It's anyone's guess really. It might get seized in Customs, ir it may make it through to your house. There were some anecdotal reports of ppl getting welfare checks a week or more after receiving their SN. I think here in the US, you have some protections. I highly doubt anyone would come with a warrant, so you don't have to let anyone in. Admit to nothing. Tell them you have no idea what they're talking about, and if SN is brought up by name, tell them you don't know what that is. If they ask if you're suicidal, tell them no. Now, if you live with parents, that might be more of an issue if someone does happen to do a welfare check. Remember, SN is still not illegal. All this is just part of Biden's initiative to prevent suicide. He's pro-life. I'm a Biden supporter but disagree with him on this issue. There are stories of ppl getting welfare checks, and stories of SN getting through with no issues and no welfare checks, so I guess it's a crap shoot maybe. One other thing, if you're a minor living at home and somehow your parents answer the door, "if" a welfare check does happen, they can have you committed if they choose, and they can give permission to have the house searched for the SN.