

Dec 14, 2021
Good day everyone!
I have noticed that many people on the forums would say that society has contributed at least a little bit to the reason they want to ctb, which is depressing. So I want to know, what is your personal problems towards society in general? And what do you think needs to change so that not anymore people will come to a point where they have to ctb?

Me personally, most of my pain has been self-inflicted, so even if people were any better I would still choose to go. But I am saddened by seeing history repeat itself over and over again because people don't want to learn from their mistakes. I feel like the people I know in real life who preach a lot about ''mental health awareness'' don't really mean it because their behaviour towards those suffering contradict their positive encouraging words. And I can't tell you how many posts I've read on this forum of users reaching out for help in real life and feeling helpless and discouraged afterwards.

Someone ctb, people get hurt and preach: ''we need to be there for each other'' ''We need to talk about mental health'' ''If you are suffering, talk to me'' ''This is a serious issue''. As soon as they feel better and people start to forget about the incident, they go back to shooing people away who are reaching out or dismissing their pain. It happens over and over again. Death after death. Different person, same story.
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Dec 27, 2021
This is just my experience with society and is not fact, but I really don't like society. I used to think I didn't like people, but it's society that I despise. I hate that I am contradictory. I'll preach on and on about issues, but do nothing to change it. I hate people for being hypocrites, ironically making me the very thing I dislike, people judging based on assumptions.

I think that society has beat me down to the point that I don't even care anymore. Ctb becomes more attractive when I'm surrounded by neurotypical people. I can't help but envy them for the basic things they take for granted.

I can definitely agree to what you said about mental health awareness. On a more light hearted note, I can recall trying to ctb in a bathroom stall as the college speakers were going off about mental health awareness week. Back on topic though, given the increasing amounts of suicides throughout the years, something is wrong. Not with the people that ctb, but the fact that the quality of life is getting worse.
I have been told that humans are social creatures and we need people to survive. I can agree, but it's also the thing killing me slowly.
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Dec 19, 2021
My motivations for suicide are related more to my personal failures and mental and physical problems. But there are a lot of things that depress me about society. The way we view certain lives as disposable (the elderly, disabled, impoverished, etc) and others as worthy (people with money, people who are attractive). And just how damn judgmental people are. We judge each other for the silliest things. People are judged for being unattractive, for not making enough money, for being gay/trans/non-binary, for not feeding their kids an all organic vegan diet. I don't know if I would feel less suicidal if society were a bit more hospitable, but I think it would definitely help.


tiny planet explorer
Dec 10, 2021
Sometimes I feel like being uninformed and/or being too informed hurts a lot. I don't really know which one I am. I'm very sure that the reason I am the way that I am and I think the way that I think is just family issues and genes- not society related- but oftentimes I don't understand why people do the things that they do. Why did I grow up in a world where happiness is rarely the most important thing? Why did I grow up in a world where its "brave" to persue a non-monetary related goal? That's so damn weird. I also don't understand relationships. Why are those so serious? I broke up with someone because I didn't have feelings for them and they told me that made them want to die. Literally, why? Life moves on. People are so serious about everything all the fucking time. We NEED to do this and THIS and THIS... Chill out. When are we going to prioritize just living for ourselves and our happiness? Everyone knows we need more of that.


Aug 23, 2020
We tend to talk about society as one homogenous mass, some sort of a many-faced moster that is preying on the weak, but in reality society is just lots and lots of separate individuals with vastly different behaviours, goals and beliefs. As much as I wish the world could be kind to everyone, I really don't think it is possible to create a society where no one is going to suffer. Sadly, it seems like it is an utopia, no matter how we reshuffle the deck with democracy, socialism, minority rights movements etc. someone invariably gets the short end of the stick and ends up at the bottom of the foodchain, downthrodden and seen as disposable or inherently evil.
Our current approach to helping people who are suicidal is complete BS exactly because it is a "one-size-fits-all" solution. Sure, there are definitely some people that felt better after talking to a helpline, and there are people who cooled off after a psychiatric stay or took antidepressants and felt better, but on the other hand some people stay in the system for decades with little to no improvement, and don't even get me started on the ridiculousness of peddling therapy and antidepressants as a solution for someone with very real and tanglible non-mental-illness issues, such as employment issues, legal trouble, huge debt or chronic illness.
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