udlse more of. I'm curious about your precise meaning when you write about your "bs logic." Don't mean to pry, but I'm wondering if you really believe your logic is bs or if that's the result of comparison with "normal logic?"
You'll have to forgive me since I made that post almost three whole years ago and I caught Covid almost a year after making this post so what little cognizance I had has greatly diminished since then. I'm guessing what myself from the past meant by "my logic" is simply no more than my self-serving and indulgent ways of practicing conflict avoidance as an excuse to not improve.

For example, if a mental health professional asked me to go outside more to enjoy nature I would say "that's ridiculous because there are Lyme disease-causing ticks outside I know they are in my neighborhood, I literally just signed up for the Nextdoor app and saw a neighbor post about seeing ticks on their dog and these ticks can make you allergic to meat which I love to eat anyway that's why I hate hiking". Lots of people give me shit for not wanting to ever learn how to cook my own food because according to me, "food tastes better when someone else was forced to make it for me. Also in the immortal words of Doctor Victor Frankenstein's Monster: Fire Bad." Logically these kinds of facts are technically true but they also don't help at all like so many people wish for me. I don't know or care if I'm right or not, but it seems either way most people are rather opposed to how I think about a lot of things. A lot of my reasoning also tends to get pretty circular which is apparently also a no no for constructing a formal argument. I think ultimately my logic is designed only to contradict what I perceive to be the norm and I'm not trying to be helpful at all. I know I have a proclivity for being contrarian and I love to play Devil's Advocate even for things I don't agree on sometimes. I can see how many would see this as quite tiresome and annoying.

I still agree with everything I said in that reply of mine though even if it is three years old and thus old enough to walk. Therapy as most people know it just doesn't work for everyone and that's why sites like this need to exist cause it's still better than nothing while in cases like mine therapy might as well be nothing.


Jan 26, 2024
Mental Health is hard and people who want to help don't know how. The Health Care system is for profit, over burdened and filled with people who are overworked, underpaid and restricted. Then there are just the unqualified people. The education doesn't evolve as fast as civilization, the pandemic, the absolutely ridiculous and ever increasing wealth gap, it's insane right now. Everyone is so filled with bias and there are more people from different backgrounds moving to the same space with different value systems and upbringings.

It's a mess.... civilization is a mess. It's all 'one size fits all' and most people just aren't equipped to deal with mental issues.
Very astute! It seems like many here are accurately diagnosing societal conditions that impact some of us intensely. Yet, I think most, if not all of us here, are ill-equipped to do anything to contribute to improvement in a system that crushes dissenters. I'm well past my physical, cognitive, and psycho-emotional prime, but I wonder if the younger people here, despite being all over the world, could brainstorm about developing an actual community that would function closer to a model that might offer more satisfactory lives. NOT a model based in economics. That is guaranteed to fail in my opinion.
You'll have to forgive me since I made that post almost three whole years ago and I caught Covid almost a year after making this post so what little cognizance I had has greatly diminished since then. I'm guessing what myself from the past meant by "my logic" is simply no more than my self-serving and indulgent ways of practicing conflict avoidance as an excuse to not improve.

For example, if a mental health professional asked me to go outside more to enjoy nature I would say "that's ridiculous because there are Lyme disease-causing ticks outside I know they are in my neighborhood, I literally just signed up for the Nextdoor app and saw a neighbor post about seeing ticks on their dog and these ticks can make you allergic to meat which I love to eat anyway that's why I hate hiking". Lots of people give me shit for not wanting to ever learn how to cook my own food because according to me, "food tastes better when someone else was forced to make it for me. Also in the immortal words of Doctor Victor Frankenstein's Monster: Fire Bad." Logically these kinds of facts are technically true but they also don't help at all like so many people wish for me. I don't know or care if I'm right or not, but it seems either way most people are rather opposed to how I think about a lot of things. A lot of my reasoning also tends to get pretty circular which is apparently also a no no for constructing a formal argument. I think ultimately my logic is designed only to contradict what I perceive to be the norm and I'm not trying to be helpful at all. I know I have a proclivity for being contrarian and I love to play Devil's Advocate even for things I don't agree on sometimes. I can see how many would see this as quite tiresome and annoying.

I still agree with everything I said in that reply of mine though even if it is three years old and thus old enough to walk. Therapy as most people know it just doesn't work for everyone and that's why sites like this need to exist cause it's still better than nothing while in cases like mine therapy might as well be nothing.
Ah, thanks for the clarification 👍🏾. Apparently this site has been productive for you because you're still here 3 years after the post I responded to. Sorry about the Covid thing...

Sadly, it appears that being a contrarian isn't accepted in this society, and I'm not sure if there are any societies where it is. I think the ability to view things from multiple perspectives (including and perhaps especially contrary-to-the-norm perspectives) is a useful asset for the growth and development of the species.

I have never gone to a therapist because I believe most therapists are trained using "normal paradigm" premises and aggregate data, statistics, etc. that often don't apply to individuals. I find the one-size fits all model to be inherently flawed and it wouldn't surprise me to discover that your critical thinking ability outstrips your therapists'.
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trapped in a body
Dec 22, 2023
In our society, I believe there needs to be more conversation about mental health. It is obvious that our current mental health system fails everyone it touches and it shows. Those with mental illness or problems are often looked down upon, treated as outcasts, or even excluded from society entirely. Not only that, but the current "solutions" are obviously not working. Therapy is a joke in general, although it does help some. Psychiatrists only seek to medicate you so you can "feel" better. None of these things is treating the underlying problems, only the symptoms. Modern medicine is set up only to treat the symptoms, not address the underlying problems. This is what I believe is the crux of the problem: Too many medical professionals just simply don't care about the people that they treat, in my opinion. You can't talk about these problems with close friends or family, or you'll be labelled "crazy" and treated poorly for it. There is a stigma associated with talking about mental illness in general and even more of a stigma associated with talking about suicide. This community exists to let people talk about these things judgement-free and anonymously.

I want to open up a wider conversation about how we can improve the failed mental health system because the current approach isn't working.

What do you think could be done?
Corrupt politicians should stop stealing and redirect that money to segment mental hospitals. Suicidal and homicidal in one room is beyond comical. The thing about their mental illness tho(psychopathy, sociopathy or narcissism are the main and actually help a political career) they simply are fine with the mentally ill people dying as we are lower quality cattle to them. I long for death but im 21 tears old so 3 times of what i lived left. Imagine being 20 then becoming a baby again 3 times. But the body will be worse. Damn. Fewls like forever. "Dont ctb we all gonna be gone anyway". Yes but why wait 60 YEARS FFS.
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