
Nov 4, 2020
its not easy for some of us to get those though , many depressed people dont work or have methods to access these.
Fentanyl is actually very cheap, just very hard to come by.

Not quite push a button easy, but look up the lights out method. A ratchet strap and two bean bags. Bags against cartoid arteries. Tighten until you pass out, and you won't wake up. Cost less than $10, effective, and mostly painless.


Oct 5, 2020
Then why did you bother posting before since we're clearly in agreement?

Because I'm not sure what your point is. People know suicide isn't easy, they just wish it were. What's the problem exactly? Why would wanting something to be easy warrant them being called childish?
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Feb 15, 2019
Life is hard, it would be nice if death was easy.
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Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
Think of after you acquire SN and any other medications to go with it, now you have the big red "easy" button if you so choose to go out. The only thing that overpowers you to not commit is your SI and SP (Survival Instinct and Self-Preservation). It takes immense willpower, rationalized thinking, and soul reflection to end your life. There are other variables in play such as "should I try X and Y to get Z instead?" and procrastination. Two differing things which is actually doing something or thinking about it another day, but they both delay the inevitable.

Every time I get in the tunnel vision of suicide, I end up self-reflecting for many days, coming to judgment about certain things, and then sometimes a fresh voice comes along and disrupts it, gives a new perspective, and then the process starts over next time I'm back in it. Over and over again. There's no "Fuck it, I'll do it now" impulsivity, some can do it that way, not sure if it's morally right or not, but I'm not in your life. In a way, when someone wishes suicide is easy, they just want the pain to end. I wish I can kill parts of myself so I don't have to feel that pain but keep on living normally. Shit is never easy, life is never easy, death is never easy even when you have the tools.
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I tried
Feb 29, 2020
Never had an easier decision to put someone on ignore after reading this thread
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Jul 1, 2020
I don't think it's wrong to want whatever option you decide (whether ctb/living) to go without unnecessary complications and suffering that could be avoided/is, unbearable for that individual. Pushing a button to instantly kill you would achieve that. It's obviously wishful thinking but I don't think someone should be dismissed for wanting it.

I do agree that there is a problem with impulsive suicide, and I imagine that is what the general public perceive when they imagine a suicidal person. That's why places like this are so important, it allows people to share their thought processes for the option of suicide usually without being dismissed or shamed for it. Then in doing so, they can better evaluate their decision, even if it's just to reconsider their method.

I also think it's pretty hard to judge how hard someone has tried to get better, because people take different amounts of effort to do different things. I've only recently managed to get a job in my early 20's. It wasn't through laziness, but because I had to focus my effort on my education. Some people focus their efforts on things that others might find trivial/effortless, and that can't be objectively compared.
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Oct 19, 2020
Fentanyl is actually very cheap, just very hard to come by.

Not quite push a button easy, but look up the lights out method. A ratchet strap and two bean bags. Bags against cartoid arteries. Tighten until you pass out, and you won't wake up. Cost less than $10, effective, and mostly painless.
im so usless with my hands id probably fuck that up and end up a vegetable.


Nov 11, 2020
Because if we've suffered enough to want to die we should be able to die peacefully and easily.
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
To have such a perspective is to be out of touch with reality, and it reveals a very childish way of thinking. Nothing in life is easy. Why would dying be any different?
Because in some enlightened countries such as Canada it is easy. Why do you think it should be difficult is the question.
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existence is a nightmare
Aug 25, 2020
Living is hard enough, so at least dying could be easy. And it can be easy, at least with the right resources...
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Dec 1, 2020
Suicide is the most hard thing that humans can do because we will never know what happens after death eternal darkness even scare the most dangerous criminals
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Jan 18, 2020
Regarding the original post: I blame Holllywood, 'cos Hollywood has a way of romanticizing suicide, suicide is often depicted as a fast and painless way to go (and perhaps understandable so since they don't want their audience to be horrified). A good example of this is the first season of "13 Reasons Why" where in one episode it shows a girl laying in her bath, completely relaxed when she cuts her wrists. While reality is a little different, to put it mildly. And even this depiction was already considered controversial and criticized ! (this is a recent example though, I'm sure if this was an older show, the reaction would then be far less sensational, if at all.) And I think rightfully so, lots of suicidal youngsters might get the wrong impression that wristcutting is a peaceful way of dying, something that psychologists warned about.
The second reason is that the masses don't research suicide methods, after all why would they ? While someone who's suicidal often does a lot of research and is fully aware of the horrors of the majority of suicide methods, ironically they might even be less prone to commit suicide.
So it's no wonder the masses have this misconception about suicide.
I do find it curious though that they always (well often) can relate to the relatives: "Those poor parents, partner, etc... !
In another thread I mentioned the suicide of an actress who committted suicide by drinking corrosive cleaning fluid. On the IMDB board someone wrote: "Poor hubby.", while my immediate reaction was: "Poor hubby ? How do you think she felt !!".
(For the record, I don't want to minimize the grieve of the relatives, but the real victim is always the one who has done the deed.)
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Jul 15, 2020
I think that if someone made a final decision and is 100% they want to end their life that they should have an easy access to something that will provide them with that. But it's not easy, and the government is making it harder
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Apr 5, 2020
It isn't easy right now, due to the inaccessibility of easy methods e.g. N, but it could become easy (or at least much easier). Just because something is a certain way now, that doesn't mean it has to (or should) stay that way forever. If we just accept everything the way it is, then we're not likely to ever make changes. Slavery would never have ended, because "some people are slaves, that's just how it is, deal with it", animals will continue to be slaughtered for human taste pleasure, etc...if no one voices their opposition to it.
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Mar 22, 2019
People like you coming on this, gatekeeping and mocking/ insulting other users and thinking you're so intelligent. You're arrogant and a smug prick. You're looking for attention. I hope mods can crack down on scum like you. God damn, I knew this site would lose it's friendly nature eventually. You think there would be a safe place where people aren't going to be made fun of, but I guess not.

Be happy you're part of the problem.
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Got my ticket
Aug 18, 2020
Dude, how can you criticize other's reasons for ctb and their grammar (?!?!) when you ask questions like: would a beanie protect my head from a 1000ft drop?!?! Have some self awareness man, holy hell. Maybe you're not thinking as critically as you think you are. Maybe spam the forum 50% less and use that time for some more self reflection. I'm sorry you're so miserable dude and have had such a hard life, I really am. But some of your threads show that you yourself aren't always thinking clearly. Maybe try to be a bit more empathetic, or at the very least fake it. Or say nothing at all, that's always an option too FYI.
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Jul 16, 2020
We DO have ways of ending life peacefully and therefore those methods are more desired and wished for (by most people)than those that inflict suffering, pain and discomfort. Its pretty easy to understand actually. The issue is governments and many in society dont want us to have access to these methods.Thus people wish to be able to lay down , go to sleep and just die, will themselves dead or press a button etc.
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May 27, 2020
It is a phrase and/or attitude that has been parroted since forever. Many who are against the act may not know why it is considered easy; they just think it is easy because that is what they are told to believe.


Nov 23, 2020
Problem is there are those who ctb who are relatively sheltered from the world and have no idea that temporary hardship can help one grow and develop as a person. I'm talking about people who aren't mentally ill and are probably rather young. Killing yourself because you hate middle school or high school or because your first love didn't work out is sad.
I wish every kid knew how different high school is from the real world. I think it would be such a relief to just know that later on, nothing will work that way. You'll forget every one of their names and it's likely you'll forget most things that happened there. It's just not that important.

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