Yeah I'm suicidal and struggling with life every single day. If you knew about the scope of my suffering, you wouldn't have asked this pretentious question. Do you really think I live a good life? What do you think, how it feels to be trans in this world? Do you understand the horrors of BPD? Can you even fathom how life feels like when you self-isolate for years due to social anxiety? I don't think so, I don't think you understand any of this. And you certainly don't understand the nightmare I go through every single day and night. You have no idea what it means to suffer, obviously. If you did, you would understand why people use this forum and why we're not the bad guys. Why people voluntarily make an account here, it's because people like you who are dismissive of the pain and struggles of vulnerable people so they have no choice to use this forum to give their pain a voice, to find honest and sincere support and to find important ressources. You're the embodiment of this horrible society that doesn't give a shit about suicidal people. And you have oviously no idea to what degree suicidal people are mistreated in this world.
Look. I've been suffering from chronic depression my entire life, okay and that's just one of the many things that drive me to the edge every single day. I'm a part of this community, I know how it feels to suffer in silence, from conditions that have no cure and mediocre treatment at best that barely make life endurable in the first place. I don't just want to live just to suffer every single day, okay. That's not a good life. Why should I be here if I can't enjoy life to the fullest extend. If it just brings misery and pain every single day. I wasn't born into this world just to somehow survive, okay. But that's what society wants me to do, live so I can suffer, stay around just to be miserable. Does that sound like a compassionate approach to suffering people?
And if you read my posts and didn't just jump to conclusions right away, you would know all of that. You would know about my struggles because I've talked about them in great lengths in this forum, I've been a regular member of this forum for two years before I became a moderator. I'm not exactly secretive about my struggles and the people here know about the extend of my suffering. I tried to end it in 2019 and I've documented that in a thread in this forum, odd hm. That was before I was a moderator. How would you know, right? I have to be the bad guy to run a community like this, I couldn't possibly suffer myself. That's how it works, it always worked like that, demonizing and dehumanizing people who are suffering because being pro-choice means you have to be a bad person that's get some horrible, sadistic enjoyment out of this. That's the narrative of every single article about this forum and it seems that's how you've done your research.
The truth is, if it wasn't for this forum, I would probably be gone now. One or way or another. The community kept me alive back then when I was just a regular member and I'm incredibly thankful for that and right now I'm still here because that's the only way this community can exist, okay. The existence of this forum is tied to my existence. And that's the only reason why I'm still around today, what do you think what would happen to this forum and this community if I disappeared? So yeah, you can thank the NYT that I'm still alive today and the admin of this forum, they essentially put me in this position. And releasing that article back 2021, which made the founders leave this forum, was the biggest mistake because ever because it ruined every chance of pro-lifers to take this forum down. I'm not going anywhere, okay and I'm more dedicated than ever to keep this forum going - even if it's just to spite these motherfuckers who tried to hard to tear down this community. It's personal because messing with this community that means so much to me was a big mistake. So no matter what happens, I'll stay here to the very end. You know, I don't have a problem prolonging my suffering if it means this forum stays online, if it means the only pro-choice community on the internet can continue to exist. What do you think, how much I desire to rest? After all these years? How much I long for death. I simply put the needs of this community above mine and I'm completely fine with that. There you go, that's the answer to your question, why I'm still alive. Deal with it, asshole.