I have finally found my ultimate bliss
- Oct 29, 2023
- 5,803
To some extent, everybody is hated by each other as that's how human nature works. It's why people have acknowledged that it's impossible to be friends with everybody as some people would just hate others regardless of their personality and views. It's common human nature. You could be the best apple on a tree but, despite that, some people will always hate apples.
That said, I do believe that some groups of people are hated upon more than others. For example, I think that society hates neets and disabled people a lot. They hate the former because they are secretly envious of how they don't have to work and they hate the latter because they are easy targets for normies to use to pretend that they're superior.
reaction as your posts deserve that reaction. Though, one thing I want to point out is that normies deep down don't even care about contributing to society. They just say that so they can try and "rationalise" at how they are wage slaves but, in the end, they only care about their own survival. They lie to themselves a lot because they are oversocialised. People's first thought in a job interview isn't "how will I contribute to society" but rather "I need to survive". It's so annoying at how normies lie to themselves though (and I don't get why they do it). I wish they were honest but they're too oversocialised to ever be honest in real life
That said, I do believe that some groups of people are hated upon more than others. For example, I think that society hates neets and disabled people a lot. They hate the former because they are secretly envious of how they don't have to work and they hate the latter because they are easy targets for normies to use to pretend that they're superior.
This is so true. I wish SS had theYeah, so? Normies hate Neets for an unjustified reason. Normies only hate Neets because they're secretly jealous of them. Normies envy Neets. Also, in this world, there are winners and losers, and the strong and the weak. Neets are the winners while normies are the losers. "The strong do what they will and the weak do what they must." There's no merit to work or contributing to society, and it should be okay to not contribute. We were all forced into society anyways; it's not like we had a choice. I've never understood normies' obsession with "muh contribution!" If normies get mad at having to support Neets, then they shouldn't have children. I believe that all parents should support their children for life. Why bring a child into the world just to doom it to a fate of wageslavery? That's cruel and evil in my opinion