Have you looked at Paintstorm Studio? It's a pretty impressive program with some really nice brush dynamics and paint effects. Very customisable too. It has a nice clour mixer which acts like real paint so the colours mix correctly unlike a lot of colour wheels/palletes in programs. I think I paid like 20 for a lifetime licence. Not sure what they're charging now but it's well maintained and updated.
I'll bookmark it and give it a little gossip. Although for now I don't want to make any more expenses. But I am very grateful to you for letting me know him.
Me l'apunto i el xafardejaré una mica. Tot i que per ara no vull fer mes despeses. Pero t'estic molt agraït per donar-me'l a conéixer.
I've never used Painter or Clipstudio. I know they're popular. Especially for people that like to draw manga style art. I use photoshop for years but didn't renew my subscription a year ago. Always hoped to get back to it but haven't been able to do much in the way of artwork since getting sick a couple years back.
I didn't renew Photoshop either, it's a very powerful program (with excellent memory management that makes fun of very large files) but for some tasks I find it difficult to use.
I got into Corel Painter because it was included with my first tablet, the Wacom Graphire, which was the Metacreations Painter Classic back then. Then I bought Painter 8, then Painter 2016 and this month Painter 2023. What's good about it is the huge number of brushes and the realistic treatment of brushstrokes on the type of paper you choose, as well as the color mixing... in this new version you have GPU acceleration and it is quite noticeable. I will continue to do tests because in the last two previous versions my files were corrupted (on three different computers, on three different operating systems, with three different graphics). Let's see how it goes now.
One of the programs I like the most because of its simplicity is SketchBook Pro... when it was still from Autodesk they released the latest version and made it free for everyone. Now it is carried by another company and it is paid again. The free version had quite a few bugs that crashed the program.
I'm really bothered by mistakes because it's what keeps me from taking too many risks when drawing on the computer.
With Win 3.1's Paintbrush or Deluxe Paint it never happened to me and I really enjoyed using those programs, they were very good and easy to use.
Jo tampoc vaig renovar Photoshop, es un programa molt potent (amb una magnífica gestió de la memòria que fa virgueries amb fitxers molt grans) pero que per algunes tasques em costa fer de servir.
El Corel Painter m'hi vaig aficionar perquè l'incloia la meva primera tauleta, la Wacom Graphire, era el Metacreations Painter Classic aleshores. Després Vaig comprar-me el Painter 8, a continuació el Painter 2016 i aquest mes el Painter 2023. El que te de bò es la quantitat enorme de pinzells i el tractament realista de la pinzellada sobre el tipus de paper que escolleixis, així com la barreja de colors... en aquesta nova versió te acceleració GPU i es nota bastant. Seguiré fent proves perquè en la últimes dues versions anteriors se'm corrompien els arxius (en tres ordinadors diferents, en tres sistemes operatius diferents, amb tres gràfiques diferents). A veure com va ara.
Un dels programes que mes m'agrada per la seva sencillesa és l'SketchBook Pro... quan encara era d'Autodesk van alliberar l'última versió i la van fer gratuïta per tothom. Ara el porta una altra empresa i torna a ser de pagament. La versió gratuïta tenía força errors que penjaven el programa.
Em molesten molt els errors perquè és el que fa que no m'arrisqui gaire a l'hora de dibuixar a l'ordinador.
Amb el Paintbrush del Win 3.1 o el Deluxe Paint mai em va passar i m'hi vaig engrescar molt en l'us d'aquells programes, eren molt bons i fàcils de fer servir.
On thw Disney front, I've enjoyed some of the new Star Wars spin off series. Much better than the films anyway. Less said about those thw better lol. Did you watch Moon Knight? I enjoyed that.
I really enjoyed The Mandalorian, not at first. But the episodes that close each of the two seasons are of a very high level, pure STAR WARS. Waiting for the third season.
When it came to MoonKnight I was completely hooked, although I find it to be too violent for my taste. But the plot is well worked and the protagonist enjoys my empathy due to his personal problems (a bit like the Joker movie) and how these intertwine with the different events that narrate the whole thing. Waiting for the second season.
Soon they will release the Willow series, which I am very interested in. And I've also read that Disney has kept the rights to Dr.Who (and that's to subscribe to the platform in cliques eyes).
He gaudit molt The Mandalorian, no al principi. Però es que els episodis que tanquen cadascuna de les dues temporades son d'un nivell molt alt, es pur STAR WARS. Esperant la tercera temporada.
En quan a MoonKnight m'hi vaig enganxar de ple, tot i que trobo que te un excés de violéncia pel meu gust. Pero la trama es ben treballada i el protagonista gaudeix de la meva empatía degut als seus problemes personals (una mica com la película del Joker) i com aquests s'entrellacen amb els diferents esdeveniments que narren tot plegat. Esperant la segona temporada.
Dintre de poc estrenaràn la série de Willow, la qual m'interesa força. I també he llegit que Disney s'ha quedat amb els drets de Dr.Who (i això si que és per subscribir-se a la plataforma a ulls clucs).