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the grind
Mar 21, 2018
If you think people are never actaully into you(genuine) the case may be that you are ugly(over weight mostly). I have very little respect for fats. Try fat shaming yourself. Having belly rolls is fat. You can tell you are in shape if you can flex and see muscles on your stomache and arms and legs and everywhere. Also with relationship, being a masc male and feminine(wants to be led by male) fem is very important. Tryd oing scarily challenging things. LIfe will clear up when you feel the reward systems for doing the hard shit. I can give you challenge suggestions if you want.

I used to be very underweight, but now I hit the gym 4 times a week since that's the only thing that makes me take my mind off things.
I'm asexual and have never felt any romantic or sexual attraction towards anyone, I have no interest in any relationship and limit off my friends since I also suffer from schizoid disorder.

I would normally tell you to fuck right off, but quite frankly you are hilarious and always put a smile on my face. I really hope you find peace.
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Reactions: Mari, FullFat, Squidward and 3 others


May 4, 2018
I used to be very underweight, but now I hit the gym 4 times a week since that's the only thing that makes me take my mind off things.
I'm asexual and have never felt any romantic or sexual attraction towards anyone, I have no interest in any relationship and limit off my friends since I also suffer from schizoid disorder.

I would normally tell you to fuck right off, but quite frankly you are hilarious and always put a smile on my face. I really hope you find peace.
I don't want to help anymore.
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Apr 26, 2018
There is literally nothing worth doing and I will never be able to connect with another human being. I honestly don't understand why everyone isn't suicidal.


New Member
May 11, 2018
Young with Total Erectile Dysfunction due to accident pills or injections wont work only option is a penile implant and no woman would want to
be with a young guy with a penile implant.Dont want to die but dont want to spend my life alone.


New Member
May 6, 2018
Many things are at play for me here. I have a lot of student debt (my mistake), I hate my job, I'm 29 and living with my parents now, I'm absolutely miserable, the love of my life died in our home in November last year of an accidental overdose. I half wish I had just ctb then, rather than working so hard to try and save him. I've been seriously contemplating it - attempted with TCAs back in December and nothing happened...I just had over 24 hours of sleep. And I do believe that there is an afterlife; there has to be. This is hell.
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Apr 21, 2018
- Severe OCD, had it since I was a kid.

- Ugly/asymmetrical face which leads to me getting laughed at by strangers, or looked at like I'm a threat to them even when I'm not looking in their direction. I'm a homebody but leave the house occasionally so it's still a problem.

- I'd also die once my mom gets too old to take care of me or passes away even if I weren't suicidal.

- Never really felt like I belonged in this world and always preferred daydreaming and fiction to anything that happens in the real world.
Last edited:
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Some idiot
May 11, 2018
I might actually end up having Dissociative Identity Disorder and after basically finding out my memory problems have been getting worse to the point where I end up blankly staring at someone forgetting who they are and why I'm here etc. and I know I will never be able to receive any help for it because I've already been committed to a hospital 10+ times, doctors don't listen to me and don't care. I can't even remember how old I am anymore but I know I'm old enough to not live with my parents and do more than have a shitty job where i'm disrespected and will be stuck in a ghost town for the rest of my pathetic life.

Also i doubt shit's going to get any better anytime soon. Every time i hear a plane go by i keep thinking it's a nuclear warhead and i get excited thinking everything doesn't matter and it'll all be over but it never works that way apparently.


May 4, 2018
Young with Total Erectile Dysfunction due to accident pills or injections wont work only option is a penile implant and no woman would want to
be with a young guy with a penile implant.Dont want to die but dont want to spend my life alone.
I don't think it would be a huge problem, just have a smile on your face and have a sense of humor about is my advice. Sorry you have to go through that. Maybe become a monk or the urban equivalent? ED can be a total mind fuck. Maybe turn gay? If you can get the penile implant I don't think it would turn off the majority of the girls since it will be a good story for them to tell especially if its a different skin color. Best of luck.


love kills
Apr 15, 2023
I can't see a future for me. It's kinda soon since I'm at a young age, but there's a lot of weight in my shoulders and i don't know how to get rid of it.
Currently I'm in an unexplainable void. I can't feel sadness, I can't feel pain, nothing. Everything I'm doing now is just being alive, even though I'm not paying attention to classes, not talking with my friends the same way I did before, not working... Anything. Plus, my love life is a mess right now, and I punish myself so much because people, in my perspective, don't like to talk to me or to have a relationship of any kind with me. All my romantic relationships is resumed of someone using me in the end, and then they just leave. And when I find someone trustable, I just cut off the person because I'm really used to the abusive ones.
There's a lot of things going on, and it would be a long text if I kept talking about it. Problems with my weight, my appearance, my way of expressing myself, a lot of psychological problems... Anyways. All I know is that if I haven't accomplished anything at 26, I'd kill myself. Or sooner if I couldn't live in peace with it.


New Member
Mar 18, 2023
Because there is no escaping myself. I have struggled with suicidal thoughts and have attempted before. I feel like the stronger I try to be the more I am pushing off the inevitable.

At this moment though it's because I can no longer make my fiance happy and I'm not a very good mother. I struggle with the most basic of tasks and truly I believe everyone would be better without me. I can't hurt anyone anymore if I'm dead.


Mar 21, 2023
philosophical beliefs. I agree with certain branches of philosophy that say, I need to determine if I think the game of life is worth playing
What branch is that?


Apr 5, 2023
I've thought about doing a dangerous job with high fatality rate so it'll be an accident and I'll probably have died for a good reason so my mom would have an easier time grieving, but suicide is probably much easier and it's 100% chance if you do it right.


Dec 1, 2022
My reasons are similar to yours, I see this life as a game that we're all forced to play and I personally don't see this game as worth playing for myself. I've always been kind of a loner, never really had many, if any at all, close friends and I've never had a relationship despite already being 21 years old. I'm almost completely emotionally isolated from everyone I know and my relationship with them is kind of distant and surface level deep. The one exception would probably be my older sister but even with her I wouldn't ever think of daring to share the kind of stuff that I share on forums like these. I've determined that my life won't amount to much and even if I were to live it fully through, I'd probably either die early in some tragic fashion (besides suicide) or old and filled with nothing but bitterness and regrets.
I sometimes wonder if I were to find someone to love and share my life with would give me a reason to trudge on through and live my life to the fullest. But knowing me, I'd probably just regress back into my usual self and end up hurting that person. In the end, I think we should all have the right to choose when we die no matter how much society looks down upon us for doing so. Like you've already said, suicide has been heavily stigmatized because society needs its cogs to keep on turning and it doesn't want to put in the work to grease and clean up those cogs. What I'm trying to say is mental illness is a very difficult issue to tackle and there's little to no incentive for society to truly address it since the suicide stigma keeps too many people from killing themselves and inducing a societal collapse.


Mar 25, 2023
I am going to CTB some time soon. I don't take my life seriously anymore - almost like it's a game. I just mess around a lot, I'm practically already did since I've lost the will to continue or improve my life.


Apr 16, 2023
Becsuse i have never been happy. As i grew i was diagnosed with bipolar and bpd. I live with the feeling that i cannot be free, nor can i be accepted by this world, even being 31 years old and highly functional with an ok life. It feels like this world isn't made for me, and I feel really inadequate. I struggle a lot. People doesn't respect me even when I deserve respect. I cannot cry, express my feelings, I'm not able to explode and I'm constantly suppressed by others, even by people who supposedly loves me. I cannot take this anymore. I'm afraid of killing myself but i think it will eventually happen


Apr 1, 2023
I ruined my life career, I feel taking drugs and having gone manic, delusions of grandeur to be God's trumpet player, psychiatric meds destroyed me, 1st time i thought about ending it, but weed revived me, was off meds feeling great, was playing truly amazing trumpet, not delusional.

Then Mother died, was depressed went hard on psychedelics, now I've destroyed my ability to play trumpet, feel emotion, sleep really at all only 4 hours a night but no ability to nap, feel like I'm losing my mind, i cant dose off. can't eat properly as in I lost 70% of my appetite. Constant exhaustion and panic attacks from dmt abuse. Have fried my brain.

44, financially ruined, but it's mainly that I'm physically not aware anymore, can't feel emotion, nothing on social media or movies music makes an emotional impact, actually makes me antzy. Most likely to succeed now suicidal no life loser, I can blame the bipolar but I feel I made these decisions following my dream of being trumpet player of the highest caliber because I felt it was a spiritual calling.

Looking forward to the final sleep when I get my things together.

Have destroyed relationships not maintained some, lost my personality, my body falling apart, will never have a family with kids, so many lost goals and regrets that haunt me.

Need a bus ride to another place, this world was not for me.

Hate the chemically feeling of being on meds.

More I think looking forward to leaving it all behind. Hurts because I've seen how people with great lives live.

Hoping SN is peaceful and 100% effective.

I'm sorry mom and dad. You deserved a better son than me.


Apr 12, 2023
The most prominent reason is the trauma incident and abuse from my longest psych ward holds.
Other contributing factors are the 2020 incident, and another traumatic event December 2022.
Before then, when I was told the usual rounds of folly, I struggled a lot due to learning disabilities and my then home environment.


Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
Because suicide is the way to permanently solve all problems and prevent all future suffering. Existing in this world is tedious, futile, unnecessary and doesn't appeal to me, existing certainly is not for me, I don't wish to be trapped inside a decaying flesh prison that is destined to deteriorate from age, personally I would wish to avoid all the torture that existing could potentially bring, suicide is the most logical solution and life itself is the true problem. I only wish for non existence where I won't even be aware of the fact that I'm gone, it sounds beautiful being able to sleep forever as it's a burden having to exist.

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