

Mar 14, 2023
Warning: Blanket statements ahead:

Call it hunch. But if you weigh in that:

- many people here are young
- many here are transgender
- many here are unmarried women or women in failing marriages thus they are not aligned with a conservative husband

then it would point to this site being leaning more leftwing.

But also, I think that it is simply more of a Leftist thing to want control over your own life and death and to push boundaries. Rightwingers are more about "doing what's morally right for society even if it pains you", "you have no right over your life as you have responsibilities", "God hates suicide so you should lean on him more for help", etc. Aren't rightwingers against both abortion and euthanasia?

Ofc there are probably a handful of single men here like myself who are centre-right or even fully rightwing. These tend (but not always) to be men who feel that social and political trends (Especially the F one. I won't say it) left them disenfranchised.
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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
I'm not even going to vote, I'm apolitical...
Jo ni tan sols vaig pas a votar, sóc apolític...
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May 24, 2023
Well usually very religious people are on the right so all the prolifers/ CTB is a sin would not be there. A lot of suicides are linked to LGBT+ bullying and identity crisis, and those are usually left leaning because the right kinda want to limit their right at best, torture them into lgbt camps conversion at worse. Also right to die is usually a left leaning concern mostly


May 26, 2022
i am from none of the sides. The left is extremist and horrible and the right is also extremist. Humans are humans after all. I dont go to anyone. I wish humans were less greedy and stupid but that will never happen
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
There is a whole section for politics in offtopic, I don't get why people on here often post threads that belong in other sections in the suicide discussion. People don't come on the suicide discussion to read about politics, this section is for the discussion of suicide.
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Feb 1, 2023
i don't think the fact that there's a lot of lgbt+ people make this site "political" in the traditional sense (left right dichotomy). it's just that reality is shitty to a lot of lgbt+ people, including trans people.

this site, however, is conspicuously political because it is pro choice, a position that is rejected by the majority of politicians "of all sides".

this site is just the direct reflection of the current societal situation. it is political, but politics are not restricted to the "left - right spectrum" as you seem to imply if i understand you correctly.
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The glow is an illusion
Mar 22, 2023
My death is not your politics. Keep the political and ideological baloney to off-topic please.
Float On Okay

Float On Okay

I won’t be okay.
May 13, 2020
It depends on how you define the political spectrum; it has become very convoluted.

Traditionally, the left-wing are radicals (liberals) and the right-wing are opposed to radicalism (conservatives). According to the traditional left-right paradigm, most people on this site are leftists. The problem with the conventional way of thinking is people with vastly different radical economic views (such as a free-market libertarian and a socialist) are put into the same political category, even though they disagree significantly politically.

On a modern political spectrum, if you use the political compass, for example, the left-right paradigm is based on economic positions, where the left-wing promotes economic equality and the right-wing promotes individualism. Based on this spectrum, most people on this site probably would be left-wing. I assume many people here believe that societal greed and individualism (i.e., capitalism) have been malevolent forces in their lives.

I'm probably far-right, according to the modern paradigm.
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Nov 5, 2022
I find that the best thing to do is to abstain from choosing an affiliation/accepting one side's ideas as a package deal, and instead, view each issue as it's own unique topic, calling for one to apply reason and logic to get to the closest unbiased truth possible. That being said, I understand that researching individual topics takes time and most people aren't going to have the time to put in so much effort to reach a fully informed conclusion. The important point that I'm trying to communicate is that following your party's cue, heedless of critical thought is not a good idea. It's nice to look to others to gather information but the two party system seems a bit mindless at times.
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Jun 3, 2023
I honestly find that more often than not, the difference between left and right is that the left want democracy and equality, while rightwingers are extremely tied to hierarchy which is in itself anti-democratic and against equality. A lot of rightwingers talk about individualism and how everyone should have the same chance. But they rarely believe that as more often it's about the right to own things. Right to own things they don't even use. Which often furthers the difference between rich and poor and makes people far less equal, both in political power and economic power. They are no longer of the same worlds, and their incentives for voting are entirely different. Not to mention how many right-wing think tanks actively engage in manufactured consent. And how more often than not, right wing politicians try to make it harder to vote for example, by cracking down on mail in voting and making it harder and harder to register to vote as well as requiring more specific identification, often targeting ID that a lot of poor people use in order to stop them from voting.

I could be wrong on this, but it's how I see it. Hierarchy VS freedom. And left is freedom and progress to me. If I were to want to live, I'd probably dedicate my life to left-wing politics.
I honestly find that more often than not, the difference between left and right is that the left want democracy and equality, while rightwingers are extremely tied to hierarchy which is in itself anti-democratic and against equality. A lot of rightwingers talk about individualism and how everyone should have the same chance. But they rarely believe that as more often it's about the right to own things. Right to own things they don't even use. Which often furthers the difference between rich and poor and makes people far less equal, both in political power and economic power. They are no longer of the same worlds, and their incentives for voting are entirely different. Not to mention how many right-wing think tanks actively engage in manufactured consent. And how more often than not, right wing politicians try to make it harder to vote for example, by cracking down on mail in voting and making it harder and harder to register to vote as well as requiring more specific identification, often targeting ID that a lot of poor people use in order to stop them from voting.

I could be wrong on this, but it's how I see it. Hierarchy VS freedom. And left is freedom and progress to me. If I were to want to live, I'd probably dedicate my life to left-wing politics.
Ooh and to add. When it comes to people on this forum, I'm genuinely worried people who hate transwomen like me are infiltrating the space in order to have a laugh at and enjoy and egg on people they see as "degenerates" and try to get them to unalive.

It's something that's actively happening in many online spaces and when I asked about it in a thread on here a few people came out to ridicule how offended I was over finding the acronym SS a bit worrying in that regard.
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Aug 18, 2020
I think one reason why there are more leftwingers in this forum is the fact that leftwing politics tends to be more in favor of minorities and poor people. Many people here suffer from several conditions and due to that they are poor, homeless, on disability etc. So economically it makes sense that more people in this forum are leftwingers. Furthermore rightwingers tend to be more religious and most religions consider suicide a sin. Moreover conservatives are anti assisted suicide. Though I think the leftwingers are not way better than them on this issue.
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Jun 28, 2022
more right generally. But like someone said I try to view each issue individually. Now that I'm down in my luck I appreciate left views more.


May 10, 2023
I am very right wing and i spend way too much time on here, i don't think any of your points about why right wing people wouldn't be on here make much sense its a annoying stereotype that only right wing people can be religious and it just sounds stupid i know tons of right wing atheist and other NON Christian religions. Your point about abortion again doesn't make sense not to compare abortion to murder cuz that just feels out of place here but it is another life its not yours to control and I feel like a most people think it is wrong to take another's life. Overall I just think its kind of silly to base what ur saying on things like religion when ur talking politics not religion and they can intersect i know but it seems like they only ever do when discussing the right. Sorry if this is all kind of jumbled im just talking not trying to write a essay.
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Feb 14, 2023
im centrist i dont rlly like either side but i tend to agree more w/ the left bc the right usually js make up things 2 b mad abt, that being said i agree w/ the right a lot too


Jul 30, 2020
I think categories like "right wing" and "left wing" are too simplistic to capture the variety of people's views. For example, I'm somewhat conservative on economic matters, but somewhat liberal on social matters. Which label would you apply to me?
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Homo erectus

Homo erectus

Mar 7, 2023
I think categories like "right wing" and "left wing" are too simplistic to capture the variety of people's views. For example, I'm somewhat conservative on economic matters, but somewhat liberal on social matters. Which label would you apply to me?
That's statistic par excellence, to tell lies, or in this cases, to stereotype people. Setting up people into different groups against each other is old trick. Life is a waste of time fighting, shouting at each other.
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*~ 絶対に 全てを取り戻させてもらう ~*
Jul 5, 2020
Anarchist / volontarist 🙂
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Mining for copium in the weirdest places.
Jan 15, 2022
I just want out of this reality when I'm ready. Politically, if it was feasible, I stand against the World Health Organization, Amazon, Google, Vanguard, BlackRock, Marina Abramovic and Israel. And everything else someone with any awareness outside of what befits them would see as a blockage for dignity and actual progress.
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Hardworking Lass who Dreams of Love~ 💕✨
Jun 9, 2023
theocratic monarchist; You don't have to be left wing or irreligious at all to hate your life and want out! xDDD

I think categories like "right wing" and "left wing" are too simplistic to capture the variety of people's views. For example, I'm somewhat conservative on economic matters, but somewhat liberal on social matters. Which label would you apply to me?
I get what you mean~ I'm GD, so I'm definitely very anti-gender roles and such (left wing), but I'm also off-the-charts right wing on all the other social matters! lol
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Jun 26, 2022
Social liberal here. On the left re freedom, right on immigration


Jun 14, 2023
I am very left wing (socialist), because
A: I have the feeling like history kind of helps the left wing (like the term was literally formed in the french revolution where left wing meant: for democracy abd right wing: for monarchy lol)
B: I support leftist values like democracy, equal rights etc: If I had to summarize the political directions in one sentence it would be: right wing are pro hierarchy left wing arent. And I just believe we should fight for the people with the least amount of rights power etc all the time, because they need our help most. And If you do support the lower class I belive you end up being left wing by default… i dont know if i misrepresented some ideologies here, if I did please correct me <3

(Edit: I know this doesnt say much but:
109A0971 3286 43C8 B3F2 82EB0588FF2A )
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May 4, 2023
I vote left wing. As a lesbian, all the right wing parties in my country are more opposed to same sex relationships. Some of them want to change laws. I think like two years ago there were some changes to the protection of trans kids in schools. Nothing like the USA, but it's not great. Our liberal party (which is right wing) is filled with so much corruption. Don't even get me started on Scott "I don't hold a hose mate" "I fucked off to Hawaii" "I'm gonna force a handshake for the cameras and you're going to like it" "My wife had to tell me rape is bad" "I had to take empathy classes" Morrison. Or the parties further right like Pauline Hanson's One Nation. Yikes.

Now, I don't think our left wing parties are perfect. I just prefer to vote for them. Other things like medicare or improved social services sway my decision too.


Jun 24, 2023
I don't consider myself a political person since I believe both political parties are corrupt, but I believe one party is less evil & I often criticize society. People would label me as a right-winger because I carry traditional values.


🍭my lollipop brings the feminists to my candyshop
Aug 16, 2022
Rationality's anti-authoritarian, and it's moral to fight for the underdog against bullies. That's my launchpad

But why stay there? Gotta go where needed. Politics is action, not opinion. The basic operation in the social world: team up. Humans do this through communication

I'm happy to listen to anyone, from Adolf Hitler to bell hooks. Any tradition has insightful people, and I'm sure we all agree with Hitler on a number of things

Allows you to team with a broad range of people. They'll respect you even when you disagree — if you can articulate their perspectives at least as well as they can. Also allows you to effectively counterattack anyone. Because the enemy can be a good teacher; they sometimes tell everyone their mental frameworks. So you can predict & preempt/counter them

Nothing wrong with reading mass-murdering eco-fascist Brenton Tarrant or al-Qaeda strategist Abu Bakr Naji. Some are care to write clearly. Unlike many of the bizarre summaries written by virtue-signalers

I've noticed some blindspots among the movements

Leftists: often refuse to see the hidden bureaucratic professional-managerial class. Maybe about 20% of the population; sits between capitalist & worker/poor. They're the US Democratic party's core constituency, not workers. The Soviet Union's ruling class. (They got rid of capitalists.) Many people don't know who owns their company, but they sure as hell know their manager & doctor. And often despise them. And the left wonders why a lot of workers/poor prefer voting in spoiled rich kids. Ooops

Feminists: they stumble when sucking up to elites who absorb a little feminism. It does reflect they had some success, and elites can only absorb so much before they crack. But aligning with elitist feminists pisses off many women and opens them up to effective backlash
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Apr 16, 2023
Apolitical. I'm too much of an ignorant to form any opinion whatsoever, and it's not going to change because of brain fog and mental deterioration.
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