"Wiped Out!"
- Oct 21, 2024
- 121
Yes, I'm so happy about thisThis is such a wholesome and cute thread lol <3

As you know, censorship around the world has been ramping up at an alarming pace. The UK and OFCOM has singled out this community and have been focusing its censorship efforts here. It takes a good amount of resources to maintain the infrastructure for our community and to resist this censorship. We would appreciate any and all donations.
Yes, I'm so happy about thisThis is such a wholesome and cute thread lol <3
THANK YOU so much from the bottom of my heart for the loving statement about me, but you are equally or better than I could ever be.
Have a wonderful day!
You are just such a wonderful soul! Thank you so much, as it is family members like YOU who make each and every day worth facing.
I wish a wonderful day to you filled with beautiful blue sunny skies, fields of flowers and knowing just how much you matter in my life, thank you again.
Thank you so very much.
You are such a kind and loving person, and I am so very fortunate to have you as a good friend.
Have a great week my good family member.
Dot. I don't talk with her but she has always been here since I signed up years ago and she is a good mod and seems like a nice person. Also she has a kick ass singing voice.
I'm scarce on this sight though so I won't be surprised if she has no idea who the hell I am lol.
She's a mod?!?! Oh wow, I'd love to vocalize with her someday
Everyone here apparently seems to know each other lol
Never heard Dot sing before!
@Dot Love her personality, and adore her writing style. Always makes my day somehow.
honorable mention to @Dot @rainwillneverstop @RainAndSadness and ALL the MODS. love y'all
It's not personal, I don't respond to most people. I don't have the energy. I also often get flooded with responses and messages so it's too much for me to sift through them all. Thanks for the kind words, though.@willitpass Very sensible and have very interesting threads. Sadly has been ghosting me for some time though. If you see this post willitpass, I'm sorry if I ever hurt or offended you. I just wish you would talk to me. My dm's are open if you ever wanna talk, ok?
Thank you so much! You are also one of the people I like the most here!How could I forget?! @NegevChina is also one of the people I like the most here on the forum! A special thought for you too!![]()
Ahh I see. Sorry for assuming. I overreact easily probably due to trauma. It's hard not to be afraid, yk, but I can understand not having energy as I struggle with fatigue myself.It's not personal, I don't respond to most people. I don't have the energy. I also often get flooded with responses and messages so it's too much for me to sift through them all. Thanks for the kind words, though.
I still miss Ash. We never personally engaged or chatted much, but they often replied to some of my posts if I remember correctly? Either that or they engaged in a post I also engaged with.I have many faves lol!
@alltoomuch2 Very caring and supportive, we came together after @Ash dissapeared. (likely ctb-ed) and have been besties ever since :3
Speaking of witch, @Ash likely ctb-ed but mentioning her anyway. She was my best friend and would always cheer me up during rough times. Sadly the system failed her, and I'm 90% sure she's gone now. Not a single day goes by that I don't miss her. Rest In Peace bestie! <3
@CC123 Very nice and supportive.
@ConfusedClouds Also very nice and supportive and has alot of common sense.
@damienlerone03 Also one of my besties and fella writer :3
@Dot Love her personality, and adore her writing style. Always makes my day somehow.
@dragonofenvy Not super active on sasu anymore but still a great friend of mine.
@jacobryan One of my first besties on sasu. Great guy!
@Kit1 Good friend of mine, also used to support me during rough times.
@leloyon Idk, just like their style and personality. Suspect we might, or might not have similar taste.
@Life_and_Death One of the first people on sasu to support me that I have memory of.
@Pluto Always know how to brighten my day and very nice to vent to and ask for advice.
@Praestat_Mori Very kind and supportive. Always the kind of person to look after everyone
@sancta-simplicitas Very understanding and relatable person. Love her personality too.
@wondering&wandering My favourite status stalker. XD Jokes aside, very kind and supportive woman. <3
@willitpass Very sensible and have very interesting threads. Sadly has been ghosting me for some time though. If you see this post willitpass, I'm sorry if I ever hurt or offended you. I just wish you would talk to me. My dm's are open if you ever wanna talk, ok?
@Malaria No longer on sasu but still one of my best friends to date. We just have so much in common it's crazy!
Back at you. You should know by now how important you are to me, so I'll keep the sappy stuff out of the public thread .I have long written my suicide letters to everyone IRL I have deemed to be of some particular importance to me but after 4,000 posts and 2.5 years there are lots of people here who I would say meet that criterion and may in fact be more deserving of such a letter than some of the people I have written to.
Examples include (I won't say it is an exhaustive list):
@Forever Sleep
@Cloud Busting
Essentially the people I have personally engaged with the most. Like I said I won't say this necessarily covers everyone, just the most immediately salient examples right now.
Welcome to SaSu!I just joined so no one yet but I'd just like to say I enjoy everyone's thoughts and i dislike nobody here. Cool community you'd think it'd be full of attention seekers or something but it really is raw and helpful.
I appreciate it. I don't post as much as I did in the beginning. Mostly music. I don't have a favorite either. Though there are members I miss that have gone for whatever reason.I don't have a favorite but I like to see the comments from @not-2-b-the-answer
Holy moly, wasn't expecting this one.Ah! A hard choice, with many such fine people about here! And despite that I know my pick.
Shout out to avid galaxy hitchhiker, @platypus77! Some people you just meet and realize how cool they are; [this] being one of such serendipities.
And also the pure curiosity of bouncing back right from a goodbye thread, into a truly impressive acceptance for life; with fine words lined throughout. I admit it was of awe in my despairs a few days ago; so I note that, too.
And there are many others worth of note as well. To be honest, one might just not be enough ;D
So many of you are notable and beautiful and skilled in your own ways. I trust that the praises and acknowledgements offer to you, are indeed true--what a place of fine honesty, this is.
I wish you all the best; thank you all for your presences :) I know life is difficult but we are all so glad to be able to know you. Best of luck, everyone!!
Ah! A hard choice, with many such fine people about here! And despite that I know my pick.
Shout out to avid galaxy hitchhiker, @platypus77! Some people you just meet and realize how cool they are; [this] being one of such serendipities.
And also the pure curiosity of bouncing back right from a goodbye thread, into a truly impressive acceptance for life; with fine words lined throughout. I admit it was of awe in my despairs a few days ago; so I note that, too.
And there are many others worth of note as well. To be honest, one might just not be enough ;D
So many of you are notable and beautiful and skilled in your own ways. I trust that the praises and acknowledgements offer to you, are indeed true--what a place of fine honesty, this is.
I wish you all the best; thank you all for your presences :) I know life is difficult but we are all so glad to be able to know you. Best of luck, everyone!!
omg I can't believe I forgot you. my first SS homie!! you'll always have a special place with me.Back at you. You should know by now how important you are to me, so I'll keep the sappy stuff out of the public thread .
@Aergia @ms_beaverhousen @Alexei_Kirillov @opheliaoveragain same to you. I'm sure you see a wall of text from me and roll your eyes sometimes so I really appreciate you putting up with me.
Missing @soulkitty @Saturn_ @Myforevercharlie and others. Appreciate you a ton @Dot .
These threads just make me uneasy tbh so I never would have posted if you didn't first. I honestly care about everyone I've engaged with on here. Yes, everyone, still.
I FREAKIN love It!! So muchThis is such a wholesome and cute thread lol <3
I don't even know where to begin to reply to you. Knowing that my words have left something behind, that they've somehow stayed with someone, is one of those rare things that still manage to surprise me. I don't write to be remembered, nor to teach anything to anyone, but if what I've left here has meant something to you, then perhaps it wasn't entirely in vain.@L'absent - guh. where do i begin? i have some of your threads bookmarked just to re-read every now and then. your delivery the best, is second to none, and i wish i had even an inkling of your talent. of all the users here, i've definitely learned the most from you. please keep writing! you're a big inspiration to me; i'm not sure how much that means to you, but your posts alone mean a lot to me.
I Appreciate u loveAh fuck it, I was only going to give one user since the question asked me for my favourite user which I answered honestly but since everybody else here is giving multiple users, I may as well. Please note that this isn't an exhaustive list as my memory is currently shit due to being so overwhelmed due to life and ctb but I'll try my best. Aside from the first one, the rest aren't in any particular order although I definitely do like some members more over others:
@eatantz- for being such an amazing, kind, understandable and compassionate friend
@Namelesa - for being so understandable, empathetic, rational and kind. (Also for being such a massive tryhard in my counting game thread but mainly the first sentence).
@NoPoint2Life - for being so memorable for whatever reason (and bad at maths /s)
@SilentSadness - for having ideas which are similar to mine, for being kind and compassionate and for having an absolute cool roblox pfp and cool OST preferences (more emphasis on the ideas and compassion though, you're one of the few people on here why I haven't deleted my account as being on here is worth seeing content from you and the rare few other people here who understand).
@Darkover - for being absolutely rational and relatable about life
@pthnrdnojvsc - for being super rational and logical about life. Honestly, keep up the good work, I love seeing your posts as you understand the predicament that we are in
@Alexei_Kirillov - for being one of the rare few people on here who I can actually relate to. Once again, the rare few people on here like you make me so glad to stay on this site as otherwise I would have just deleted my account already
@lamy2006 - for being such a countdown nerd
@noname223 - no reason, I just wanted to put you in here to give you attention since I remember you saying that is what you like, you're welcome.
@Forever Sleep - for being logical and putting in a lot of thought into your replies. You definitely do think about what you say before you post and that's evident based on how high quality your posts are
@Daxter_87 - he isn't here anymore as he caught the bus but I respect and admire him a lot due to how compassionate he was about sentient life as a whole. Plus he has acquired some views which are similar to mine and his living situation that made it harder for him to ctb was similar to mine as well so he was honestly a super relatable person to me all around. I truly do respect him and I am feeling relief over knowing that he is at peace now
@myusername890 - for being an amazing, compassionate, kind and hyper logical person. She has also caught the bus but I love the amount of respect and compassion that she had for all sentient beings on this planet rather than just her own life. Chatting to her about how we view life has been one of the most therapeutic things ever as she actually understood me and my views completely. Once again, I have lots of respect and I am glad that she is at peace now from all of her suffering.
@TAW122 - for always making such amazing threads about the right to die and other topics. I also love at how you love TRTNLE as well as existentialgoof. Your threads about the right to die are all so high quality and I love it
@WhatPowerIs - for being so kind, understandable and relatable about my issues
@yaa - for being so rational and realistic about life
@damienlerone03 - no reason in particular, you just appeared in my head for some reason. You have a nice pfp though
@RainAndSadness - you're going out of your way to maintain this site and I know that isn't an easy endeavour due to how there are so many pro lifers going out of their way to attack you as well as this site and, on top of that, you also have your own personal issues to deal with as well. As for how you are able to fight so much for the right thing, I truly have no idea as the strength that you have is honestly unimaginable to me. I'd be too weak, too tired and perhaps even too irresponsible to do what you're doing. Honestly, doing what you're doing is something that I think cannot be done by most people. I truly admire and respect you and I'm sure that there are many members who admire you in the same way as well. Thank you.
@CTB Dream - for being so kind and respectful towards others despite going through unimaginable, excruciating, painful suffering especially in a world where there are only a few people who give a shit about people who are struggling immensely.
@Dr Iron Arc - you probably wouldn't like me including you here due to self loathing reasons but, hey, I think that you're cool and you like shadow which to me is even cooler so you're staying on this list
After looking at @Andrew10's response to those who have put in a lot of time and effort to compile information about ctb methods for people to ctb in a safe, peaceful and successful manner, I got to give credit to:
@Vizzy and anybody else who has made a thread compiling lots of useful information about ctb methods
@opheliaoveragain - I forgot to add you but you definitely deserve to be on this list as you seem to have comforted some people who were taking SN (and even stupidly got backlash for it which really pissed me off that day) but, yeah, you seem like a kind person overall who encompasses the true definition of pro choice
@divinemistress36 - for being so rational about life and for understanding that my views are rational too
@MatrixPrisoner - for realising society for what it is and for doing the right thing in response to that by being an antinatalist. Honestly speaking though, I missed the "old you" where you would post a lot of tiktok clips of humans being... humans which really exposed this shitty reality for what it is. I really liked that as it really goes to show which types of people humanity priorities and subsequently that humans aren't really an intelligent species
And, overall, if you aren't pro life in the context that people here have defined it, if you are an antinatalist (or at least didn't procreate), if you aren't an asshole to others and if you at least support the right to die to be implemented for anybody who is 18+ (though I personally think that it should be available to all ages, especially minors) without any absurd criteria alongside that, you make it into my list
That's everybody that I can think of right now. There may have been a few users here that I forgotten and, if so, I just want to say that it isn't due to you being irrelevant but rather that my brain is extremely tired and exhausted right now. I'm sorry
"My name is Connor, I'm the Android sent by CyberLife."@soonnotkoei - before i ever interacted with you, i remember seeing your connor pfp while browsing the forums and thinking "i want to be friends with this person." well! here we are! not incredibly close, but i really like talking with you and hearing what you have to say.