Trapped in this Suffering
- Sep 21, 2024
- 1,121
I grew up being Catholic but now becoming more atheist as time goes on as I wish God to not exist and after death be non existence.
At first I believed God was good but was suspicious about a few things like a lot of people still suffering and not really feel like I was helped or listened by him when I struggled with school and did prayer.
As my life has gotten worse, I started despise him for selfishly creating this world that has some people suffer greatly who didn't agree to this to begin with. I felt like what Christianity says about him is a lie cus if he was all loving then he would do something to not have this suffering start to begin with.
While I do think I am a terrible person, I didn't think what I suffer through is cus of something spiritual as purely innocent and good people also suffer greatly from this existence and that I didn't do anything wrong before my suffering increased as I was just a child. I started a become agnostic.
I imagined to more not believe in religion anymore now and am atheist thanks to other atheists here saying things that reassured me into thinking a God or after life doesn't exist.
At first I believed God was good but was suspicious about a few things like a lot of people still suffering and not really feel like I was helped or listened by him when I struggled with school and did prayer.
As my life has gotten worse, I started despise him for selfishly creating this world that has some people suffer greatly who didn't agree to this to begin with. I felt like what Christianity says about him is a lie cus if he was all loving then he would do something to not have this suffering start to begin with.
While I do think I am a terrible person, I didn't think what I suffer through is cus of something spiritual as purely innocent and good people also suffer greatly from this existence and that I didn't do anything wrong before my suffering increased as I was just a child. I started a become agnostic.
I imagined to more not believe in religion anymore now and am atheist thanks to other atheists here saying things that reassured me into thinking a God or after life doesn't exist.