Nonsense. My post didn't violate any rules. Granted, mods can always arbitrarily ban whoever they please, but to suggest that allowing a critical, respectful, and obvious discussion about this place to play out is an act of tremendous grace says more about you than the mods or this site. And however you may characterize my points, not once did I suggest the mods are overzealous in their moderating. By allowing this thread to play out, they did not in the least disprove any point I made.
Hot take but this is getting to the point of not being a respectful discussion at all. SS is full of people from different walks of life, wanting ctb that is one that we all have in common. We can try to ban everyone that is hateful or underage, but the root cause of their hate isn't always because of SS.
People with strong beliefs often get more ingrained in their beliefs when arguing. Despite the fact that their arguments can hold no water. It is very hard to change someone's beliefs, no matter how unethical their beliefs might be.
That isn't to say that we shouldn't question if someone's beliefs is hateful. Like minded individuals tend to flock together on the internet, creating a echo chamber that eventually makes their beliefs become more increasingly radical. Different opinions and criticism is what keeps that from happening. But there is a fine line between discussion and arguing.
What you posted does have points that need to be adressed. Hate should never be given a platform to voice their hate. But this is getting to the point where both sides are starting to throw accusations at each other.
Controversal topics will generate very heated debates and often spiral to the point where the original argument is lost. If someone posts something that is controversial, listening to the other side's points is just as important as making empirical points. If you do post something that is unpopular, expect criticism back at you, just don't fan the flames any further.
Hate will always exist in humanity. Humans have been doing horrible things to each other since the start it's just now that most of it is on keyboard and mouse, not sticks and stones. I do agree that hateful speech should be monitored more, but it is the minority.
Anti-semitism search results often are just filled with distain for them. Holocaust results are often in context of how it is proof that humans are horrible and cruel or horrible the present is. The search term Jew comes up with a few edgy jokes but sadly Jews experiencing hate in the place they live. Misogyny is still a mixed bag of ambiguity for me, search results of Women are mostly, "women hate" me or "I hate how I am treated because I am a women".
I did find the Holocaust denial post, it was in a unpopular opinions thread so it's obvious that it would be there, whether right or wrong, the poster knows it is not popular, but I don't see them posting their beliefs anywhere else. Out of all ten pages I have read, just one, and that one, is the only negative comment.
We can't stop people from posting hate, we can only prevent it. What a person believes doesn't automatically make them a bad person, it's what they do to thr world around them with those beliefs is what matters. Even in highly moderated places, there are always a few bad apples in any community. It's sadly just that these apples are the most vocal and become the representation of the whole group most of the time.
It's hard to remember, but mods are on this site too for the same reasons. I trust the mods judgement when it comes to bans. The understand how if feels to be outcasts or hated and I am sure they would not tolerate hateful comments. Yes, some things do slip through the cracks, but remember, SS has a very tiny moderation staff for its amount of members. Most of us on here are because of painful reasons, it can make even the simplest task hard, draining motivation, and it includes mods as well.
Words can say a lot about people, but it is a inaccurate way to judge someone's character because it is the internet.
Yes, perhaps the mods didn't adress your points but it is unfair to put all the burden of proof on them. I don't like to say this but, you haven't given evidence to support your claim other than one unpopular opinion post. Allowing the thread to play out just made people more upset, but does not prove your original points. Inaction does in no way mean support or allowing it, there is a lot of work going behind the scenes that most of us won't ever see. The fact that this thread is still up even with the criticism of the mods, they could take it down at any time, but didn't.
Responding to straw man arguments is a fool's errand, so it probably doesn't reflect well on me to point out I never called this place as lacking any nuance, as monolithic, or as uniformly toxic. And it's no argument to suggest that just because every thread is not misogynist or posted by people who are probably too young or immature for guidance on suicide, that such threads don't exist and remain, and that their existence makes this place a far easier target. But hey, if knocking down straw men makes you feel good, go on.
Ironically calling out a fallacy and using it as a basis to debate is a fallacy of its own. Fallacy inception. Yes, those kinds of posts do make SS easier to attack. But it doesn't change the fact that it's not just the hate and minors, it's the hate of suicide itself. At one point Rain had suspended discussion of methods of the site, but it didn't stop her from being attacked by the fixers. They only see SS as a sort of death cult and only that. Perhaps due to the misogyny, or the anti-semitism ect. There are forums that support those beliefs, but they rarely get posted in the news or have people try to make a law against them. It is not the hate speech, it is the stigma of suicide itself. The media only knows toxic positivity and get better promises. But toxic positivity can have the opposite effect in different situations. It is like a doctor making a promise that they will save the patient and they will get better, trying to make a guarantee of a ambigous situation, rather that saying they just don't know. Media doesn't care, it's all for clicks and money.
At this point there is nothing much more for me to write, I made all the points I meant to, I stand by them, and there's no value in repeating them just because a new comment repeating what others have already written pops up. I will add though, as I'm not trying to single out any user with this thread, I gave clear directions on how anyone can find multiple examples of threads that support my critiques which have also been made by many besides myself. I don't claim any original insight here.
You are entitled to your own opinion and it is absolutely fine to stand by them. I might be very stupid but I couldn't find the instructions to find said posts or saw any evidence when searching the fourms. Yeah, I'm the type of person to lock myself outside of the house.
Sorry for the long text box, point is, media will always hate us and whatever we do, they still hate us. And that hate speech is not as big of a problem that you make it out to be. Also, minors lie all the time about their age, the only thing we can do is advocate for their guardians to help them before it is too late.
I did not grammar check this :/