i think my anxiety would ruin it for me. even if we chose the most peaceful method, id still be suffering just from the anxiety of being near another person. also as someone mentioned before, even tho i am pro choice, i think id feel uneasy knowing another person were taking their life in my presence, id feel responsible, especially if i failed and they didnt. it would be nice to have someone aid me in ctb, as i lack a lot of physical and mental energy, but even then id still be anxious. i think the best way for me to go is alone in nature, where ive always felt the most at home. also i would like to have my death recorded for educational use as id feel id be giving back to this community that has given so much to me, but i dont think i will bc of the risks of my identity and my face being spread on the internet which is something i have a phobia of, and also i just feel like itd add extra stress to the situation that i would rather avoid.