

Feb 26, 2021
I've been wondering about this for a while... why don't more people want to kill themselves? Of course I know the answer, survival instinct, but that is something that can be overcome. The further I live, the more I become aware that the vast majority of people are actually unhappy and unsatisfied with their lives. Most people's "good" is not really a state of feeling good, but more of a state of neutrality. And there are so many daily incoveniences and annoyances, as well as deep hurt that is just a part of life, that it's easy to see how life is more bad than good. People have to distract themselves with media, go to therapy, use "coping skills"... is it really such a stretch to say that life is actually very miserable? Of course, the difference between "normal people" and us is that suicidal people tend to live in a state of constant misery and not just common unhappiness, but is living a mediocre life filled with unhappiness, with brief moments of joy in between the annoyances really worth living for? Most people seem to choose to live not because they enjoy life, but it's what they've always done, so why not continue? The only reason I'm not dead right now is my own cowardice, my fear of death, but I'm hoping I can go through with it. Like they say, bravery is not being fearless, but doing things even when you're afraid.
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Jan 10, 2021
running from reality make peopl more starving to live it because they are forced to
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
Life is actually pretty okay for most people, in a lot of ways it's even better than it would have been 100 years ago too and that's enough.

Even in places where humans are clearly suffering all the time, people can still want to be defiant and continue to want to live in spite of their hopeless situations.

Even though for us we might know there's no getting better, it can still always get worse. I've always said that in order for society to be more on board the suicide train, life as a whole is going to have to get even worse for them. I'm talking full dystopian and with zero distractions because those typically keep people alive when they work. This pandemic is more of a very dry kind of misery since nobody really does anything but for things to suck more there'd have to be active suckage for all like killer robots or whatever.
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Mar 21, 2019
Wanting to ctb and taking the steps to do it are different things. We are programed to suffer and work around our problems.
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Jan 27, 2019
most people have really low standards for life.
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Part Time NEET - Full Time Suicidal
Mar 29, 2020
I'd guess that in many parts of the world that people don't end their life due to religious reasons like being afraid of going to Hell. Though I suppose that if you're still afraid of God that you probably live in a third world country where you'll die of hunger, poverty, or disease long before suicide even comes into the equation.

The rest are probably just normies who haven't experienced anything bad enough to want to CTB and still have enough good in their life that they have hope for the future to get better.
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I remember...death in the afternoon...
Nov 7, 2020
I wonder this myself. I see, particularly amongst my generation (Millennials) a lot of cynicism, snark, and world-weariness about this planet in general, to the point where many young 'uns nowadays seem to spend most of their lives angry, upset, or depressed instead of happy. And yet, they don't ever ctb & like to say the pro-life clichés (life will get better, it's the easy way out, etc.). I'm actually far more optimistic about the world in general, being a writer and all, yet I want to die far more than my peers do.
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Nov 25, 2019
the average person doesnt even consider suicide as an option and they think life is a blessing. the majority of ppl in the world want to live a long life, get married, have kids and die at an old age. ive always felt a big disconnect between myself and the average person due to this.
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Dec 29, 2020
Before I became ill, life was really good.

I could enjoy a cup of coffee, work out, learn how to cook. Progress in areas of life that were important to me. Read. Chat with people.

All that has been taken from me.

I don't have the quiet comfort people enjoy just sitting in a room. It's just endless anxiety and fear and pain.

It's unfortunate. I didn't think I'd get this sick so randomly from an illness that still hasn't been diagnosed despite a litany of tests but no matter.

I'm hoping soon I have the will and courage to end it all. Bring myself rest.
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Oct 14, 2020
Most people are actually pretty happy or neutral as you said and there are enough happy moments to balance out the bad ones. Things like seeing friends, a celebration to look forward to, love and relationships, little milestones, buying treats, vacations or little trips. Most people have goals they work towards whether that's related to work or personal life

I was happy until I became chronically ill and now my days are full of pain and suffering. I can't leave my house without a pain flare and I'm in pain even at home. My life is a nightmare and no amount of money would make me happy at the moment. Maybe a billion dollars so I don't have to worry about how I'm gonna work and keep my insurance and can just invest in research. I just want my health back
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"I'd feel trapped if I couldn't CTB at any time."
Feb 15, 2019
I've been wondering about this for a while... why don't more people want to kill themselves? Of course I know the answer, survival instinct, but that is something that can be overcome. The further I live, the more I become aware that the vast majority of people are actually unhappy and unsatisfied with their lives. Most people's "good" is not really a state of feeling good, but more of a state of neutrality. And there are so many daily incoveniences and annoyances, as well as deep hurt that is just a part of life, that it's easy to see how life is more bad than good. People have to distract themselves with media, go to therapy, use "coping skills"... is it really such a stretch to say that life is actually very miserable? Of course, the difference between "normal people" and us is that suicidal people tend to live in a state of constant misery and not just common unhappiness, but is living a mediocre life filled with unhappiness, with brief moments of joy in between the annoyances really worth living for? Most people seem to choose to live not because they enjoy life, but it's what they've always done, so why not continue? The only reason I'm not dead right now is my own cowardice, my fear of death, but I'm hoping I can go through with it. Like they say, bravery is not being fearless, but doing things even when you're afraid.
Because we are biologically wired to survive and live at all costs. Same with our desire to reproduce and have sex.

Some people argue that people lacking those instincts are "irrational". I truly wonder how though -- if all humans right now had their survival instincts wiped out and were able to judge whether life is worth living or not absent of any bias from survival instinct; how many would CTB? I'd wager that many would come to the logical conclusion that life is far, far more pain than pleasure.
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Aug 18, 2020
I've been wondering about this for a while... why don't more people want to kill themselves? Of course I know the answer, survival instinct, but that is something that can be overcome. The further I live, the more I become aware that the vast majority of people are actually unhappy and unsatisfied with their lives. Most people's "good" is not really a state of feeling good, but more of a state of neutrality. And there are so many daily incoveniences and annoyances, as well as deep hurt that is just a part of life, that it's easy to see how life is more bad than good. People have to distract themselves with media, go to therapy, use "coping skills"... is it really such a stretch to say that life is actually very miserable? Of course, the difference between "normal people" and us is that suicidal people tend to live in a state of constant misery and not just common unhappiness, but is living a mediocre life filled with unhappiness, with brief moments of joy in between the annoyances really worth living for? Most people seem to choose to live not because they enjoy life, but it's what they've always done, so why not continue? The only reason I'm not dead right now is my own cowardice, my fear of death, but I'm hoping I can go through with it. Like they say, bravery is not being fearless, but doing things even when you're afraid.
CTB is a very very brave thing to do on an individual level. That statement can not be taken away. It takes large amounts of courage to purposely face that final unknown and conquer death itself. To find that feeling of peace that I and many others believe we have felt before at some point. Scary as hell though....
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● I do not live ● ● I exist ●
Mar 6, 2021
I think many people can´t stand their live anymore and want to die. But many people are afraid to fail, don´t have access to reliable and peaceful methods or don´t have the right infos. And many hope for better times.
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Jun 16, 2020
I've actually heard people say things along the lines of "I'll never understand why people commit suicide" and "How can you not want to live?"
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Apr 10, 2021
I've been wondering about this for a while... why don't more people want to kill themselves? Of course I know the answer, survival instinct, but that is something that can be overcome. The further I live, the more I become aware that the vast majority of people are actually unhappy and unsatisfied with their lives. Most people's "good" is not really a state of feeling good, but more of a state of neutrality. And there are so many daily incoveniences and annoyances, as well as deep hurt that is just a part of life, that it's easy to see how life is more bad than good. People have to distract themselves with media, go to therapy, use "coping skills"... is it really such a stretch to say that life is actually very miserable? Of course, the difference between "normal people" and us is that suicidal people tend to live in a state of constant misery and not just common unhappiness, but is living a mediocre life filled with unhappiness, with brief moments of joy in between the annoyances really worth living for? Most people seem to choose to live not because they enjoy life, but it's what they've always done, so why not continue? The only reason I'm not dead right now is my own cowardice, my fear of death, but I'm hoping I can go through with it. Like they say, bravery is not being fearless, but doing things even when you're afraid.
I can perfectly understand why more people don't want to ctb.
Before my problems appeared that made me suicidal , I was very happy person. I don't know why but I was just naturally a happy person, even if I had a bad day I found joy in things like eating my favourite food, listening to music, walking in the sun . However I had a bad accident that left me depressed and now all of this joy is gone.


Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I think ctb is a last resort really. Since it is quite hard to do, could go wrong and requires a lot of courage. Many methods are traumatic to do and there is no peaceful ways. People only consider this if there is extreme suffering in their life and they see no other way out and many people might be miserable but it hasn't got to the point of that. We have also evolved to survive at all costs so ctb goes against our instinct kinda. There is also stigma attached to suicide and many people might be against it for religious reasons.
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