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Jul 13, 2024
My life was good before I got fucked up by Psychiatry, which quickly turned into a terrible life.

I don't enjoy anything now, I also don't look forward to doing things either. You could give me $1,000,000 and I still wouldn't care or be happy.
Same story here. Left with massive iatrogenic damage after SSRI's. 6 Years, no change.
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Fk the Marine Corps
Jul 14, 2024
That seems like an oxymoron in my opinion. How can you be alone when you have people around you? I fee alone because I have no people around me. No offense. Can you describe that phenomenon?
There's a lot of two-faced people that hang out with you, smile at you, then talk shit about you behind your back. Basically social chameleons.
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Pro-suicide. Blackpill.
Dec 16, 2021
Do you actually believe you will understand their true feelings?

Like, born blind people won't understand why someone is unsatisfied with his hair colour, changing it every week/month/idk, or not changing it at all.

Imagine that successful people see through another dimension. Especially if you already claimed yourself an incel and loser, why even ask?
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Im out
Jun 29, 2024
My life was good before I got fucked up by Psychiatry, which quickly turned into a terrible life.

I don't enjoy anything now, I also don't look forward to doing things either. You could give me $1,000,000 and I still wouldn't care or be happy.
my exact situation, fuck psychiatry
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Jul 14, 2024
Do you actually believe you will understand their true feelings?

Like, born blind people won't understand why someone is unsatisfied with his hair colour, changing it every week/month/idk, or not changing it at all.

Imagine that successful people see through another dimension. Especially if you already claimed yourself an incel and loser, why even ask?
Incel is involuntarily though. I couldn't understand their situation, but I didn't choose to be ugly and short.
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Jul 14, 2024
There's a lot of two-faced people that hang out with you, smile at you, then talk shit about you behind your back. Basically social chameleons.
That must suck
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permanently tired

permanently tired

Too exhausted to try again
Nov 8, 2023
Somewhere along the way you realize there is no enjoyment in it. You can have money, looks, friends and still not want to live. I know I will die by "unnatural" means someday and I've accepted that. However much I succeed in this life will not change that. Do you think if you became taller, financially stable, and had a partner you'd be satisfied? Nothing this world can offer me would give me a sense of fulfillment. I wish it could.
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"A man chooses, a slave obeys."
Sep 7, 2020
I think that if I can't have everything, control everything, fulfill all my desires and get to know every place on this planet, experience every possible sensation, then I prefer nothingness, I prefer non-existence,If I can't have everything then I prefer nothing at all.
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Jun 2, 2024
Somewhere along the way you realize there is no enjoyment in it. You can have money, looks, friends and still not want to live. I know I will die by "unnatural" means someday and I've accepted that. However much I succeed in this life will not change that. Do you think if you became taller, financially stable, and had a partner you'd be satisfied? Nothing this world can offer me would give me a sense of fulfillment. I wish it could.
Heavily this.
Heavily this.
Despite the fact that my situation right now is becoming more dangerous by the day, money and inflation wise, can't find work, etc. even if everything was solved I'd still know that I had to GO.
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Jun 2, 2024
Money and status aren't everything. You can still be suffering and rich. Just look at like Robin Williams and Anthony Bourdain.
This, this, this.
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Jul 12, 2024
There's a lot of two-faced people that hang out with you, smile at you, then talk shit about you behind your back. Basically social chameleons.
My mum does this. She even makes up lies to tarnish me cause she's jealous of her own daughter
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Jun 11, 2023
I've noticed that suicidal people with good lives have awful brain chemistry. Wealth, "physical" health, friends and family lose value when your brain makes existing so unpleasant that you'd rather never think again.
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Jul 23, 2022
Their lives aren't good if they feel such despair they want to die.
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Jun 4, 2019
I have a pretty decent life and honestly it's mainly because of the fact that I have a good life that influences it because if i feel like shit now, imagine what it's like when going through decent reasons for horrible stress lol
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Jan 19, 2024
Theres no such thing as a good life. Even those who appear to have it all are just one step away from ctb. My life would be considered fairly normal or """good""" ie im relatively attractive, tall, studying in college for a good career. But my mental illness (delusional disorder/OCD) ruins life for me. Ive tried looking at the positives but quite frankly it feels impossible to be happy whenever im in a delusional state which is 75% of the time.

I used to scoff at the idea of suicide. But like mentioned above, all it takes is one severely negative thing ,and time, to be pushed to your very limits.
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Illegal Preclear

Illegal Preclear

The CEO of CTB
Sep 6, 2022
By good life I'm assuming someone who is free of mental and physical disabilities and has a spouse, stable place of dwelling and job as a baseline? It's honestly hard for me to even put myself in the mindset of the abled - but I can hazard some guesses. I suppose the more you have, the more you have to lose - and that creates some pretty stark anxieties. Also keep in mind - someone can APPEAR to have a good life, but that may not necessarily be the truth. People say "OMG how could they do this when they had it all!?" whenever a celebrity CTBs. Robin Williams for instance - people thought he had it all, yet in secret he was staring down the barrel of Dementia. Nobody knew at first.

Objectively - no matter how abled or how many relationships or material things you have - you will face aging and that physical health will disappear. The people you love will die around you. That's unavoidable. Also - this is a Prison Planet. No matter how much you have, you're still on a Prison Planet. And no matter what you have, there's nothing that can't be taken away in an instant.

That's as far as I can speculate on the abled. I know if I personally didn't have severe mental disabilities, I wouldn't want to CTB - but if wishes were horses, beggars would ride.
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Jun 22, 2024
I mean, the actions needed differ in intensity.
For someone like me who's conventionally very unattractive, I can be good looking, if I get 4 - 6 facial surgeries on my face, and they all work to make my lower lip and nose smaller, eyes's not drooping, ears not misshapen, etc.

To get a partner, I would have to get facial surgery. Then I would have to make my mental health normal. Then I would have to get over my trauma. I would have to fix my crooked teeth, because that's very noticable. I would have to mentally stop being an incel.

I don't see my Dad, and my mother is a single Mom. If I wanted to form a relationship, I would have to find my Dad, convince him to like me. I would have to pucker to my Mom because she's weird and hates me for seemingly no reason. I would have to stop NEETing if I want to get higher education.

I don't feel as if there's no solution. It's just that it's nearly impossible to make my life good.
I agree with you on the losing the ability or want to improve things. It's extremely hard for me to be motivated when I know it's over.
To get a partner you just need to be likable and bring enough value to a partner that is well known and common, plenty of unattractive girls get knocked way faster than attractive girls.

My mom is also a single mom, i understand the sacrifica she made for me to raise me and my siblings and that may make her difficult sometimes but that is just life an how people behave.

My dad left for another family, i wish no harm on him, we talk sometimes and im always happy he is doing good. Nobody's life is perfect, doesn't matter how unique you think yours is, the only exceptions being people who are terminally ill or handicapped.

To get my point across, everything is relative and with actions comes the responsibility to upkeep or produce results for your already existing life, in the eyes of mental health there's no such thing as a problem too small or too big since your brain is only capable to structure thoughts from your own point of view your own problems will seem like they are the most difficult even if you yourself are aware they are not impossible to fix.

Your whole explanation seems to give insight on your worldview, and it very much seem like you're the type of person that doesn't take into account others situations and that may make you unlikable (on top of you already not being particularly attractive for your own standards).

If your only problems with life are limited to what you mentioned before and not that you actually hate life, maybe just work on being more likable and improve on the things that can be improved on, it doesn't need to be all or nothing for you to start doing something.
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Nobody Special

Nobody Special

Jun 4, 2024
"Good life" is very subjective.
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Jul 14, 2024
To get a partner you just need to be likable and bring enough value to a partner that is well known and common, plenty of unattractive girls get knocked way faster than attractive girls.

My mom is also a single mom, i understand the sacrifica she made for me to raise me and my siblings and that may make her difficult sometimes but that is just life an how people behave.

My dad left for another family, i wish no harm on him, we talk sometimes and im always happy he is doing good. Nobody's life is perfect, doesn't matter how unique you think yours is, the only exceptions being people who are terminally ill or handicapped.

To get my point across, everything is relative and with actions comes the responsibility to upkeep or produce results for your already existing life, in the eyes of mental health there's no such thing as a problem too small or too big since your brain is only capable to structure thoughts from your own point of view your own problems will seem like they are the most difficult even if you yourself are aware they are not impossible to fix.

Your whole explanation seems to give insight on your worldview, and it very much seem like you're the type of person that doesn't take into account others situations and that may make you unlikable (on top of you already not being particularly attractive for your own standards).

If your only problems with life are limited to what you mentioned before and not that you actually hate life, maybe just work on being more likable and improve on the things that can be improved on, it doesn't need to be all or nothing for you to start doing something.

I'm a male, and holy cope tbh. "It's your pERsonality."

Maybe my personality isn't the best but I mean it when I say I'm a short and ugly manlet.

When I say I'm ugly, it's like I'm ugly. People online have screenshotted my face in servers, and it got 9 laughing emojis. I went on monkey,app. People laughed at my face there. In real life, people laughed at and made fun of my face. On Quora app, on discord, on youtube (when I used to have a youtube channel).

You sound a bit older, and maybe you don't understand the new dating market, relating to hypergamy. Meaning now only the top 5% of men are getting matches on Bumble. It's a lot more hard for the average guy to find a partner, let alone an ugly and 5'6 manlet. The bluepill doesn't work, it's old news.

Being short and ugly. That may not seem like a big problem in itself because who cares about one's facial apperance? But it has a domino effect. Because of my face, I was bullied and isolated. Because I was bullied and isolated I don't have social skills. Because I don't have social skills, I don't have friends. Because I don't have friends, I don't have connections. Because I don't have connections, I don't have a job.

If I ask out a woman, I would get straight up rejected due to my face. That's why the incel movement is so big in the first place. If facial appearance didn't matter or "wasn't a big deal", so many people wouldn't be blackpilled, r/ugly wouldn't have over 25k members, etc.

Most of the ugly people I talk to have to get plastic surgery to even be considered normie. Like I would need a genioplasty, otoplasty and a rhinoplasty to even look normal.
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Jul 20, 2023
Whether or not someone has a good life does not mean they are immune to succumbing to nihilism or even a cynical worldview. For example if you are very attractive you may be aware that the reason people treat you well is conditional and just that simple fact depresses you. It makes you feel lonely because you constantly have to fight and put up a front to get company. Just the facts of existence, sex dynamics, and what is required to have a "good life" may depress you. Or maybe you're just tired of trying. Another example is that if you are wealthy, it is good for you personally but the fact that you had to do things that hurt others to become wealthy may depress you, if you are the type of person to be overly empathetic. There is that saying that there is no ethical way to become a millionaire. It's kind of hard to explain, as my reasons for suicide are both situational (I don't have a good situation) but also philosophical (even if I did have a good situation I imagine I would most likely still be suicidal).

I think some of the happiest people are those who have a decent situation and just don't overthink about things so much. I don't mean they are stupid necessarily, but just not so overly introspective. It may seem at first to be a good thing to be introspective and empathetic but I don't think it is helpful to survival. In my experience the most suicidal people are overly analytical, overly empathetic, mix that with some isolation and you have a recipe for disaster.
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Mar 29, 2024
My life was good before I got fucked up by Psychiatry, which quickly turned into a terrible life.
What do you mean by this? I've been diagnosed with BPD by my psychiatrist; do you think I should continue my medication or not?

Honestly, I don't feel any positive effects from my medication at all.

Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
I don't think all people who are in relationships necessarily feel supported or, even understood. I actually think it would be more lonely being around people who won't accept that you're struggling so much. Some people may not even want to tell them, so they're still struggling alone but having to put on a brave face in front of their loved ones.

I'm not a massive fan of blaming ideation on mental illness but, I think that can play a role too. I think you've actually got to be pretty lucky to have a family that will accept that you may have mental illnesses that are hampering you.

Plus, I think we tend to take things for granted when we have them or, have achieved them. Are you grateful for the things you do have in life? Do they make you happy? Or, do you focus more on the things you don't have?

That all said, I used to believe that having a partner would turn things around for me. Now, I'm not so sure. I think that's largely fairytale thinking. I suspect the real thing brings with it its own problems.
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Jul 11, 2024
What do you mean by this? I've been diagnosed with BPD by my psychiatrist; do you think I should continue my medication or not?

Honestly, I don't feel any positive effects from my medication at all.
24/7 Anxiety and Depression. I had lots more symptoms which have cleared up but I can't live this way.
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Mar 29, 2024
24/7 Anxiety and Depression. I had lots more symptoms which have cleared up but I can't live this way.
Sorry, that's must be suck.

Yeah, I can't live like this for any longer either.
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Doesn't read PMs
May 20, 2021
Depression kills rich, poor, black and white. It knows no limits.
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On the rollercoaster of sadness
Oct 17, 2023
Respect everyone. I read the rules. I'm not going to go on an incel rant, but I would identify as an incel because I'm short and ugly, but I don't hate women or men who are conventionally attractive.. But I don't understand why someone who has it good would rope? I'm being completely genuine, and I would like to hear the thoughts of someone with a "good life" who wants to rope.

For example. If a woman has a partner, who loves her, and she has hobbies, and no financial problems, why would she become suicidal?

Or the attractive male with many friends. Why would he become suicidal?

I think the reason I'm suicidal, is because of a lot of unlucky circumstances piled up to one.

I have little friends. I'm short. I'm ugly. I'm black. No job. Porn addiction. Crap sleep schedule. Falling behind in life.

It's like little pieces which add up. I'm short and ugly. There is LL surgery, there is facial cosmetic surgery. And I've looked into it. But it needs money.

Overall, I'm suicidal because it's tricky all around imo, if someone has their life in order, I don't see why they would be suicidal. Can someone explain their perspective?
I have a good life on the surface: working my dream job, stable relationship, have my little pets, live in a nice house, no financial problems.

The things I don't have so good are: a distant and superficial family, no friends.

But I think my main problem is the past... Every day I'm easily on the verge of tears just thinking about the past. I can't get over my mother's death when I was a teen, my grandma's death some years after, my cat dying, the bullying, my father's horrible girlfriends, all the years of depression and self harm.

I don't know how to live happily in the present when the past causes me so much pain.
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Mori praestat, quam haec pati!
May 21, 2023
Depression kills rich, poor, black and white. It knows no limits.
It's not only "depression" - imo depression is only a result of the circumstances that make our brains shutdown. The longer those circumstances that make us shutdown are not being able to be solved the harder it will be do treat the depression long term. However, there are r many kinds of "depression" and some may also be a result of defect genetics - then there's probably no cure at all.
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long time sunshine
Jun 14, 2024
Respect everyone. I read the rules. I'm not going to go on an incel rant, but I would identify as an incel because I'm short and ugly, but I don't hate women or men who are conventionally attractive.. But I don't understand why someone who has it good would rope? I'm being completely genuine, and I would like to hear the thoughts of someone with a "good life" who wants to rope.

For example. If a woman has a partner, who loves her, and she has hobbies, and no financial problems, why would she become suicidal?

Or the attractive male with many friends. Why would he become suicidal?

I think the reason I'm suicidal, is because of a lot of unlucky circumstances piled up to one.

I have little friends. I'm short. I'm ugly. I'm black. No job. Porn addiction. Crap sleep schedule. Falling behind in life.

It's like little pieces which add up. I'm short and ugly. There is LL surgery, there is facial cosmetic surgery. And I've looked into it. But it needs money.

Overall, I'm suicidal because it's tricky all around imo, if someone has their life in order, I don't see why they would be suicidal. Can someone explain their perspective?
Probably the same reason why people with bad lives keep going- different perspective. QoL is in of itself somewhat subjective.

I'm a tall middle class white dude with good grades about to start college with some scholarships and credit. Most other people in my circumstances would be very happy with this and living it up.

Admittedly I do have autistim/BPD/ADHD, which are pretty big negatives (and almost certainly contribute to my brain being all wonky like it is), but my actual day to day is materially pretty good. I don't have any friends anymore- they went off to do their own things after graduation- but I do have a loving, mostly stable family that likes to spend time with me. I could almost certainly make new friends in college.

But as I said- different perspective. I'm a virgin like you, but as of the last six months or so I longer care in the slightest. Sex, romantic love, intimacy, etc are boring. If someone offered to bang me, I'd probably refuse. The loving people around me feel like cardboard cutouts. More school, employment, mortgages and etc- it sounds mind-numbing, torturous. I don't see the point in going on and endlessly struggling against my mentality to "self-improve" by society's standards. I've tried it before, it's boring and meaningless, and I don't want anything this world has to offer me in the first place.

So- yeah, mostly perspective.
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Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
I wouldn't care if I suddenly got many of the supposedly good things in order to have a "good" life.

Like what they say is good , looks , youth, health , money.... I would still want to kill these monstrous cells they call a human body I'm trapped inside of .

What will matter in 200 years anyway? In a trillion years? Nothing.

I only care about avoiding extreme suffering and extreme pain not about "enjoying" myself doing ridiculous crap being a slave and prisoner a sheep

There are no words to describe how much I detest being a small fragile hungry decaying animal, extreme suffering, extreme pain,this evil world , evil DNA based life, existence, consciousness ,
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Jun 22, 2024
I'm a male, and holy cope tbh. "It's your pERsonality."

Maybe my personality isn't the best but I mean it when I say I'm a short and ugly manlet.

When I say I'm ugly, it's like I'm ugly. People online have screenshotted my face in servers, and it got 9 laughing emojis. I went on monkey,app. People laughed at my face there. In real life, people laughed at and made fun of my face. On Quora app, on discord, on youtube (when I used to have a youtube channel).

You sound a bit older, and maybe you don't understand the new dating market, relating to hypergamy. Meaning now only the top 5% of men are getting matches on Bumble. It's a lot more hard for the average guy to find a partner, let alone an ugly and 5'6 manlet. The bluepill doesn't work, it's old news.

Being short and ugly. That may not seem like a big problem in itself because who cares about one's facial apperance? But it has a domino effect. Because of my face, I was bullied and isolated. Because I was bullied and isolated I don't have social skills. Because I don't have social skills, I don't have friends. Because I don't have friends, I don't have connections. Because I don't have connections, I don't have a job.

If I ask out a woman, I would get straight up rejected due to my face. That's why the incel movement is so big in the first place. If facial appearance didn't matter or "wasn't a big deal", so many people wouldn't be blackpilled, r/ugly wouldn't have over 25k members, etc.

Most of the ugly people I talk to have to get plastic surgery to even be considered normie. Like I would need a genioplasty, otoplasty and a rhinoplasty to even look normal.
Well honestly speaking being a male does changes things, I believe women just have it easier in general.

I am not old, currently 29 and pretty used to the current dating market. Maybe it is just different where I'm from (Dominican Republic). It is normal for men to be ugly here and still somewhat successful in dating, but our men usually develop social skills like dancing and humor to just cope with everything, it is also very well understood that a male is perceived just in a way better light if they have the ability to provide or be well off economically speaking.

Try getting a remote job, doesn't require connections just research even if you don't have higher education there plenty of remote support positions that would just be shit money in the US to live but you will certainly be able to live more than comfortably in other countries (Colombia or South Asia) girls there will like you if you have an ok job and a US passport lol

But honestly everything I mentioned before was from the view of me thinking you were a girl, I don't really have a strong opinion on how men go through life because I haven't experienced that obviously and I know a lot is expected from men, but I do hope things get better for you.

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