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Well, I looked into fent and apparently only heavy users know where to get it where I live since it's banned on the dnms. Also, the brown heroin is so expensive where I live that I really can't buy more than one gram unless I find a job. I get some extra money from one source but it will never be enough unless I work hard. Sorry for the blog, I'm just kind of incredulous about this working myself unless I think more... just a gram, but then again, it's still way too much on paper at least since I'm opiate naive. Hmm.
Well, .no need to apologize I totally understand your situation, it's all good. I guess the only true way of finding out is buying a gram and seeing if it works or not. And if doesntt work, than you know what options you need to make if you still want to continue with your plan or not. H is different for everyone. Effects everybody differently so it's really a ballpark estimate what it exactly it will do to you. Possibly could work out just fine.
Lifeisatrap, SeekingSolace and Kellogg's
Any references/links of this ever even happening, especially with a deliberate OD where no one else was around to save them? Big claims require big proof!
H is certainly cheaper than N. Fatalities happen all the time. You're not gonna snort it; this leads me to believe you're not gonna OD correctly. You need a hot shot to a preferably opiate-naive body.
Where's your city?
I thought about this obsessively but it involves involving someone else, and at this point I'm not there. Needles are free in the US for your dog's/Granny's diabetes. Don't freak out. It's a no-ask policy. Be sure to get small ones.
Lifeisatrap, Kellogg's, NoChoice and 1 other person
Can you ask the person for fentanyl too? Just to see if they can get some? That would certainly do it. And be enough in case you screw up a few times before you find a vein and actually shot it in. Maybe if they say yes ask them get that instead?
Not gonna shoot H at this point since I'm afraid I won't hit the vein properly as I've never done IV. But I snorted base once and it worked, it's just that it's not in pure #4 form, so snorting it will work less well as far as I understand. Guess if it won't work I could always smoke a lot of it next time around.
Hes just saying your chances are significantly that much higher if you shot it compared to snorting it or smoking it. This way it's fast to the heart blood stream you lose consciencness and it's over. You stop breathing. Smoking it, you will just smoke till you pass out. Maybe snorting it may work. But if you really want out shooting it is the preferred method. And you don't miss a vein usually. Unless you have gangreene And hella lot of track marks from doing this your whole life.
I'm not telling you what to do. But if you can't get anymore, and you want to really do this, then shooting is the best option.
I live in Pakistan as well and I can confirm. The heroin here is potent and relatively pure if you can afford to pay. I am considering injecting it on the rooftop of a 300 meter building and jumping after a few minutes. Would help overcome the SI.
I would say get a few of them just in case because who knows what it's been cut with as it loses some potency-not as pure. Can you find fentanyl as well from the source? That would really boost your chances too
don't inject so much shit in your venes, that's painful o.O if pure stuff is not available it's not a good idea to try this method. fentanyl sounds better, knew one who used them and heard of a guy who nearly died on fentanyl patches, but not on purpose^^
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