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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
Where do you draw the line when it comes to giving up on something? Not limited to giving up on life, but anything ranging from a hobby, a goal, a dream, or more. Everyone has different limits, tolerances, and resources, and no one is the same. I'll use my example to put it into context.

My example:
I've been mostly friendless for most of my life, my social life sucks. I'm 28 years of age, and most of my life, I fail to cultivate good social relations, connect with others, and make and keep friends (thanks Aspergers and SA for fucking my social life up and getting nowhere in life). I've already decided and concluded that I'm (very likely) going to be a hermit, foreveralone, and a loner. Therefore, I've drew the line around that age and stopped trying to make friends, improve my (near non-existent and shitty) social life. I refuse to waste anymore time, energy, and effort spent pursuing a fruitless endeavor. Who the fuck is to dictate or to tell me it's worth it, or to keep going? Also when do I draw the line and how long do I keep going? Fucking normies and their delusional shit logic.

I also really hate it when people use the line of "oh but John Doe Bob person succeeded on the nth try" or use some arbitrary outlier to say that it is possible. In theory, yes there are outliers, but they are OUTLIERS, not the general case, nor the norm. Why can't people just use reasonable expectation and probability to dictate whether one should/not pursue something?

I guess this is a semi discussion, semi-rant regarding pro-lifers and the get motivated crowd who keep pushing us to keep going despite evidence saying otherwise. Especially the get motivated bullshit. I suppose we have another subreddit to grind (r/Getmotivated). This video (also by seraphobe) shows how motivational crap isn't about helping the motivatee but to help the motivator feel better about him/herself. Fuck the get motivated crowd and their selfish, self-serving bullshit.
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There's a difference between existing and living.
Sep 3, 2018
Where do you draw the line when it comes to giving up on something? Not limited to giving up on life, but anything ranging from a hobby, a goal, a dream, or more. Everyone has different limits, tolerances, and resources, and no one is the same. I'll use my example to put it into context.

My example:
I've been mostly friendless for most of my life, my social life sucks. I'm 28 years of age, and most of my life, I fail to cultivate good social relations, connect with others, and make and keep friends (thanks Aspergers and SA for fucking my social life up and getting nowhere in life). I've already decided and concluded that I'm (very likely) going to be a hermit, foreveralone, and a loner. Therefore, I've drew the line around that age and stopped trying to make friends, improve my (near non-existent and shitty) social life. I refuse to waste anymore time, energy, and effort spent pursuing a fruitless endeavor. Who the fuck is to dictate or to tell me it's worth it, or to keep going? Also when do I draw the line and how long do I keep going? Fucking normies and their delusional shit logic.

I also really hate it when people use the line of "oh but John Doe Bob person succeeded on the nth try" or use some arbitrary outlier to say that it is possible. In theory, yes there are outliers, but they are OUTLIERS, not the general case, nor the norm. Why can't people just use reasonable expectation and probability to dictate whether one should/not pursue something?

I guess this is a semi discussion, semi-rant regarding pro-lifers and the get motivated crowd who keep pushing us to keep going despite evidence saying otherwise. Especially the get motivated bullshit. I suppose we have another subreddit to grind (r/Getmotivated). This video (also by seraphobe) shows how motivational crap isn't about helping the motivatee but to help the motivator feel better about him/herself. Fuck the get motivated crowd and their selfish, self-serving bullshit.
Yea anything from r/GetMotivated is shit.
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Aug 4, 2018
I want to make a long reply to this but I only have my phone, and no access to laptop until after work, so writing this post so I remember to come back here haha
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There's a difference between existing and living.
Sep 3, 2018
Where do you draw the line when it comes to giving up on something? Not limited to giving up on life, but anything ranging from a hobby, a goal, a dream, or more. Everyone has different limits, tolerances, and resources, and no one is the same. I'll use my example to put it into context.

My example:
I've been mostly friendless for most of my life, my social life sucks. I'm 28 years of age, and most of my life, I fail to cultivate good social relations, connect with others, and make and keep friends (thanks Aspergers and SA for fucking my social life up and getting nowhere in life). I've already decided and concluded that I'm (very likely) going to be a hermit, foreveralone, and a loner. Therefore, I've drew the line around that age and stopped trying to make friends, improve my (near non-existent and shitty) social life. I refuse to waste anymore time, energy, and effort spent pursuing a fruitless endeavor. Who the fuck is to dictate or to tell me it's worth it, or to keep going? Also when do I draw the line and how long do I keep going? Fucking normies and their delusional shit logic.

I also really hate it when people use the line of "oh but John Doe Bob person succeeded on the nth try" or use some arbitrary outlier to say that it is possible. In theory, yes there are outliers, but they are OUTLIERS, not the general case, nor the norm. Why can't people just use reasonable expectation and probability to dictate whether one should/not pursue something?

I guess this is a semi discussion, semi-rant regarding pro-lifers and the get motivated crowd who keep pushing us to keep going despite evidence saying otherwise. Especially the get motivated bullshit. I suppose we have another subreddit to grind (r/Getmotivated). This video (also by seraphobe) shows how motivational crap isn't about helping the motivatee but to help the motivator feel better about him/herself. Fuck the get motivated crowd and their selfish, self-serving bullshit.
I'm also the same I've given up on what it supposedly means to be human. I'm tired of searching for something I never had. It seems like the harder you try the harder you fall especially when lifers give advice like 'just be yourself' and 'work on yourself' as though that would actually work. Everyone is different and even though I wish I could experience what normies do I'd eventually feel burnt out from trying to keep up.
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Angst Filled Fuck Up

Angst Filled Fuck Up

Sep 9, 2018
But... but... you miss 100% of the shots you don't take. Shoot for the moon, even if you miss you'll be among the stars. I swear to God, every time I see this get motivated garbage on the internet I just feel like putting the poster in a headlock and making them eat ants. Reddit is famous for it.

But yeah, I think social anxiety is a death sentence. You can't succeed in a world that comes down to who you know and how you can play them if you're too afraid to even join the game. The world is built on lies, manipulation and deception, and you can't work your way up that ladder of bullshit without being good at conning people. That, mental illness, physical illness, isolation and financial woes are the main reasons I consider ctb.
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Cosmic panic
May 18, 2018
I'm also the same I've given up on what it supposedly means to be human. I'm tired of searching for something I never had.

Can the church say "Amen"!

People can't wrap their minds around someone having never experienced "happiness" or contentment with this bullshit.

I've never fit in. I've never known what these people consider normal and attainable.

I've always isolated but it's been so deliberate recently. I'm not fronting like i care about things i don't care about anymore. The line has been drawn.
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Sep 22, 2018
I guess I'm not sure where the line is, but I know I've crossed it. I've long given up on a social life, I've never known how to interact with people, and every friendship has been a fluke and/or short lived. I still do fantasize about having fullfilling relationships... as stupid as it is. it makes me sad to see people on social media that have been best friends for 10+ years and it's like... I'll never have that. I've always been on the fringes, even when I've managed to get into a circle for a while. I always feel like I'm that person that is annoying, that people are always trying to get rid of and are nice to out of necessity/obligation. Could be my paranoia, but I know that look in their eyes when they see that I'm not right, that I don't fit in. I never have, there is no "group" I can settle into.

As far as hobbies... I've given up on my art and my music. Those used to be what I lived for. All I wanted to do was create, amd my mental illness was at a manageable level where those creative pursuits were helpful outlets and forms of expression. It's gotten to the point where it's no use, I try to create and nothing happens. It's impossible to create when you live in a barren mental wasteland.

It's funny. When my mental illness was basically just anxiety/OCD/bipolar lite, and not the stacked buffet of shit that is it today, I sort of glamorized mental illness in terms of art. In my mind you had to be sick in order to create truly good art, and it was an essential part of my identity and creative process. I know better now of course. I was stupid and naive to think that. This shit is not glamorous, this shit renders me as good as dead with a living corpse carrying out the necessary motions... for what? This is why I need to die. I have nothing left to offer, I'm actively rotting
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Oct 22, 2018
I gave up already many hobbys. I do it when they do not make me happy anymore and that always happens after some time. Probably I'm giving up archery soon.
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The Blackangel

The Blackangel

Nyiach des uti nesi deh ahy.
Nov 3, 2018
If there was anything to reach for, it would have been grabbed by someone else long ago. People say you miss the shots you don't take. Well If you were never passed the fucking ball you can't really take the shots anyway, can you? Myself for example, I was denied all opportunities because it was fun for the ones who denied me. So the line was not only drawn, the gun was raised. Cross the line, and you won't be crossing it back.
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
@Circles Yeah fuck r/GetMotivated and also, I'm too burnt out for social shit nowadays that I simply just don't care. If people take offense to my social faux pas, then that's on them, but I'm not gonna waste my time and energy to pursue something that will not likely bring me satisfaction or give me peanuts as returns. Fuck that, I'm doing my own things for myself now.

@BaconCheeseburger It looks like the 6 hour window has long expired. Feel free to make a new post or something, I'll read it.

@Threads Hmm, that's quite interesting that you feel that way. I'm glad that you are able to find fulfillment in helping others out here.

@Angst Filled Fuck Up I actually like that suggestion, for putting the motivational poster in a headlock and making him/her eat ants, haha. As far as your reasons for ctb'ing, I share them same ones too, just varying degrees though.

@Sundayafternoon That's true, I guess people can't comprehend accurately what they never experienced, nor would they want to experience it, so they resort to bullshit, feely-goody shit to make themselves feel good.

@Willow very accurate description of my social life and general life. I just never really fit in, not even in the gaming circles nor the arts and music circles. Yes, I got the same responses from people who are just nice out of necessity/obligation which makes it so much worse, because it is NOT genuine and rather fake crap. I too hope I die sooner than later as the sooner I die, the better since I can save myself a lot of disappointment and hassles later on. It's just not worth it to stick around and foolishly hope for something that is not likely to happen. I'll never get a normal life or be successful socially and people IRL who keep pretending that I will are delusional and fucked up.

@Ravaene I'll probably give up the piano soon, since I'm not likely to get to where I'll be satisfied or happy with myself. I'm on the fence about it at the moment.

@The Blackangel Very true, and also if such opportunities (the ball) was present, how would I have known? There couldn't have been a good way for me to know in advance or even sense it (thanks Aspergers syndrome for fucking up my ability to be socially successful).
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Letting Go

Oct 30, 2018
When even my best efforts won't allow me to succeed. I only put serious effort into attainable goals. An example of an unattainable goal, for me anyway, would be attracting a woman for the first time in my life. I have a better chance of becoming an Olympic swimmer at my old age!
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
When even my best efforts won't allow me to succeed. I only put serious effort into attainable goals. An example of an unattainable goal, for me anyway, would be attracting a woman for the first time in my life. I have a better chance of becoming an Olympic swimmer at my old age!

Yeah, this is why I have just given up on things that don't bring me happiness or are unattainable. As far as the attainable things for me, well if I were to really get into the sport of shooting, I suppose I could try to be good at hitting targets downrange at a range if I just wanted to put a future goal for myself. I've only ever shot a handgun at a gun range (indoors) a few years ago. The RO (Range Officer) who was mentoring me at the time even commented on my first time shooting that it was pretty decent for a first timer.
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Jul 20, 2018
Well I suppose I'm drawing the line at adulthood. I'm 25 and entering the workforce which means decades of wage slavery. I have very few friends that I enjoy being around. I get no respect from anyone. Women patronize me and do not view me sexually in any way (I'm part asian). Also I've failed at everything I've ever attempted. Went to therapy and discovered that it is unsurprising why this all happened and is unlikely to change.

I refuse to contribute to a world that is purely a shithole. I do not find "hard work" or socializing rewarding intrinsically. Most people are disgusting animals that love to virtue signal to absolve themselves of true responsibility to make the world better
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
Well I suppose I'm drawing the line at adulthood. I'm 25 and entering the workforce which means decades of wage slavery. I have very few friends that I enjoy being around. I get no respect from anyone. Women patronize me and do not view me sexually in any way (I'm part asian). Also I've failed at everything I've ever attempted. Went to therapy and discovered that it is unsurprising why this all happened and is unlikely to change.

I refuse to contribute to a world that is purely a shithole. I do not find "hard work" or socializing rewarding intrinsically. Most people are disgusting animals that love to virtue signal to absolve themselves of true responsibility to make the world better
I'm Asian American myself though my parents immigrated from East Asia to get here many decades ago. Sometimes I wished I wasn't born so I don't have to experience all this bullshit called life and it's troubles. Therapy was a big waste of time and energy for me, I could have done much more productive things with my time (like learning other skills, pursue others hobbies, and even used that time to refine my ctb plan/gather resources for ctb'ing). Finally, I agree with your last sentence, the vast majority of humans are like that and it's really shitty of them.
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The Blackangel

The Blackangel

Nyiach des uti nesi deh ahy.
Nov 3, 2018
Yeah, this is why I have just given up on things that don't bring me happiness or are unattainable. As far as the attainable things for me, well if I were to really get into the sport of shooting, I suppose I could try to be good at hitting targets downrange at a range if I just wanted to put a future goal for myself. I've only ever shot a handgun at a gun range (indoors) a few years ago. The RO (Range Officer) who was mentoring me at the time even commented on my first time shooting that it was pretty decent for a first timer.

I've been shooting for over 30 years. In that time I've gotten good enough that I can light a match and drive a nail from over 60' with a 22. Open sight. But I couldn't hit the ground in 3 tries with a handgun. Yet.
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