

Apr 28, 2022
Imagine there is someone you know who has a terminal illness such as cancer. And they're really really suffering do you ever tell them things will get better? No you don't ! Because you know it won't, you'll try to offer help and do your best to make them feel comfortable but despite all that you know that they will suffer and it's still gonna pain . You will not tell them to look at the bright side of things or that someone else is going through more than that. Now imagine this person wants to end their life (through euthanasia ) and although that makes you sad you understand that this is the best way, the best way to make sure that they don't suffer anymore and you tell them that (if thete is a other side you'll meet them there ). Why can't people understand that, that's exactly what feeling really suicidal for so many yeats is like. You've been suffering for so long and all you want to do is end the pain and the only way you can do that is through ending your life. Because no matter how much you're loved it doesn't go the pain go away.

For me the only people that ever matter to me are my parents. They're my entire life and I love them so much but there's not a minute that doesn't go where I can't think of ending my life. My dad has always told me that the worst thing that could happen to a parent is burying their own child (We had this conversation after someone we know commited suicide ) and I saw the aftereffects of that young girl's suicide, her parents were a mess and I don't want my parents to be in that position. But I just wanna be selfish just this one last time.
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I will leave soon
Apr 2, 2022
I give shit. I want to ctb and that is what matters.
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Sanctioned Suicide is well worth a mass
Jan 10, 2022
It may cause a lot of depressing feelings when someone CTB, perhaps they don't want to feel sad


Apr 15, 2022
If you have people who care about you, it's pretty much inevitable that they are going to be hurt if/when you ctb, or even if you go by any means, really, even naturally. Maybe a really well-written letter explaining to them why you needed to go and that it isn't their fault in any way, shape, or form. They're still going to be hurt, but it may help some, maybe in the long run, to understand, to get an understanding of how you're feeling.
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Dec 30, 2021
Euthanasia should already be legal everywhere. Why is it so hard for people to understand that sometimes suicide is the best option.
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Apr 5, 2020
They just can't understand what would compel someone to want it. I guess much like my inability to grasp how people can continue living and actually enjoy it. There are very few people who I envy. Although those who I do envy, I envy quite a lot. But even they must suffer in ways which are not enviable, because I don't think anyone can escape suffering, such is its ubiquity on this dreaded rock.


Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I believe that many non suicidal people live under a delusion that life is always worth living and they see wanting suicide as always being irrational. In reality wanting suicide can be perfectly rational in a world that is as horrible as this, for me personally it is what makes sense. I want to escape from decades of suffering. Many people do not want to accept the fact that things could get that bad for them that they would want to ctb, so they view suicide as something that is always wrong and must be prevented in every case.

In society suicide is so stigmatised. I do wish we lived in a world where our right to die is respected and then we could exit peacefully at a time of our own choosing. It is cruel to try and force people to live against their wishes.
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
I know plenty of depressed people who are just as against suicide as the next normal person. I feel like the crab bucket mentality is what's at play here. Some people are so opposed to suicide because they'd rather drag down others and prevent them from escaping this hellish existence than have to be slightly less alone. Maybe they think that stopping others from accepting suicide is the only way to prevent themselves from embracing it.
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Certified Stupid
Aug 11, 2021
This reminds me of something one of my classmates said a couple years ago, he said: "I am just going to say it, isn't suicide just kind of...dumb?" or something of that manner.
I think that was the moment I realized some people are operating off a different perception of life altogether. For some people, they always see ways out of suffering or pain and for them there is some innate reason/value to life. For them living is just a natural expectation, a given state of being, there is little to question because it just is. These people don't think or wrestle with the very concept of existing or questioning why we have to live and suffer. So for them, to not live is to choose absurdity.

On the other hand, people are selfish and do not wish to go through the pain/grief of loosing someone. And I can reasonably understand that, but what these people don't realize is like you said, there is suffering and pain in living. And because they don't see this and instead the possibilities of things getting "better" they hide behind potential of the future instead of the harshness of reality. I think it is an easy way people can absolve their own selfishness because they are saying they are removing your choice of life for your own good when actually it is only soothing their own anxieties and helping them feel better instead of you. People don't want to see you suffer but more importantly they don't want to suffer because of you.

I also think the general stigma of mental challenges, illnesses, and suffering plays a part to. It is easy for people to see the impacts of physical illness on your quality of life because it presents outwardly most times. They can see you can't work, sleep, eat, or live because there is a visible and tangible factor. But anguish and obstacles of the mind are personal, and don't present outwardly unless shown, so people can easily perceive it as not as severe or more curable because it is "all in your head" "you have control over it". So for that reason, they see way less struggle and much more potential so they give false hope to themselves and everyone else. Kind of ties into my last point to0.

Anyways, I know for some people it does get better and power to them, but because of that the rest of us for some reason are forced to attempt to live that same life. People idolize those that "get better' or "beat their mental illness" so much for some reason. I guess people just get the self satisfaction by seeing people they help directly do something commendable. Man, there are just too many layers to this, I mean I haven't even talked about how some religions have a part in this as well but I digress.
It is a mess, it is annoying, and boy do I wish people would realize the double standard it is.

People want you to suffer less so they make you suffer more to "get better" and people believe in choosing what brings you peace unless it ruins theirs. But really, we all live in a circus of a planet anyways so I have given up on trying to convince people to blinded by limited ideals about life to understand it.
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Nov 5, 2020
It's largely because it clashes with people's world views and what we've been taught to believe as well as our very own core instincts. We're animals at the end of the day and our biggest biological imperative is to survive and we are taught to try and find reasons that go beyond that that we can point to and say "life is worth living," so when someone is adamant that they no longer see a reason to really keep going, to the point that they are beginning to challenge their own survival instinct, others can't really understand it because it is in direct opposition of their own thoughts unless they've seriously gone through a similar ordeal themselves.
Al Cappella

Al Cappella

Are we there yet?
Feb 2, 2022
People will look down on or dismiss things they don't understand and are then frightened of. We all do it.
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Apr 19, 2022
Because their lives aren't as hellish as ours so they can't see it from our pov. Oh, and if we're dead, we don't benefit the higher ups because we can't pay taxes.
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