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Jul 14, 2018
I've always wondered how people on Reddit's /r/depression and other pro-life forums are just able to give generic platitudes "Suicide is never the answer", "You'll hurt others" as if everyone has someone to care for them and is filled to the brim with opportunities that their "depressed mind just can't see".

Do they not recognize the vast number of circumstances one is in? Why can't they realize how hard life can get, how brutal it can be and how pointless in the end it is? Not everyone is born equal and not everyone dies happy , regardless of how much they try. I have a feeling that the "sheeple" mindset of society is probably correct for many. It might sound arrogant and angsty but really, there is something in people that gives the ability to ignore all bad in this world to an almost delusional degree.

People say, "Not everyone is meant to be an athlete", "Not everyone is meant to be rich" but when you say "Not everyone is meant to live" then you are considered absolutely disgusting.
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Jul 27, 2018
I have absolutely hated the answer: Please call this suicide hotline. As if that is going to solve my problems.
I dunno, it really depends on the situation. In some situations, life really does get better. In others, suicide is a good option. It really boils down to who you are. If you are broke, in chronic pain and facing homelessness, maybe suicide is the answer. If you are 16 and lovesick, probably not.
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Jul 14, 2018
I have absolutely hated the answer: Please call this suicide hotline. As if that is going to solve my problems.
I dunno, it really depends on the situation. In some situations, life really does get better. In others, suicide is a good option. It really boils down to who you are. If you are broke, in chronic pain and facing homelessness, maybe suicide is the answer. If you are 16 and lovesick, probably not.

You know what's even more B.S....the idiots who condemn suicide on online forums but guess what, they'll not do a single thing to help you in your life.

People don't care if you're facing homelessness but when you suggest suicide? Oh my "you're so selfish".

I really have nothing but contempt for most people in society.
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This happens in every place unfortunately. Sometimes even other suicidal people is toxic or simply wrong. It sucks.
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Gray Wounds

Gray Wounds

A Phantasmagoria
Jun 27, 2018
because they are not humans. they are machines with machine hearts and machine minds (ctto: Charlie Chaplin)
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Life sucks

Apr 18, 2018
I think many people are just robot-like. They don't understand anything outside of the system. Its out of their programming. I tried and tried talking and its like talking to a wall. And they make you feel like suffocating
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Jul 18, 2018
life sucks. Don't they see it? Probably doesn't suck for them.
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Jul 27, 2018
I think many people are just robot-like. They don't understand anything outside of the system. Its out of their programming. I tried and tried talking and its like talking to a wall. And they make you feel like suffocating

This has literally been my experience with every single person except one (and even then only to a minor extent) in my personal life.

It's freaking maddening, almost like living in a horror movie full of clockwork dolls.
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May 31, 2018
I've given up talking about suicide. It's like trying to have a rational conversation with a deeply religious person who believes they know "the answer." And like Tiburcio said above, even other suicidal people can be close-minded and hurtful. Maybe it's just me, but I feel like being suicidal means living in your own private hell.
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May 4, 2018
Most people just have no idea how to deal with it. So they reach for the closest platitude. They can then pat themselves on the back and declare a job well done. Plus, if someone sees one case of 'it gets better' being true they are going to generalize it over every case.
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Beyond solace
Jun 30, 2018
Maybe it's just me, but I feel like being suicidal means living in your own private hell.

Pretty much exactly the same for me. Except for this forum.

They can then pat themselves on the back and declare a job well done.

Funny way of putting it. Dare i say i cracked a smile at this one.
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the satanic mechanic
Jul 29, 2018
I really don't think people who've been genuinely depressed ever say platitudes for the sake of patting themselves on the back, and things hardly come across properly on the internet, but whatever gets the echo chamber echoing, I guess


the satanic mechanic
Jul 29, 2018
like I know we're all grimdark here but genuine concern from strangers on the interbutts _gasp_ exists


Jul 27, 2018
I really don't think people who've been genuinely depressed ever say platitudes for the sake of patting themselves on the back, and things hardly come across properly on the internet, but whatever gets the echo chamber echoing, I guess

I think that they meant that people who were giving generic advice to depressed people usually reached for general platitudes because it was the easiest thing to do and made it look like they were doing something.

like I know we're all grimdark here but genuine concern from strangers on the interbutts _gasp_ exists

Sometimes yes, but quite a bit of the time it's just virtue signalling.

They can then pat themselves on the back and declare a job well done.

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Morning Angel

Useless Broken Wings
Aug 8, 2018
There's probably a lot of complex reasons why people can't accept self-euthanasia as a right or even ethical thing to do in certain cases. Look how long it took for some Americans to allow death with dignity, and only for people in the most horrific pain possible (stage 4 cancer, terminal illness).

Some reasons probably include
- Influence of far right (i.e. super religious people) in determining how death happens. Suicide is wrong but executing someone is okay. This is more pertinent to the U.S.
- Cultural views of suicide. In some countries self-termination is regarded as honorable when under duress (i.e. Japan for example) but in the states it is very dishonorable, weak, selfish, other moralistic crap, etc.
- Social pressure for others to conform and "save" you. I've had people call the cops on me, report me, been painted as the villain for opening up at all about suicide. The pressure for others to avoid guilt and blame later is probably insane, so they will conform - even if it means throwing you under the bus.
- None of these people have a damn clue what it's like to be 5150'ed/institutionalized. Have you ever noticed that when the National Suicide Prevention line is spammed, they never actually warn people what might happen if they admit they're imminently suicidal? They have not an iota of a clue how degrading, demoralizing, and hurtful the process can be.
- Empathy takes some work and some imagination. People who don't know what you're dealing with would have to go out of their way and ask themselves "How would I feel if I was them?" People so often forget that some problems really can't be fixed objectively and that it's not always a matter of a poor attitude. It's just a blindspot, they aren't trying to hurt.
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Aug 9, 2018
I think its them who are being selfish trying to dictate my fucking life. Its mine I can do what I want with it even it thank means ending this pathetic life.
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Dec 14, 2018
Everything is easier with rose colored lenses.
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Fallen Angel
Jan 7, 2019
They say that we have to deal with our problems but my problem can never be fixed which is why I'm ready to die.
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Voluntary deletion
Nov 28, 2018
Because their lives are on Easy Mode while ours are on Nightmare Mode.
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Dec 6, 2018
They say that we have to deal with our problems but my problem can never be fixed which is why I'm ready to die.

I've casually have had conversation about this before several years ago. They can never give you a good answer for: Death for the person is eminent, guaranteed. It will also be painful and drug out.
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Fallen Angel
Jan 7, 2019
I've casually have had conversation about this before several years ago. They can never give you a good answer for: Death for the person is eminent, guaranteed. It will also be painful and drug out.

I agree, we are all going to die anyway so why not make the process quicker through ctb?
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Dec 6, 2018
I agree, we are all going to die anyway so why not make the process quicker through ctb?

A person's life is their own. I believe they can forge ahead and try and make the best of it, or they can decide to go if illness, circumstances, trauma, mental issues cause them day to day suffering and anguish. The Judeo-Christian ethics in the Western world has created a very tough culture to ultimately respect each individual's choices.
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Dec 5, 2018
I've always wondered how people on Reddit's /r/depression and other pro-life forums are just able to give generic platitudes "Suicide is never the answer", "You'll hurt others" as if everyone has someone to care for them and is filled to the brim with opportunities that their "depressed mind just can't see".

Do they not recognize the vast number of circumstances one is in? Why can't they realize how hard life can get, how brutal it can be and how pointless in the end it is? Not everyone is born equal and not everyone dies happy , regardless of how much they try. I have a feeling that the "sheeple" mindset of society is probably correct for many. It might sound arrogant and angsty but really, there is something in people that gives the ability to ignore all bad in this world to an almost delusional degree.

People say, "Not everyone is meant to be an athlete", "Not everyone is meant to be rich" but when you say "Not everyone is meant to live" then you are considered absolutely disgusting.

Yeah I've been wondering about that and have had many discussions with people about the right to die. I do understand that we all have a different understanding of what life means and that there are cultural and even religious aspects to consider. But ultimatively no one had a logical explanation for their believe/argument. I have been to panel discussions about active and assisted suicide and even the doctors, of whom you expect that they know so much more, were very dogmatic - even concerning terminally ill patients. The only answer they give is that palliative care is the answer to all problems even though about 10 percent of patients are still doomed to suffer unbearable pain. They always bring up the slippery slope argument although it's perfectly fine to send people into war or allow people to drink theirselves to death.
Furthermore it's simply people projecting their own believes onto others. It doenst necessarily mean they haven't been through a lot or that they see the world through rose-coloured glasses. They simply project their own strength or coping mechanisms or experiences on others. It is neither wrong nor right, it's just what they believe in.
The redlex to talk someone out of it is pretty normal, even I would try to do so in a lot of cases. Because I am objective and might see things from another perspective. There are quite a few people who are very extreme about suicide, but there are also those who really don't understand and try to help. It's important to differentiate here, I think.

Edit: Naturally it is even more complicated when it comes to "mental illness" and free will.
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Jan 1, 2019
I have absolutely hated the answer: Please call this suicide hotline. As if that is going to solve my problems.
I dunno, it really depends on the situation. In some situations, life really does get better. In others, suicide is a good option. It really boils down to who you are. If you are broke, in chronic pain and facing homelessness, maybe suicide is the answer. If you are 16 and lovesick, probably not.

never understood the point of suicide hotlines, even the people who talk there just follow a script. No real advice, no real help, atmost they will hand over numbers that you could've googled yourself and even then they won't call them and help you set anything, you have to do it yourself.

they won't give you any ideas for running away from your situation, they won't help with anything. Literally the most pointless thing to ever exist, atleast from my pov. Maybe it helps other people, but it never has helped me.
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I am a sunrise
Jan 5, 2019
During a bit of a thing I got asked once if I had ever tried meditating. Believe me when I say I had enough courage at that moment to save a life.
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