Or u cn sy nothng 2 mods & 100% gurntee tht nothng wll happn eithr wy
Also - pls realse tht thre = lrge numbr of mods wh/ hve diffrnt belifs & opinns & wh/ also hve bettr thngs t/ d/ thn tryn2 contrl politcl dscourse
As lng as psts r nt discrimntry or misnfrmatn thn mods hve 0 intrst in obsessng ovr contrllng feeds
"can say nothing to mods and guarantee nothing will happen"...that was more or less the idea, yes, as I thought I made clear.
I didn't say the mods on this site are interested in obsessing over controlling feeds but I do think political biases influence decisions.
I don't know whether you believe that defining what is or isn't discriminatory or misinformation is black and white but I do not. I've had a thread nuked (is that common here?) for something I considered and still consider entirely innocuous and which I doubt would have been "disappeared" south american style in years past, so evidently interpretations of that policy can change, or perhaps the policy itself is a political choice which wasn't in effect in the past.
So, to reiterate, I have no interest in reporting them to mods but upon considering that possibility, I am of the opinion that it would be less likely to be pursued due to the fact that politics play a role in how this website is managed. I guess that's controversial.
I messaged you.
Dear God please don't tell me this place has power mods like Reddit does. I will actually fucking kill myself if they do.
EDIT: Last part is hyperbole, nearly forgot suicide over the internet was common here
I'm not sure what power mods on Reddit are like but that sounds like a lot more than what I said, so you probably don't need to worry.