

Oct 30, 2019
Find a hobby, and dedicate yourself to that hobby.

Use the Internet to learn new skills to help you land better job.
Trouble with that is, for some of us, working a "real job" leaves no mental energy for anything other than making/eating dinner and trying to fall asleep early enough so the next day is more miserable than the last.
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Mar 4, 2020
You're completely right. Whole my life I work to pay bills and have a little to buy food and other things to survive, and what's the point?
I agree. I've been working full time since I was about 19/20. I'm now 29 and I'm so tired. I'm not even old yet but I'm so exhausted. How on earth can I manage until I'm elderly? I've had enough of trying so hard and working so hard and getting nowhere. I've built up a good career but the money is low and intermittent. I don't have family, no partner and I don't want children, so what am I doing this all for? What is the point? Am I doing it for me? Because if that's the case, I don't want to live like this - living hand to mouth and being at the whim and mercy of my employers for the rest of my life. Living in constant fear of being let go (which is all too easy in my line of work).
As you say, there's no other way to live than just dedicating your life to your work. I read the other day "choose a job that you love and you'll never work a day in your life" and someone had changed it to say "choose a job that you love and you'll take every criticism deeply to heart, drive yourself into the ground because of your passion and also ultimately lose the love you had for it in the first place as a result". That got me in the gut. Even if we try to find a job we love, chances are that we will end up in a similar position anyway because of that fact. So only other options are effectively becoming homeless and/or starving. What a world we live in.
What you said really resonated with me and I felt compelled to respond.

Also, backing out doesn't make you a pu$$y, don't be ashamed about it. It's human nature and maybe there is some niggling hope deep down.
Do what you've got to do either way - we'll always be here for you on SS no matter what.
I started to work when I was 12.
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Feb 12, 2020
You dont like the work itself, you dont like the people at work, you dont like the limited lifestyle supported by the paycheque, things will never change for the better, why endure this bullshit
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Clinging onto every ounce of hope
Feb 23, 2020
I feel the same way, I hate my job. I make good money, but that's the extent of my "like" for this job.

My life is dominated by this job, completely.
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Jan 29, 2020
You dont like the work itself, you dont like the people at work, you dont like the limited lifestyle supported by the paycheque, things will never change for the better, why endure this bullshit
Exactly it's brutal and people tell themselves whatever to get through it because they don't want to be homeless either or they have no choice. They even glorify it calling it virtuous and that's ridiculous that anyone can reach that conclusion.

Except there's one solution they aren't willing to do that makes it all go away suicide. And it's sad the people can agree working really sucks and life is hard but then have children too giving them the same burden like what were you thinking?
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¡Si hablas español mándame un mensaje privado!
Apr 9, 2018
My dream is to be able to make money with a long term project that doesn't actually require hard work from me but slow and steady work. I am trying to use affirmations to change my previous mindset, so far it's working decently because I am starting to be motivated. I hope I can actually get to like what I am doing...


Jan 29, 2020
I feel the same way, I hate my job. I make good money, but that's the extent of my "like" for this job.

My life is dominated by this job, completely.
I could of had a good job too but I quit trying when I realized how depressing it was for me. For something in life to be so fundamental to your survival why does working itself feel so painful for me like it's all wrong?

Eating, drinking, breathing are effortless relatively but toiling? I'm clearly not meant for such a world I have to try to die even if I don't want to go about dying because what else can I do? Work 40+ hours virtually for most of my time while getting used to it, have barely any free time to enjoy, and life still being of course inherently suffering and meaningless.

And I don't even have any friends anymore let alone a SO which is as almost as devastating. Surving isn't worth my soul not for this world it just isn't good enough for someone like me. The bad outweighs the good. Every waking hour and minute is revolved around earning currency or consuming it. This is insanity.
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May 28, 2019
I need to work everyday too like any body else in the world . it is the shameful method that capitalism force people to mamage their lives by keeping them as slaves to make money for governments and big cooperates . But I don't feel it because I made it fun for myself . I like what I am doing and it is like a game for me . So I am jut playing game and make some money for company and it makes enough money that I can manage my life
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Apr 22, 2019
24 living at home had my first job at 23 too

I can't deal with this world anymore and the shame doesn't help from people who work or mankind. And now I seem like an attention seeker or whatever since why don't you just do it instead of talking about it.
YOU ARE NOT AN ATTENTION SEEKER FOR SPEAKING ABOUT YOUR PAIN AND SUFFERING AND FRUSTRATION!!! It's right to speak about it, and it's even needed to speak about it, it's needed for you to deal better with it and it's needed for others because people need to face the truth and hear it.
Also, I completely agree with you on every level!!! You are not the only one to feel this way and see this world for what it is, I'm with you❤❤❤


Mar 23, 2018
Feel exactly the same
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Feb 12, 2020
That's all life is anyways. It's all about working all day and I'm sick of it. There's no escape from this hell and you have no choice besides becoming homeless or starving. How can you even enjoy your life when everything is about working every single fucking day? It's not possible and I'm tired of people acting like it is.

I'm going to kill myself before I work a meaningless job for the next 40 to 50 years then have the luxury of being old and suffering on my death bed. You have to be absolutely insane to work every single day knowing it has no purpose but to survive in a world you don't even want to live in.

I rather die. I'm so close to getting over this primitive fear of the unknown. Anything but this wretched reality. I hope carbon monoxide works because that's what I'm doing no later than my birthday unless I find a way to be a pussy again when I know the only solution to this is to die.

Similar mindset, sick of work (not so much the work itself but the endless structural pressure on works and intense competition such that work cannot be enjoyed), embracing CO, and birthday time benchmark.
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Jan 29, 2020
Waa thinking about this right now and how much closer I am to being done with it all soon enough. Life is all about working and I rather die. Its going to take way more painful effort to keep on living then it is going to die. And it's not worth the suffering. Theres nothing that can make life worth living nor starting.


Mar 22, 2020
Work was a quite serious problem which made me suicidal during my 18-25s.

I tried like 10 different jobs and I just couldn't handle them. I made mistakes, felt lots of pressure and always ended up crying once I got home. I just hated being bossed around and treated like a slave.

However, I was studying to become a teacher and at my 25s I finally got my degree and my life changed.

I just wanted a degree but teaching happened to be my passion. Sure, there are days on which I'm really lazy and don't wanna leave my bed but making a living by doing something you love and being your own boss is a unique feeling.

To all those who are unhappy with their jobs, I highly recommend that you study something you like and then work in that field.

For instance, I have an ex friend who never finished high school but now makes more money than me by programming as a freelancer. He learnt just by watching YouTube videos!!

It's amazing how all the info is available for us. We only need the motivation, which is hard to get.


no really, what?
Aug 14, 2020
Most jobs really are soul-deadening nightmares, especially the kind of jobs open to young people who don't yet have specialized experience or training. I've had 2 entry-level kind of jobs that were not horrible. One was acting as a glorified gofer in a government agency that helped people with disabilities find jobs (that hopefully they wouldn't hate). Some folks we weren't able to help, but some we were, and I felt like I was making a positive contribution to the world even though I mostly did dumb things like folding brochures. The other job was as a minimum-wage clerk in a hobby store. The pay was terrible, obviously (this is US federal minimum wage we're talking about, which is THE worst), but I liked talking with people about their projects and things, and I had pretty agreeable coworkers.

So it's not 100% impossible to find a basic job that isn't horrible. It is hard, though. I'm not going to pretend otherwise. There are also the kinds of jobs where you have to get a lot of training first, that are higher status and pay better. I've found that the tradeoff is in longer hours and higher stress, and with my mental and physical problems I can't really handle that. That's something to consider before signing the dotted line on student loans, especially in the US where the loan deal is usually pretty bad.

I'm actually on disability now, which you can't live on really, but I'm also able to sponge off relatives. It's not much of a life, and if I could work I think I would. Most likely I'd go back to the hobby store. The government agency I worked at doesn't really exist anymore, which is a pity.


Mar 21, 2021
Work and die or just die
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
I've always at least attempted to work/study when given the chance but have failed so many times that at this point no one wants to hire me. If I somehow got hired, most likely through somehow succeeding in vocational school, I'd try to work again. And most likely fail again. I think it doesn't matter whether I'm dead inside as a NEET or working/studying, as long as the work/school doesn't take so much energy that I can't manage my emotions at the same time (which is what has happened every single time in the past).

No need for the cash, I think moving out and living on my own would just make it too tempting to ctb. And I want to stay alive until my little sister moves out, unless some shit goes down with geopolitics/tech/economy/etc.

I'm fine being a NEET in the basement until ctb, too. But I'd rather get the self-esteem and money for alcohol and possible expensive hobbies, good nutrition for lifting, from having a job.
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salt shaker, rule breaker
Jan 29, 2021
I really hope i'm able to get a disability check, because there's no way in hell i'm working again.

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