🎵 Be all, end all 🎵
- Apr 17, 2023
- 3,279
That's not love. Love is knowing when to let go and knowing you don't own anyone. Everything is transient.
But we do. It seems enlightenment precedes suicide. The world keeps losing its best and brightest.Because they're delusional, and don't know what love means.
Every system needs its slaves. I wouldn't simplify it just to capitalism. We are fcked no matter what happens in the politics area.Capitalism requires slaves, we're part of the system.
Are you even a human? Most of your answers seem to be those of a generic AI.Because those people are just so incredibly self centred and lack any compassion, they don't want the person to cease existing as then they have to deal with loss, they think they own the person and that they should be so selfishly imprisoned in this existence, it's just inhumane to be against the right to die as it's not like any of us are obligated to continue existing in the first place.
anyways the real answer is that prolifers don't understand our pain. I mean it's so obvious, yet idk wtf are you talking about and I don't understand what theories other members are creating. The answer is so simple, but you all make it seem super complicated..
Are you even a human? Most of your answers seem to be those of a generic AI.
She's chatgpt. Even chatgpt has fucking had it!!11.
Are you even a human? Most of your answers seem to be those of a generic AI.
anyways the real answer is that prolifers don't understand our pain. I mean it's so obvious, yet idk wtf are you talking about and I don't understand what theories other members are creating. The answer is so simple, but you all make it seem super complicated.
So the guests are here to watch us like spectators in a colosseum?I ran to this post to type up something incredibly long and drawn out about the selfishness and lack of compassion that pro-life people have. The absolute disgusting need to play hero or force someone to live in their excruciating pain because it brings them some type of comfort to know their loved one is around. While these things may be completely true, I think it may be important to give just a little bit of grace to those who really want to fight for your life.
They don't understand the depth of the suicidal feelings we experience. Maybe they've had fleeting thoughts in their life here and there, but they've never truly been at the low that CTB requires you to be at. Maybe they cannot even fathom it. I've had friends repeatedly tell me that I have so much to live for, that I've impacted so many people, that life is a precious gift and I should not waste it. I fail to call that incredibly selfish of them to say, but I think it is more of an ignorance or foolish hope. The world loves a good miracle; a tragic sob story turned successful and on top of the world. Perhaps the people in our life hold out for something like that to happen to us.
However, there of course are those selfish people who tell you that it is wrong to CTB but then walk away from you / do not support you through your journey. Those people honestly are just trying to protect their own peace, and survive in a world that is already so harsh. It's disgustingly self absorbed, but the human race is really just a desperate species. We do what we can to protect ourselves, no matter the cost to others. It's a flawed design, but it is what it is.
All that to say, I realize I come across pro-life in this post but that isn't the case. I just tend to try and have a little bit of compassion for those that truly love me that want me to stay. However, when someone truly is at the end of their rope, they should also be allowed to end it, in the name of doing what is best for them.
Lastly, I want to reiterate that not being pro-life doesn't make a person pro-suicide and I think that's another thing that scares people for having any mercy on us suicidal folk. Nobody wants to see someone go, of course! But it takes a really strong mind to be able to see it from the perspective of someone else. I think that if more people heard the depth of our stories, perhaps something would shift. People are scared to admit that someone should probably just pull their own plug because they don't want to live with the guilt of giving permission. I have a hunch there are less pro-lifers out there than we think. And it really is just a bunch of people that don't want to involve themselves so closely to a tragedy.
What?'to have great pain is to have certainty; to hear that another person has pain is to have doubt.'
People tend to be dismissive and skeptical of misery they haven't experienced. "Surely you're just in a slump" until they're in it themselvesWhat?
When we ctb, do they finally understand that our pain was serious?I think Forever Sleep, Lavender 230, and John Ryder pretty much summed it up pretty succinctly. Most pro-lifers (aside from the really sadistic and cruel ones) just don't really know what it is like and what they don't understand they tend to dismiss, downplay, and/or invalidate it. As for invisible pain (mental anguish and suffering), it is harder to perceive it other than the individual themselves so most pro-lifers (especially when they only see things from the outside) see it as not valid or fail to comprehend it. For visible pain (physical disability and/or things that can be demonstrable) it is more obvious, but still nebulous if the pro-lifer hasn't experienced it themselves, but at least they have a little bit more understanding. It is still awful that pro-lifers nevertheless, still impede our right to die.