I think people just need a scapegoat for their grief. I believe FixThe26 started due to one of the founder's loved ones deciding to CTB while they were on this website. Rather than finding healthier ways to manage their grief, loyal members of FixThe26 decide to take their anger out on suicidal people to make themselves feel better for inane reasons.
"These strangers on the Internet killed my child!"
Even though nobody on this site, to my knowledge, has explicitly encouraged someone to CTB. If anything, anytime someone asks whether they should, the most common responses are either "You should take the time to think about this and, while you're doing that, check out the Recovery forum" or "It's your life, so it's up to you."
Both of these responses don't tell the person to CTB. The first, while not aggressive in the way pro-life sentiments are, is discouraging suicide while the second acknowledges that they have the right to choose whether or not they should CTB.
Even if they did ultimately CTB, this site wasn't the thing that pushed them to come to that conclusion; they got there on their own. To someone who has already decided to CTB, SaSu is merely a means to an end, nothing more and nothing less.
"It's wrong to not help someone who is suicidal!"
By what? Locking them in a mental institution and dismissing their motives for suicide? Not only that, they're met with disdain and prejudice the moment people find out!
Suicidal people aren't children. They don't need an outsider to guide them onto the "correct path." If they do not want help, then that's the end of it. If they do want help, they certainly don't need patronizing individuals assuming that they know everything about their situation to have the gall to make promises that may not be fulfilled.
Plus, like I mentioned earlier, there's a Recovery forum. There are plenty of people over there who are willing to help suicidal people who want help, and hell, I'd even be bold enough to say that their help is more beneficial than the "help" these pro-life people forcefully shove down people's throats!
Ultimately, it's not about "helping suicidal people." It's about power, releasing their anger out on people they deem lesser than them, and slacktivism.
Instead of getting to the root of the issue and advocating for fixing things that are driving people to suicide, they'd rather be on Facebook posting about how evil these suicidal people are for allowing people to have the choice of deciding whether or not they want to CTB and doxxing them. That way, they can get that "feel good" sensation from doing their "good deed of the day" that, to them, makes them a better person than everyone else.
Shutting down this website is another way for them to exert their power at the end of the day.