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“From Knowledge springs power."
Sep 1, 2018
Sex abuse investigation is launched after a woman who has been in a permanent vegetative state since nearly drowning 10 years ago GIVES BIRTH in a Phoenix health care facility

A source added that: 'None of the staff were aware that she was pregnant until she was pretty much giving birth.'


Sick bastards! Rape is bad enough but doing it to a bedridden person is horrifying!

This reminds me of kill bill.

  • Like
  • Aww..
  • Hmph!
Reactions: Broken Chimera, restingspot, Fadinglife and 23 others


dont cry for me im already dead
Nov 20, 2018
instantly thought about kill bill too

but im not suprised

if you are in a helpless state you will get treated like shit - whether that is an hospital, a psych ward or a retirement home
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“From Knowledge springs power."
Sep 1, 2018
instantly thought about kill bill too

but im not suprised

if you are in a helpless state you will get treated like shit - whether that is an hospital, a psych ward or a retirement home
This is why it's better to be dead than to be alive and helpless/weak. i hate people.
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Dec 14, 2018
We were just discussing this in chat earlier.

More reason to ensure ctb doesn't fail.
Society is so messed up.
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Oct 8, 2018
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“From Knowledge springs power."
Sep 1, 2018
We were just discussing this in chat earlier.

More reason to ensure ctb doesn't fail.
Society is so messed up.
This! People will take advantage of you for their own personal pleasure. It's time for me to ctb so i don't have to endure this hell anymore.
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This is fucked up beyond belief...
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catching the bus
Aug 4, 2018
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“From Knowledge springs power."
Sep 1, 2018
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You deserve love
Dec 28, 2018
Ewwwwww that's nasty
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Dec 8, 2018
Some people are so sick...full stop.
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Oct 5, 2018
My two worst fears; becoming a vegetable and being pregnant:( My god, who needs horror movies when you're living in one.
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Drs suck mega ass!
Sep 3, 2018
I think this is an old story if I recall correctly. Definitely pretty freaking bad that's for sure. And people wonder why I am not fond of nurses or Dr's? We need a modern day dictator to put a healthy amount of these so-called professionals into a gas chamber. It's the only way they will learn...but they'll learn alright, except it would be too late. Nursing homes, hospitals and anywhere else these sociopaths are employed should have a minimum 25 year jail term if caught abusing/negligence or anything related. I think a public hanging is more suitable though and no long drop either...just a nice, slow choking. I can just imagine what seniors put up with in care homes...
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r e p l i c a n t
Nov 14, 2018
We need a modern day dictator to put a healthy amount of these so-called professionals into a gas chamber. It's the only way they will learn..

Unfortunately, this sort of evil shit becomes even more prolific under dictators, because dictators are just pack alphas with no oversight or means of restraint upon them and their friends. When I read about this sort of ghastlyfuckinghorror I am put in mind, and not for the first time of this quote by Terry Pratchett:

"If you let your mind dwell on rooms like this, you could end up being oddly sad and full of a strange diffuse compassion which would lead you to believe that it might be a good idea to wipe out the whole human race and start again with amoebas."
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Drs suck mega ass!
Sep 3, 2018
Unfortunately, this sort of evil shit becomes even more prolific under dictators, because dictators are just pack alphas with no oversight or means of restraint upon them and their friends. When I read about this sort of ghastlyfuckinghorror I am put in mind, and not for the first time of this quote by Terry Pratchett:

"If you let your mind dwell on rooms like this, you could end up being oddly sad and full of a strange diffuse compassion which would lead you to believe that it might be a good idea to wipe out the whole human race and start again with amoebas."

How about a dictator with a bit of common sense...I know that's pushing it.
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Reactions: puppy9, NoOneKnows, Pegasus and 4 others


r e p l i c a n t
Nov 14, 2018
How about a dictator with a bit of common sense...I know that's pushing it.

Tiberius looked like a sensible sort of chap... to begin with.

What I know from my own experience is, give a person power over you, and eventually they'll crack, and use that power.
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Sep 14, 2018
This shit is pure misanthrope fuel.
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Still here...
Nov 10, 2018
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Final Escape

I’ve been here too long
Jul 8, 2018

Holy shit! Now that's crazy. You're in a coma pregnant and unaware u been raped or anything. Can u imagine what that kid is goin to think about this when they tell him or her how you were conceived lol!
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Still here...
Nov 10, 2018
Holy shit! Now that's crazy. You're in a coma pregnant and unaware u been raped or anything. Can u imagine what that kid is goin to think about this when they tell him or her how you were conceived lol!

Future team SS kid
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Final Escape

I’ve been here too long
Jul 8, 2018
Future team SS kid
Right, unless it got put up for adoption into a healthy family. Then it's almost no difference in healthy outcome or not. If it goes into foster care she/he would be doomed.
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Still here...
Nov 10, 2018
Right, unless it got put up for adoption into a healthy family. Then it's almost no difference in healthy outcome or not. If it goes into foster care she/he would be doomed.

Plus could have genetic mental illness from the father... jus sayin...
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Reactions: Ruffian, Mylifeispointless, NoOneKnows and 6 others


background noise
Jul 13, 2018
Maybe this is insensitive of me but I feel more enraged by the fact that this woman was (and still is) forced to live as a vegetable for over a YEAR. I don't know whether she was in a coma or not, but holy shit... if she wasn't? Imagine her life. Stuck in a bedroom, you can't fucking move, and as if life isn't bad already, you get taken advantage of and can only lie there as some guy rapes you.

The fact that not ONE doctor/nurse saw this happening tells us a lot about how these people are cared for. I bet they only take care of them as much as they need to suck air. Social interaction? Nah, not needed. Any sense of fulfillment? Lol! Just gotta make sure they're alive!

In my opinion the rapist isn't the only bad guy in this situation. I hope this horrible event sparks at least SOME kind of discussion.
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Reactions: Mbound, Broken Chimera, Fucking loving it and 15 others
I am ___________

I am ___________

Hated, Unloved by the world and everything in it.
Jan 3, 2019
This world is full of sick, twisted people. They can be found at high positions of power, and at lower levels such as hospitals. No one is safe from these kinds of people. Another reason why I most people/humanity. Who would want to exist in this horrid world if they had the choice not to? I know I wouldn't.
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ember in the dark
Dec 7, 2018
Christ, how could anyone do such a thing? At the very least I hope her baby gets the chance to grow up in a loving family, hopefully the mother's relatives can take them in rather than them ending up in care.
Maybe this is insensitive of me but I feel more enraged by the fact that this woman was (and still is) forced to live as a vegetable for over a YEAR. I don't know whether she was in a coma or not, but holy shit... if she wasn't? Imagine her life. Stuck in a bedroom, you can't fucking move, and as if life isn't bad already, you get taken advantage of and can only lie there as some guy rapes you.
She nearly drowned ten years ago, not one. It is sick and you're absolutely right to be enraged by it. There's no merit to keeping someone alive as a vegetable for over a decade in a care home other than the money. It's incredibly sad that this poor woman has suffered so much and now been taken advantage of just for the sake of money.
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r e p l i c a n t
Nov 14, 2018
Maybe this is insensitive of me but I feel more enraged by the fact that this woman was (and still is) forced to live as a vegetable for over a YEAR. . . . / . . . In my opinion the rapist isn't the only bad guy in this situation. I hope this horrible event sparks at least SOME kind of discussion.

She nearly drowned ten years ago, not one. It is sick and you're absolutely right to be enraged by it. There's no merit to keeping someone alive as a vegetable for over a decade in a care home other than the money. It's incredibly sad that this poor woman has suffered so much and now been taken advantage of just for the sake of money.

Oh god, I hadn't even thought about the [^£%&%£&£^%&^^&] money. And of course, the lack of care, supposedly paid for by the money, is what has allowed this crime to take place. You are both entirely right - this is a societal crime.

And who, in all probability, is digging themselves into poverty to pay for all this? Who will have been culturally shamed into keeping this poor, god, poor doesn't even cut it, woman breathing so she can be raped. More than once, probably. And who is going to get completely roasted for not knowing what was happening to her. Because the media will need a baddie to blame until they catch "the one rotten apple", and I doubt it's going to be anyone on the administrative side.

If i wasn't waiting to ctb, this makes me realise the need to:
  1. Make everyone, my doctor, and a lawyer, in particular aware that I am not to be maintained in a vegetative state beyond a certain length of time, that I myself have clearly specified. Tbh, I am actually going to do this.
  2. Make the same people aware that in the event of something utterly horrific like this happening the embryo must be aborted. Oh god, I just remembered, no one %"^"$&^&$*&" knew until the baby was nearly born. That's nine months of "care" and no-one noticed.
Sorry, I think I had more points but my mind has completely whited out from the horror of this. I hadn't even thought of the money.

The whole rotten system stinks. Fuck this species. I feel sick.
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Reactions: HowNowBrownCow, wiIIow, Broken Chimera and 11 others


“From Knowledge springs power."
Sep 1, 2018
Definitely negligence by the hospital. People can't be ignorant to how the world is. People are sick and evil so you have to check for shit like this.
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Oct 23, 2018
Well that is another bag of cement poured to further build on my foundations of Misanthropy. The human species as a whole disgusts me.
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Reactions: wiIIow, Life+me=error, Broken Chimera and 16 others
Jen Erik

Jen Erik

Oct 12, 2018
This is horrifying, both her being raped & becoming pregnant and being in that vegetative state for so many years.

I've seen pro-lifers elsewhere saying that being in a vegetative state isn't so bad, barfing up nonsense like, "They can still hear and feel things. They just can't respond or communicate."
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Reactions: Faraway1990, snowman626, therhydler and 11 others


“From Knowledge springs power."
Sep 1, 2018
This is horrifying, both her being raped & becoming pregnant and being in that vegetative state for so many years.

I've seen pro-lifers elsewhere saying that being in a vegetative state isn't so bad, barfing up nonsense like, "They can still hear and feel things. They just can't respond or communicate."
This is the look i give pro-lifers when they say shit like that!

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