Finding the right method is hard due to how society, the State (government), and stigma/taboo against death in general being at an all time high and only getting worse as time goes on. In the past (several decades ago), finding the sources and drugs to have a peaceful death was more readily accessible (nowadays it is very difficult, if not, almost impossible). Then there are more invasive and aggressive CTB prevention measures today than there are over a decade ago when it comes to people attempting to CTB. With that said, this leaves people with violent, brutal, messy, and risky methods to CTB, which even then, are becoming more restrictive in terms of access, like popular bridges having barriers installed, less popular areas are less reliable (higher chance of failure), then also similar areas albeit without barriers are patrolled by Samaritans, pro-lifers and preventionists alike, and LE (law enforcement), which then leaves with the more common, but more prone to failure methods such as OD'ing and partial/full.
In terms of the right method, several factors come into play: which are accessibility, reliability, and comfort, and brutal methods while may be reliable, are not necessarily comfortable nor accessible for many people, leaving them stuck with less reliable methods or just simply trapped and unable to escape this world of suffering.