The point of every identity based narrative is ultimately division for the purpose of conquest. The appeal to these groups seems to be unification, you are unified with others you identify strongly with, but I see that as just a kind of bait. Dividing people via race, nationality, gender, socioeconomic class, sexuality, age, and so on, ultimately benefits the most powerful people and hinders those groups in the long run, because if the vast majority of people are as divided as possible, they will spend their time being terrified of each other, mistrust each other, and be willing to fight each other. The more strongly you identify, the more of an "other" you are, and the more that others are an "other" to you.
If you were the most powerful person on earth, would you want, for instance, races to hate and fear each other? What would their unification mean , for you? Once you see this clearly you can let go of any fearmongering narratives. The ultimate answer is to let go of identity as much as possible, because it's a deeply egocentric mode of engaging with the world.
And get off of social media and political echo chambers, you'll only get brainrot. Any kind of "us vs. them" game is a losing game.