Are you sure this is what you want? Suicide is not the answer all the time I know in my case it's but your story might be different or less painful… anyway, your right suicide is trauma to whoever find us… drowning can be a good option for me I can't even swim…
I believe that for me, suicide is my best option. I don't want to live in the world, the society I was born into. It is vile and corrupt. Besides, I have nothing going for me. Can't make friends, my family despises me for not being what they wanted me to be, and nightmares constantly about the man who raped me. I can't form proper connections with people easily if at all, which makes relationships hard for me, even though I crave affection and validation since I had none growing up in a emotionally abusive household.
I can't get happy no matter what I try or meds I take, so I'm just going to be a wage slave to big corporations and a tax whore for my government my whole life because people think that all suicides are wrong and "everyone has a purpose".
The only reason I was still alive is because I was trying to get into a government program for secondary education, but I make too much according to them. And I don't even make enough to rent a studio apartment and afford food.
So I have nothing left except for the job I work at that doesn't pay me enough to live.
So yeah, CTB would be ideal for me. Maybe not for everyone, but I think it's up to the individual. Ive been forced into a mental facility many times for being suicidal (13 times, 9 deer deer facilities) and they're just holding cells. The staff don't care, they don't provide any useful services like individual therapy (every one I've been to was group therapy only, but we were not allowed to bring up sensitive topics). And no one was being helped, but if you didn't "feel better" they wouldn't let you leave. So everyone would pretend like they weren't suicidal or were doing better with the issues they came in with, because if not, they wouldn't be allowed to leave. The psychiatrists would even ask if I even wanted to get better, and at the time, I did, but because I had been in so many times, they thought I wasn't trying. But really, the system is flawed and doesn't help those individuals, just forces them to hide their true feelings.
Because really, who wants to actually help a suicidal person? Because most people just give a half assed 'it'll get better' spiel, or say they aren't trying, or be happy. Or worse, they'll say "Oh, don't say that, you're making me sad" when they asked how you were feeling and said you could talk to them about anything.
And now I'm done trying, because everyone I've tried to please in my life thinks it's not enough, even if I'm giving everything I can.
((Sorry I just realized how long I made this, didn't mean to rant so hard XD))