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I don’t even like rollercoasters
Feb 11, 2020
So me and my mum finally kinda reconnected last week and she said I believe you don't worry I will speak to your brother (who molested me and went on to do same to many of my friends)

then she stopped replying and messaged me a week later (today) and is basically calling me crazy "I believe you believe it" wtf is that

last week I got a huge sigh of relief because she said "I believe you" which is all I wanted (previously she said I'm storytelling and imagining it all in my head)
Now the weight is back on, I'm not believed but I know what happened to me.. like If I CTB I wont be avenged .. my family will
Think I'm lying meanwhile whole world can see my older brother is a creep


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Don't shoot the messenger, give me the gun
Sep 25, 2018
I feel like the boy who cried wolf too. Treated as a crazy person by my mum. It's as if I had a history of lying or something. It's better if she really does think that as ignorant and infuriating as it is. The alternative is her just choosing to ignore it because it's easier which is an incredibly selfish thing to do
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Oct 28, 2019
So me and my mum finally kinda reconnected last week and she said I believe you don't worry I will speak to your brother (who molested me and went on to do same to many of my friends)

then she stopped replying and messaged me a week later (today) and is basically calling me crazy "I believe you believe it" wtf is that

last week I got a huge sigh of relief because she said "I believe you" which is all I wanted (previously she said I'm storytelling and imagining it all in my head)
Now the weight is back on, I'm not believed but I know what happened to me.. like If I CTB I wont be avenged .. my family will
Think I'm lying meanwhile whole world can see my older brother is a creep
Bloody hell this is awful I'm so sorry. I know what it's like to have a mum who doesn't understand truth that's staring her in the face.. you must be so angry. Can't you use that anger and channel it to get justice in this situation? Like go to the police or whatever? If it was me I'd worry that going ahead to ctb now is letting your brother win.
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Dec 7, 2019
I am so sorry your Mom doesn't believe you. Have you told a psychiatrist about this? They would probably believe you.
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I don’t even like rollercoasters
Feb 11, 2020
@Mr2005 @Hopeindeath! @Jessamine

thanks guys means a lot, it's just so hard to figure out, my doctors and psychiatrist believe me and I attended women in violence counselling, but nothing is the same as your mum believing you for once afterall the times, and it's literally as you said.. like we lie all the time or something

I'm holding off from CTB because I don't want him or them to win, but I don't know if police will help, I threaten it, but like he's not gonna turn around and be like oo yeah I did actually .. gonna be my word against his
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Jan 4, 2020
@Mistry420 It can be very difficult telling someone you have been abused, especially those close to you. My mum and I were best friends and so close till she passed, yet when it came to me being sexually abused by next door neighbour she didn't handle it in the way I would've thought. Over the years if I ever brought it up she'd just try and shrug it off. I think a mother feels a guilt when her child is abused as she has inadvertently let it happen and probably blames herself, yet instead of being able to express this, she goes the other way and almost denies it. I can understand how you must be feeling, its horrible to be in.
Regards Police, depending on where you live will be different outcome, some countries deal with abuse better than others. It is however easier these days to prosecute as there are all the historical abuse cases that are popular, abuse survivors taking their abusers to court, years and decades after events.
My abuser never got questioned by Police, looking back would I have wanted that, not sure, yes and no.
However I have gone on to have bad relationships (abusive ones) and also my neighbour wasn't my only abuser when I was growing up, its had an effect on my life for sure. If you took it further it may well not be your word against his, but you have to ask yourself is this what you want to do. I suspect right now you dont know what you want and that is understandable. If my abuser had been by brother rather than neighbour etc, then I guess my whole dynamics would've been different as is family, makes it harder I think. You say he has gone on to do same to your friends. How are they dealing with it?
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Not a person
Sep 30, 2019
So me and my mum finally kinda reconnected last week and she said I believe you don't worry I will speak to your brother (who molested me and went on to do same to many of my friends)

then she stopped replying and messaged me a week later (today) and is basically calling me crazy "I believe you believe it" wtf is that

last week I got a huge sigh of relief because she said "I believe you" which is all I wanted (previously she said I'm storytelling and imagining it all in my head)
Now the weight is back on, I'm not believed but I know what happened to me.. like If I CTB I wont be avenged .. my family will
Think I'm lying meanwhile whole world can see my older brother is a creep

Wow that is horrific that your own brother did that to you, I'm so sorry about that.

I also feel bad that your mom doesn't believe you.

From my understanding of what you're saying Mistry she first said she believed you, but then later on she backtracked with the text saying "what do you want from me? He's saying nothing happened." That sounds like a cold and dismissive way of saying she doesn't believe you. I'm just reading between the lines here but I suspect she realized that the tone came across as harsh and she knows that is wrong, so she sent that other text a week later saying "I believe you believe it." It's a less harsh way of saying she doesn't believe you, but that she respects and supports how you feel. She's kinda trying to have it both ways honestly.

i don't know your mom, but I get the impression that she may actually believe you or suspect what you're saying is true but she is conflicted and struggling with the reality that her own son would do this to her daughter. So she is defending her own feelings by trying to deny reality. This conflict within her would explain why she first said she believed you, then sent a dismissive text essentially saying she doesn't believe you, then sending a text that kind of tries to have it both ways by saying she doesn't believe you but that she is supportive of how you feel about it and your perspective.

I'm not defending your mom in anyway, I support you 100 percent Mistry. I'm just trying to explain what I think is going on in your mother's head and why should behave in this way. I could be wrong though just my 2 cents.
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I don’t even like rollercoasters
Feb 11, 2020
@Thereisnothing thanks for your support and sharing, must've been hard to deal with but I'm happy you were able to be friends with you mum until she passed.

you're right it's a yes and no situation, police and all of that are headache and then it's like everyone knows, it's bad enough saying it out loud

my friends he groomed them, like he was 20 and having sex with my 14 year old friends, taking virginities, fingering the lot every sleepover or bday party he was creeping on someone, being young years ago I used to like this my friends were fucked up but as you get older you see it for what it is. I'm not sure, they brush it off have kids now or whatever and maybe they don't relate because they haven't seen all the victims as well as been one.. it's a strange type of anxiety when I think of it all, and especially when my mums like talking down to me about it‍♀️
@waterbottleman no honestly nail on the head ! Exactly what she's doing and it's like you, a stranger, no offence, can see that and she's still being like this! She wants me to come back and live at home with them, but I'd rather struggle to pay rent like I have been for 2 years than go back to all of that

also she's an alcoholic and defo got mental health issues herself so I just pulled short straw but it's my mum so I'm drawnn to her and her approval
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Not a person
Sep 30, 2019
@Thereisnothing thanks for your support and sharing, must've been hard to deal with but I'm happy you were able to be friends with you mum until she passed.

you're right it's a yes and no situation, police and all of that are headache and then it's like everyone knows, it's bad enough saying it out loud

my friends he groomed them, like he was 20 and having sex with my 14 year old friends, taking virginities, fingering the lot every sleepover or bday party he was creeping on someone, being young years ago I used to like this my friends were fucked up but as you get older you see it for what it is. I'm not sure, they brush it off have kids now or whatever and maybe they don't relate because they haven't seen all the victims as well as been one.. it's a strange type of anxiety when I think of it all, and especially when my mums like talking down to me about it‍♀
@waterbottleman no honestly nail on the head ! Exactly what she's doing and it's like you, a stranger, no offence, can see that and she's still being like this! She wants me to come back and live at home with them, but I'd rather struggle to pay rent like I have been for 2 years than go back to all of that

also she's an alcoholic and defo got mental health issues herself so I just pulled short straw but it's my mum so I'm drawnn to her and her approval

Ha I am a stranger, perfectly okay to say that.

Wait so your brother lives with your mom and your mom wants you to move back in with them? Even after knowing what your brother did? Wow. I really don't know what to say in reaction to this.

She should be fully supportive and understand why you would absolutely not want to live with them, it's an unsafe environment for you to live there for your physical and mental well being. It's shocking to me that she doesn't recognize this or perhaps does but is sweeping it under the rug merely because she wants you to be there.

Wow this whole situation is kind of surreal, she's actually pressuring you to move back in with your assaulter, with your own mother who doesn't believe you (or says she doesn't believe you, what she really thinks deep down who really knows)? I'm so sorry you're dealing with this, this sounds like a horrible thing to have to go through.

I fully understand why you want to live away from them. I hope you have friends and/or a partner whom you can draw safety and support from. If you're going through this alone, I advise you to seek others who you can confide with and support/protect you.
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I don’t even like rollercoasters
Feb 11, 2020
@waterbottleman thanks and honestly even though you're just stating what you see it means alot to know I'm not crazy for not wanting to live back there and be around all the toxicity
I'm a lone wolf in this world to be honest, I'm the girl who everyone thinks has her shit together (but I really dont) no partner because I need time and attention and men r trash in my town and cannot provide the sauce That's why I turned to this place after I saw it on that Callie Lewis documentary, she was supported by this community when no one else understood how she felt, she made her decision but if she had made a different one this was her place to speak up ...

So on here no one knows me, my name, my face, what I do, they just know I'm going through it - a lot of stigma comes with being depressed, my manager used to say you look better and I used to feel like oh shit I smiled too much , but you can smile and be depressed it's just how you cope and deal with it

I'm jus hiding in plain sight in the world getting by and soon CTB, my stuffs goinginto storage in 14days, hopefully I get some closure with this by then, or let it sit with them after I've gone and be brought up after my death
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Oct 28, 2019
Perhaps you should get justice over what happened to you ?
Could you and the other friends that he molested get together to bring about this justice ?
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I don’t even like rollercoasters
Feb 11, 2020
@jgm63 thinking about it but it's a lot of drama for their current lives and my entire family just to maybe prove what I already know, I just don't like to be an inconvinience.. but have thought about approaching people, but what if I change my mind ? Like I'm a nice person so I can't jus ruin lives because he did , if that makes sense, I just want him to Fuck off forever so I can jus have a normal life with a family and real life support system

it's jus depressing I had nowhere to send that screenshot but here


This is the fierce last stand of all I am
Dec 8, 2019
So me and my mum finally kinda reconnected last week and she said I believe you don't worry I will speak to your brother (who molested me and went on to do same to many of my friends)

then she stopped replying and messaged me a week later (today) and is basically calling me crazy "I believe you believe it" wtf is that

last week I got a huge sigh of relief because she said "I believe you" which is all I wanted (previously she said I'm storytelling and imagining it all in my head)
Now the weight is back on, I'm not believed but I know what happened to me.. like If I CTB I wont be avenged .. my family will
Think I'm lying meanwhile whole world can see my older brother is a creep
This is so sad, your Mum is behaving in a terrible way.
I hope you get some justice ❤
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Remember. I am ALWAYS right.... until I’m not
Apr 28, 2019
This hit home. My brother molested me at 4 years old. He gave me Herpes. To this day, my mother supports and believes my brother over me.

I often think maybe it is denial. She may think she failed as a mother or something.

I am sorry you went through that. Nothing is worse. We believe you. :heart:
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Nov 25, 2019
I'm sorry you have to deal with people like that.
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
I know your mother's responses are confusing and invalidating, I'm so sorry for the suffering you're experiencing because of it.

Your mother's responses are actually very common in this kind of situation. I have read about such responses in at least one resource for recovery from childhood sexual abuse. The person who receives the disclosure expresses belief and offers support, and then takes it back. Saying she believes you believe it seems that she validates you, yet denies the event occurred, so it's like gaslighting, a total redefinition of your experienced reality to make herself feel better, to both accept and reject you.

You asked why she doesn't believe you. I offer here one possible perspective.

Believing you creates cognitive dissonance.

The act of molestation is a monster. But it gets conflated with those who perpetrate, are harmed by, or fail to prevent or protect from it.

Your brother perpetrated a monstrous act. Your mother loves him. Because of conflation, to accept he did so makes someone she loves a monster. This creates cognitive dissonance and she has to find a means to resolve for herself the conflict between two opposites in one person: a son worthy of her love, and a monster.

She failed to prevent or protect you from the monstrous act. It is hyperbole to think only a monster would do so, but hyperbole means her identity may also be conflated with the act. She cannot be a good person/mother to both of you and be a monster, so perhaps she resolves the inner conflict by validating both you and your brother. The monster therefore cannot exist, but both of her children still can.

You, however, cannot deny the monster exists, and you cannot deny that you exist. Your mother's reframing may create for you cognitive dissonance that suggests you exist, but your perceptions are disabled, as if you were visually impaired, such as blindness or depth perception issues.

Often in family abuse, not just sexual, the victim becomes, to those who hear their honest identification of abuse, conflated with the monster for identifying it out loud. They are accused of trying to destroy the whole family unit, because denial is part of the glue that holds the family unit together; otherwise, the family becomes monstrous if the act is acknowledged. No one would want to embrace a monster, and so as long as everyone is conflated with the act, in order to relieve the cognitive dissonance, at least one member must be identified as the monster and rejected: the perpetrator, the victim, the bystander, or the family unit.

Generally, the family unit comes first, and the victim comes last, because the victim is perceived as the primary threat to all the rest. The actual monster, the act, remains unaddressed. The perpetrator is not held accountable. The bystander is not held accountable. The family is not held accountable. The victim is the only one who is not accountable, yet is made accountable for everyone's suffering that the monster and the perpetrator caused. The victim is disbelieved and demanded to stop pointing out the monster, or be punished and/or banned for causing the suffering the monster instigated.

The family unit is responsible for protection. Once aware of the monster, it is responsible to your brother to point out his active engagement with it; to point out the monster to the bystanders in order to increase their awareness for the safety of the family unit and its members that monsters threaten; and to the victim to atone for not providing protection with awareness, acknowledgement, acceptance, inclusion, and support.

You have fulfilled your responsibility to protect your body and sense of self by acknowledging the existence of the monster and its perpetrator, and that they caused you harm. You are holding them accountable and not yourself, who is blameless.

You have fulfilled your responsibility to the family unit by pointing out there is a monster and a perpetrator.

I know from experience it is difficult to not have the acknowledgement and support of the family unit. I hope there is at least some comfort in knowing how it functions, that you are not to blame, and that you are in fact aware, brave, and very powerful.

From one childhood family abuse victim (not sexual) to another, I compassionately empathize with and support you. I hope you find empowerment. I wish for your well-being, happiness, and safety, and your freedom from all monsters and the past harm caused by them.
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Oct 28, 2019
@jgm63 thinking about it but it's a lot of drama for their current lives and my entire family just to maybe prove what I already know, I just don't like to be an inconvinience.. but have thought about approaching people, but what if I change my mind ? Like I'm a nice person so I can't jus ruin lives because he did , if that makes sense, I just want him to Fuck off forever so I can jus have a normal life with a family and real life support system

it's jus depressing I had nowhere to send that screenshot but here
I suppose another way of dealing with it is just to become more independent yourself, let everyone know what happened, and refuse to have anything more to do with him, eg if you were visiting your family, then you would refuse to do so if he were going to be there at the same time, etc, etc...
If people don't believe you then you will have to tell them that you don't care what they believe, because you know the truth.
In effect this splits the family into two, but that might be how it has to be....

The other option of course, is to pursue the matter legally....

Another question is : do you think he might be sorry for what he did, and may have changed or improved as a person ? In some cases it might be possible to forgive someone, although obviously that would take a lot, and many things would have to apply for that to be possible...

If you want to discuss anything in detail, feel free to PM me or someone else....

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I don’t even like rollercoasters
Feb 11, 2020
@jgm63 thanks for taking the time to give me some help! I've already become independent and don't see any of my family, texting my mum was to try reconnect, so obviously now i know to just step away

just makes CTB easier, but hard aswell because will probably say I was crazy, hopefully enough people who actually know me will stand up for me and how I was in my finalmonths , as they physically haven't seen me or spoken to me

I wantto jus forget them all and move away, but I always miss memories, or just the stability of being in a family home, at whatever capacity


Oct 28, 2019
ok, but what makes you feel you need to CTB ?
Could you perhaps heal those old wounds, and make a good life for yourself....
Might take time and a lot of effort, but it might be worth it......?
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I don’t even like rollercoasters
Feb 11, 2020
@jgm63 ive been working and trying for like 2 years and to be honest I can't keep it up for any longer, let alone rest of my life ! London is so expensive I'm too depressed to go to work, don't get paid can't pay rent, just constant stress and pressure want to just stop it all but cutting myself off from toxicity is one thing, surviving and LIVING is diff and I just can't keep it up, more exhausting than beneficial


Oct 28, 2019
Could it possibly be different in another part of the country ?
Could you move in with any friends until you can get "back on your feet" ?
Or could you share costs with a couple of friends, and rent a place together, in a cheaper location, or something like that ?

Maybe there are forums or message boards / facebook groups, etc, of people in the same situation as you, and perhaps people are looking to team up and find solutions, etc ?
Might be worth a bit of research effort ?

Or could any of these ideas here be useful :

There might even be other options....

Or you could find an ashram, where you become part of a spiritual community.....

I'm just trying to offer suggestions, although obviously we respect people's wishes here....
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I don’t even like rollercoasters
Feb 11, 2020
@jgm63 thanks appreciate it and to be honest no friends know the depth of my situation I come acrosss as strong and very together and jus genuinely haven't got the energy to keep it up anymore..

I would love to relocate but money finding a job, the cost of it all , just seems better to call it quits when I'm ready.. don't want to have to socialise or anythinganymore , jus want to stop but still exist but I can't without money. Once ive saved about £800 more I will have enough for my burial, so just a few weeks left


Oct 28, 2019
@jgm63 thanks appreciate it and to be honest no friends know the depth of my situation I come acrosss as strong and very together and jus genuinely haven't got the energy to keep it up anymore..

I would love to relocate but money finding a job, the cost of it all , just seems better to call it quits when I'm ready.. don't want to have to socialise or anythinganymore , jus want to stop but still exist but I can't without money. Once ive saved about £800 more I will have enough for my burial, so just a few weeks left
ok, well as you know, this is a pro-choice site, and ultimately only you know what you can and cannot summon the motivation for.....

So ultimately we will support you in whatever your wish is.....

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