Not Sure
- Oct 27, 2021
- 37
What title says. I feel like catching the bus, once again, in the middle of a huge depressive episode that's already lasted for a few months, I can barely go out of the house anymore, I have SN ready since 2021, prop, benzos, AE, all I need are a few hours alone and I'm getting those hours the day after tomorrow. Even though I'm going to therapy, on meds (SSRIs, antipsychotics, mood stabilizers), I quit weed 2 months ago, I still feel like just going for it and offing myself as I can't see a way out of this shithole I am in. I mean, last month I didn't even have the energy to write about this. But I am thinking now that I'd wreck my wife's life, my 2 kid's life (2 and 4 yo), my parents - all are already worried about me, not to think of the extended family who have no idea what I'm fighting with... why is is so difficult to make a choice and stick to it? I've been moving back and forth for the last 2 months moving my CTB date further and further while ruining my career (I have a company that's not doing anything for a while now), ignoring most of my friends and circling down the pit of despair. Just so tired and afraid if I recover from this shitty depression I will not be normal and happy but go to full blown mania (bipolar here) and do even more damage to the people I care about. Last time I bought a car I can barely afford and now I can barely go out and buy gas for it, ruined a few friendships, torpedoed my main breadwinning project, almost destroyed my marriage (it's a miracle she's still around)... And currently feeling stuck. Also, if I go forth and do it, I am afraid I will be found by family members and ruin the family house for everybody... what would you do? Try to hold on and recover for them or just go for it and don't look back hoping they will be better off without me fkin up their lives with my shitty disease?