Will you leave a goodbye thread and / or a note? Poll.

  • Both

  • Goodbye Thread

  • Note

  • Neither

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Apr 15, 2022
In fairness it could be exactly why they're so vocal here, lacking that outlet among immediate family/friends
I suppose it's possible. Looking forward to what she has to say, if she decides to respond. And usually, if someone has people in their life, it's pretty hard to hide true desires, views, and feelings, especially when those views are so profound. You'd think that people would pick up on things, even if they weren't being stated outright. To me, @FuneralCry doesn't seem like someone to keep her beliefs close to the vest, if you know that I mean.
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F*ck humanity. Let's end this.
Jul 4, 2023
Oh I would definitely leave a multi-page letter for those I was leaving behind if I ever find myself at that point where it's time to go. They deserve to know my feelings and my thoughts. An explanation. I would want them to have some sense of closure and absolution.
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Escaped Lunatic
Jun 4, 2023
I might leave notes for different loved ones. Very unlikely to have a goodbye thread. If I got to know some people on here well enough they'd likely get notes.
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Useless bastard almost making the decision to CTB.
Jul 24, 2023
Probably a goodbye thread for you people only before I CTB because you folks respect me on this site. My rubbish family, well I am going to abandon those bastards anyway. Those animals pay no attention to my happiness.
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Mar 12, 2023
I will leave a goodbye thread here for sure and maybe left no note , just bring charcoal briquettes in my tent to warm up , so the cause will be determined as accident.

Ive seen so many of them in the news , im sure some of them are disguise suicide.
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Suffering will end when the existence does.
Jul 6, 2023
A note for my family for sure.

I would create a thread here when I will go for it. I want to let the people know whether my method has worked or not. I think it's important to share it with this community.
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May 18, 2021
I've written multiple over the years and destroyed them, I will either leave a note or just burn it just before probably.
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meet me at the back of the blue bus
Aug 5, 2023
I am planning on leaving a voice memo for my parents. Tell them I love them and that I'm sorry. Probably only a minute or two long. I'm also going to leave a note telling my mom to call the police and that I'm sorry. And another note for the first responders- just to say I'm sorry that they had to see this. I may or may not leave a goodbye threads here, if I do it'll just be to thank everyone.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
As vocal as you are on this forum about your views, do real life people in your life not know your true beliefs and desires? That just sounds so implausible to me.
No, I would never be open about wanting to die, doing such a thing would be a terrible idea, there's no benefit to that. They never need to know anyway, it doesn't concern anyone else how I feel about existence, I will always see it as better to stay quiet, I've always been quite a quiet person, I've never really liked talking much anyway.
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Aug 17, 2023
Leave a note.
My Dad knows about my suicidal thoughts, but he understands my situation (which is shitty).
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Seeking one final escape
Aug 13, 2023
Since I hope to ctb in a location I'm not known, I'll probably set up a time-release e-mail first.
Otherwise, folks that knew me would likely never know what happened.
Would it be better to keep it a mystery? For them? For me? Probably makes little difference anymore.
I'm already stranded far away from everybody, with no way to get back. I might as well be dead already, in a social sense.
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Jul 23, 2023
Since I hope to ctb in a location I'm not known, I'll probably set up a time-release e-mail first.
Otherwise, folks that knew me would likely never know what happened.
Would it be better to keep it a mystery? For them? For me? Probably makes little difference anymore.
I'm already stranded far away from everybody, with no way to get back. I might as well be dead already, in a social sense.
Yeah, only you can make that call. I imagine that some wanted to say much, but ended up saying nothing at all, because they just couldn't find the right way of saying it and gave up in frustration. CTB can be an exhausting affair..
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Aug 17, 2023
No note for family. My loved ones I meet online or added from real life to online will have a good bye tho
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Today's air quality is mauve and speckled.
May 6, 2023
From what I've learned typically leaving any kind of suicide note, video, or audio just adds to the trauma of the people around you so I wouldn't leave anything. Plus once I'm gone anyone who comes across anything I've left behind can just twist my words without me being able to clarify what I mean soo... fuck them. I'll be dead bitches. Shit won't matter anymore lmao
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Stormy Raine

Stormy Raine

Quietly counting down the days, hours, minutes..
Apr 7, 2023
I refuse to spend my last hours, minutes, or seconds wasting my time writing goodbye notes. I make it no secret to anyone that I hate this life and I hate waking up. So absolutely not will I say goodbye to anyone, they all know their part and if and when I go they will understand, if they don't I still don't care. I plan to donate my organs and give someone a chance at life who is waiting for an organ or I'll donate my body to science. I don't want people to ever come visit me at a grave and think they will have the chance to ask for forgiveness.
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New Member
Aug 14, 2023
I told myself for years that I would write meaningful letters to the people I'm close to, but as I've grown more intent this past year I've realized I don't care. I've thought about sending delayed emails with short messages about my intent, at least to people who likely wouldn't otherwise be told for a while (or at all), but even that feels like too much to bother with too. I'd rather just disappear the way I want to. If there was anybody in my life who would actually be surprised if I chose to ctb, then maybe I'd feel obligated to write something for them, but that's not the case.
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New Member
Aug 18, 2023
I might leave a goodbye note just for kicks and giggles. I mean we all here pretty much get it so why not yall know what happened.
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Oct 26, 2020
I plan on both, though there's always a chance that when the time comes it'll have been impulsive, making me forget to make a thread.
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Dec 20, 2021
I think it'll take forever if I leave something and expressing myself isn't really my forte so I'll just hope this is a fun murder mystery or guessing game.
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Jul 26, 2023
I have considered leaving behind a note or two, but honestly I've realized that leaving such a note would purely be in the service of others. I'm so tired of always having to hyperfocus on other people's feelings over my own, so if (or perhaps more accurately, when) I do choose end my life I'll probably just do it. The resulting consequences don't really matter to me after I'm dead after all; once I'm dead I couldn't give two shits about what others think of me.
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Lost Magic

Lost Magic

May 5, 2020
I'll leave a brief note and leave the contact details of the people taking care of my will. I am unsure if I will leave a goodbye thread on this site or not, it's really not my style. It's something I will consider nearer the time. However, I am always very grateful for this site and the lovely souls on here. They have helped me a lot over the years, and I shall never forget the ones who have passed on and the ones who are still here.
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A whisper to her scream, an autumn in my green.
Jun 12, 2023
Tbh less of a note more of a will, I dont have much to say to anybody that isnt already said, but I know I have stuff I want to leave behind that I wouldnt want other people messing with.
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Jul 14, 2023
My remaining family (siblings) already know my plans. When my health deteriorates enough I'm CTB.

One plan is doing it on an early weekday. After mailman leaves the day's mail I'll put in my mailbox a letter to my city's police department informing them. That way if I chicken out or change my mind I can get it out of my mailbox before mailman picks it up next day. If I don't chicken out, the police will find my non traumatizing corpse (Thanks nitrogen ReBreather!), before I start attracting flies.
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Jul 17, 2023
i want to leave a note to my best friend but i don't know what the purpose of it would be. i don't think closure is going to make her feel better but going radio silent and leaving her to piece it together is also cruel. it's fucked up either way.

but i'm feeling pretty detached lately and i may not care enough to leave a note anymore.

most definitely won't post a thread here though.
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Unstable Potato
May 25, 2023
I left a note last time that ended up outing my intentions. There will be no note in the future. I have nothing to say to anyone anymore and they'll end up thinking whatever they want anyways. As for a goodbye thread... I probably won't do one unless I have a gun and it's nearly a sure thing.
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Aug 18, 2023
No, I would never be open about wanting to die, doing such a thing would be a terrible idea, there's no benefit to that. They never need to know anyway, it doesn't concern anyone else how I feel about existence, I will always see it as better to stay quiet, I've always been quite a quiet person, I've never really liked talking much anyway.
I feel kinda similarly... if I was truly contemplating death, I don't think any good would come from people around me knowing. Mostly, because, I wouldn't want anyone to get alarmed and try to prevent me either or force me into some treatment against my will. But, also, I think it'd be unkind to people that care about me, hearing me say stuff like that because it'd be really serious and stressful for them dealing with that kind of information. -Though, I have shared with close people before that I had a failed suicide attempt... but, only because it was a past thing and I seemed to be over it (happened many years ago). Any real, current desires about dying or suicidal tendency, I'd probably want to keep quiet about it... the most I'd reveal/hint at is that I'm feeling very depressed.

Discussion: "Will you leave a goodbye thread and / or a note?"
I don't think I'd write anything on the day of, because I wouldn't want anyone being suspicious and checking up on me. Maybe, I'll send text messages to some people just generally appreciating them for their time in my life, a couple days leading up to it. I probably won't leave a note for reasons why I did it though, because I wouldn't want anyone blaming themselves... even if it were the case that some people had hurt me, it'd be pointless to point fingers after death anyways. I'd just be thankful not having to feel so much sadness/emptiness anymore.

I'm not sure about a goodbye thread on here. Maybe, I would, if over time I felt comfortable and got to know the community better and made friends (or used a method I'd learned from here). It could be a way to update what happened to me, instead of just disappearing suddenly if I was active enough.
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Apr 18, 2022
I have notes ready to go. I'm not sure if I'd post a goodbye thread here. I might because it would be nice to tell people without having to worry about getting emergency services called on me, but it would depend on my mood. I've tried dying and felt empty, peaceful, angry, sad and others. Different states have different energy levels and desires that go with them and that'd probably be the deciding factor.
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journey to reach the light
Aug 18, 2023
Though about leaving a note but I really don't think it is necessary and it's probably best I don't, kinda just want to fade into oblivion like I never existed. A thread would be nice though just to put out there that my method could be viable for others that may want to choose the route.
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New Member
Jun 13, 2023
No note since I will have no one to tell. At the moment I'm currently a caregiver but after they are gone I will be too. I have brothers who I no longer talk to so no need to tell them shit.
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Killdozer In human form
Aug 19, 2023
Definitely a note, I gotta expose everyone deserving. Then just let my unhinged friends deal with them. The number of notes I've made is ridiculous, I just really suck at killing myself. But in every note I've written a few quotes always find their way in every single one, "I'll drag you to hell with me" "Any sinking feeling you have just know I'm there" also "god forbid you don't reproduce because I will eat your children whole from the womb" Usually I'm on a lot of xans when it's written, reading that one back makes me realize I'm basically telling them I'm gonna eat them out in a violent way. Jfc.
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