
Aug 18, 2020
This was a question for David Foster Wallace. Who is he thinking of when he writes his literature- Does he have certain people in mind or does he think of them as a huge crowd when he writes his texts. I can't remember his exact answer. I think it was kind of an ambiguous one.

I try to answer this question for me concerning this forum. For me there is one thing striking. DFW always emphasized how privileged he is being able to write literature. I think he meant the monetary aspect and the fact that so many people read his stuff. It reminded me a little bit of the fact that I also really appreciate how many people here read my threads. Writing can really have a therapeutical effect at least on me. Though I envy him that he got money for it. Though the quality of his literature is on a different dimension compared to my threads. Lol. Like if I would publish them for money there would way more pressure and the healing effect could decrease.

I feel like I am adressing a whole crowd of people. An international one. People who are struggling in life. I hope they feel less lonely when people can relate to my problems or desperation. For me this forum is like wrting a public diary. There is always this ambivalence about anonymity and intimacy. The people don't know how I look like and hopefully never will. There are still secrets which I am keeping to myself also for protecting myself. Though I often show my vulnerability and I am quite open about my emotions. When it gets overwhelming I can log off. This empowers myself though I might have an addiction still.

Who do you have in mind when you write your posts?
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