As an American, I could go buy a gun in a matter of minutes.
When I CTB, I want to be as at peace as possible.
Blowing my head off would be fine with me, easy, quick, very little margin for error with all the years of military training. Shotgun in the mouth pointed upwards to the top of my head.....
No worries, HAMMER DOWN, done deal.
Thought about it for many years as the pain stacked up in my heart and tore my soul apart.
Guilt stops me, thinking about the poor soul that has to clean the bits of skin, bone, brains and blood up after I CTB.
What will go through thier head as they re-paint the walls to cover the bloody mess.
With the responsibility that comes with free choice, I do not wish to traumatize another in such a cruel manner.
That system is not conducive to what I wish to "feel" at the last second of this tortured life.
Not knowing what the afterlife brings,
I will not take this life's, guilt, sorrows, or pain with me, hopefully clean slate, another chance perhaps to be something better than what I have been.
Maybe even a good man.