@Dot @elliestxttoo I'm not asking with the purpose of defending what she is doing, I'm asking with the purpose of understanding WHY is she acting like that. Of course what she is doing is bad. I had a feeling she went through some rough stuff. You can't keep beating a dog and expect them to be nice afterwards. If this keeps up there's a chance that you @elliestxttoo might end up like her.
@elliestxttoo I'm sorry that she treats you like that! I want to help but, I don't know.. The way I see it there are two possibilities here. She's damaged, obviously, but can it be fixed, can her situation be alleviated somehow, does she want to heal or is she embracing the pain!? If it's the second then there is not much to be done. You'll have to resist somehow until you're able to leave. If it's the first then maybe you can help heal her, you heal her and it will be better for you. You can do this by helping her with chores, spending time with her, going out for walks together, I don't know, it depends on what she likes.
Now, I don't know everything, I might be wrong but this is what I can think of that might help.
If others on the forums would like to add to that, if anyone would like to correct me then please do!
I'm sorry if I'm getting things wrong.