
Feb 2, 2021
I've noticed a lot of UK members here and wondered why that was.
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Aug 17, 2020
I mean.... have you ever been to the UK? **points to everything** :pfff:

In all seriousness; there's roughly 66 million people in the UK, there was bound to be some of us on here, considering that guns/drugs/other easy ways to kill yourself are hard to get.
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Bucket of Chicken
Mar 31, 2021
What sucks about UK the most?
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Mar 27, 2021
I genuinely don't think it's anything to do with the UK itself. I love the UK and would never want to move anywhere else and the way I feel is all unrelated to the country.

In terms of activity on these forums, it's quite likely that people are looking for answers on CTB as they can't buy a gun and SN is hard to access here. I'd imagine people in other countries can have a look without needing to make an account.
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A Nameless Monster
Mar 7, 2021
The members with most presence on an English speaking forum are likely to be native speakers. Consequently, the other posters may find it difficult to relate and simply lurk. Depending on the time of day I guess it shifts between North America or UK majority online users.
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Jan 22, 2021
What sucks about UK the most?
That we're no longer part of Europe and England's now the most embarrassing country even Wales would be preferable
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Narcissistic gay NEETcel
Apr 4, 2021
tea makes everyone sad. also, perpetual rain. that's my guess.
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Feb 6, 2021
UK is actually a pretty great country. Overcrowded, sure, but most places are anyway. There's a lot of cool shit here and most people are quite friendly. It beats the hell out of third word countries or oppressive countries like Saudi Arabia, Iran, China etc etc.

I think it might have something to do with our media and the way they report stories??

I found out about this place because several UK media outlets reported a story about someone who CTB with a "food preservative" that was circulating in "suicide forums" but they refused to name them. Naturally, I went searching and found both SS and found out about SN method...

Maybe other countries just have a complete media blackout for these kinds of forums?
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A Mole Sitting in a Hole
Jun 6, 2020
I think it also depends on when you're on the site. If you're from the US and on the site in the early hours then it is far more likely you'll see a larger cohort of members from the UK.
tea makes everyone sad. also, perpetual rain. that's my guess.
Tea is the only thing keeping us UK people going. *Gets up to put the kettle on. Extra note, the vast majority of people from the US don't own a kettle.
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Dec 15, 2020
People here seem to have a passion for always voting the right-wing Tories into power.
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Feb 23, 2020
I would want to CTB too if I lived in a place where the sun never sets or maybe its the guilt of drawing shitty border lines.
Dead beat dad

Dead beat dad

Mar 5, 2019
What sucks about UK the most?
UK is pretty rad, although our wrestling game will never be Olympic standard and coaches in the UK are hard to come by


Mar 18, 2021
I think life in UK is not as bad as third world countries but life is bad here too. And people are not religious. If you take away religion people will ctb more all over the world.
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想死不能 - 想活不能
Nov 23, 2020
While I don't have insight into being native to this country as I immigrated to the UK, there are some aspects of British culture that absolutely suck from my experience.

Don't get me wrong. I love the UK way more than the trash heap where I was born. There are a lot of great things about living on this dreary little island, and I wouldn't wanna be anywhere else. However, there's some shitty things too.

The first thing you will notice about British culture is that people love to drink. Bad day at work? Have a pint. Had a fight with your partner? Let's pop down to tescos and get a bottle of jack, eh. Feeling even slightly bored or unsatisfied? The pub will be your remedy.

This leads to a lot of alcoholism and despair. There are so many people hooked on drinking and can't ever escape it due to how embedded the activity is in British culture. Not to mention the keep calm and carry on platitudes that underpin socially acceptable norms.

You're expected to complain, but not too much. If you complain about the wrong sort of things, people might think you're a bit of a bloody weirdo. So there's a delicate balance to be had that you may not see in cultures where people are more open and transparent.

Another thing is that there are so many issues with the NHS especially the mental health services and management of chronic diseases. Even though everyone pays into NHS through taxes, a lot of people treat it like a benevolent charitable organisation that you would have to be sacrilegious to criticise.

Remember, the British way is the best way, and if you want to improve anything you're just a whiner and not grateful for the NHS! That's the type of rhetoric you encounter on a daily basis here, and it gradually wears you down. There are lots more suffering in silence outside of this forum.

My uni page has loads of suicidal people there begging for help, only to be thrown hotline numbers and email addresses of mental health staff who will just refer them to the 2 year waiting list for cognitive behavioral therapy, even if they're graduating this year. That solves about as much as throwing alcohol on a fire.
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fred farkle

fred farkle

Dec 17, 2020
you brits must be feeling bad over the loss of prince phillip. i understand he was insatiable in the sack.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
Because it is harder to cbt in the UK, there is no firearms, euthanasia so suicidal people will look on forums to find out how.
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Aug 17, 2020
Let's pop down to tescos and get a bottle of jack, eh.

Another thing is that there are so many issues with the NHS especially the mental health services and management of chronic diseases. Even though everyone pays into NHS through taxes, a lot of people treat it like a benevolent charitable organisation that you would have to be sacrilegious to criticise.
My uni page has loads of suicidal people there begging for help, only to be thrown hotline numbers and email addresses of mental health staff who will just refer them to the 2 year waiting list for cognitive behavioral therapy, even if they're graduating this year. That solves about as much as throwing alcohol on a fire.

I'm glad that we have the NHS, because I'm thankful that we don't have to pay £££ for private medical insurance just to see a GP, but the NHS is far from perfect (and as you said - especially in the mental health sector).

That's literally why a lot of people drink.... getting together with your friends to eat/drink/smoke weed/be merry is literally the only "treatment" that a lot of us have or can get.
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Jul 27, 2020
never lived in the UK but man it's not a great sign when multiple posters from that part of the world write, "well, it's probably not as bad as living in *insert third world country*"
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Jun 16, 2020
When England loses the ashes later this year they'll be even more of them here.
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I want out
Nov 21, 2020
Although I was born and raised in the U.S., I have always been a bit of an AnglophIle. Perhaps it is because I am half Irish and half English.
The British have always been the most musically talented people on earth. The Beatles, the Stones,Queen,Elton John ...the list is endless.
Monty Python is funny as hell. If you want a great movie about about the Titanic, check out " A Night To Remember"....made by a British studio based on a book by Walter Lord. There are many other great British movies.
One of the first things I noticed when I joined SS was large amount of members from the UK. It's a damn shame a country that has given the world so much culture and civility has seemingly so many suicidal people. I guess the " keep a stiff upper lip " mentality is not good for for mental health.
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A Nameless Monster
Mar 7, 2021
Don't get me wrong. I love the UK way more than the trash heap where I was born.
Same. Frequent passive aggressive complaint when I was a teen - living in a ruined Eastern Bloc country. Not even my country of origin, so not a shred of national pride to be found.

The first thing you will notice about British culture is that people love to drink.

At least the average alcoholic beverages in the UK don't lead to liver failure after a couple years.

I feel like I only notice drinking in the UK because of the pub/nightlife culture. Lots of other countries boozing happens on a park bench or at home, which also reduces the unnecessary violence. A fair number of people I knew were drinking at 14 and this is worryingly normalised in Eastern Europe.
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shape without form, shade without colour
Jan 24, 2021
While I don't have insight into being native to this country as I immigrated to the UK, there are some aspects of British culture that absolutely suck from my experience.

Don't get me wrong. I love the UK way more than the trash heap where I was born. There are a lot of great things about living on this dreary little island, and I wouldn't wanna be anywhere else. However, there's some shitty things too.

The first thing you will notice about British culture is that people love to drink. Bad day at work? Have a pint. Had a fight with your partner? Let's pop down to tescos and get a bottle of jack, eh. Feeling even slightly bored or unsatisfied? The pub will be your remedy.

This leads to a lot of alcoholism and despair. There are so many people hooked on drinking and can't ever escape it due to how embedded the activity is in British culture. Not to mention the keep calm and carry on platitudes that underpin socially acceptable norms.

You're expected to complain, but not too much. If you complain about the wrong sort of things, people might think you're a bit of a bloody weirdo. So there's a delicate balance to be had that you may not see in cultures where people are more open and transparent.

Another thing is that there are so many issues with the NHS especially the mental health services and management of chronic diseases. Even though everyone pays into NHS through taxes, a lot of people treat it like a benevolent charitable organisation that you would have to be sacrilegious to criticise.

Remember, the British way is the best way, and if you want to improve anything you're just a whiner and not grateful for the NHS! That's the type of rhetoric you encounter on a daily basis here, and it gradually wears you down. There are lots more suffering in silence outside of this forum.

My uni page has loads of suicidal people there begging for help, only to be thrown hotline numbers and email addresses of mental health staff who will just refer them to the 2 year waiting list for cognitive behavioral therapy, even if they're graduating this year. That solves about as much as throwing alcohol on a fire.
The drinking thing doesn't sound like too much of a problem, but then I am an alcoholic, so....

Not being able to bitch about anything would get old fast though. Second to drinking, it's my favorite hobby.
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Mar 21, 2021
English language website has a lot of native English speakers on it who would've guessed?

UK suicide rate is actually a lot lower than France and Germany for example, per 100k people. CDDDE17A 0AC0 4679 8AF6 19C4CF8808D8
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Learn to fly
Jan 11, 2021
It's fucking miserable here that's why
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Jan 5, 2021
It's cold and dark in the UK 6/8 months of the year. The housing isn't set up for the cold or the heat of really hot summers.

Transport is expensive and slow. Work can take 10 to 12 hrs a day with travel..weekends go too quick with no time to relax.

Everything is very expensive and wages are low so little money to spend on lifestyle just living.

Still a class system stops a lot of people moving up in jobs when they have the skills to do it.

There's a lot of antisocial crime and behaviour. Everyone is crammed into small spaces on top of each other.

Hate to say it but EU immigration lowered wages in the UK and non EU immigration haven't integrated into the UK and want their area to be like where they have come from and live off the state rather than working which creates resentment.

We're too tolerant of everyone's needs in the UK without realising that by trying to cater for everyone you fail everyone rather than getting 50 or 60 percent for some and none for others.
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