

Jun 29, 2019
This is really one serious reason that's keeping me from going is the fear of where I will end up. What if it is even worse than what I am experiencing now. Tired of this severe fear of the unknown along with SI.
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Mar 24, 2019
The same place we were 10 months before we were born
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Mar 24, 2019
yes , the same place the hole in a polo mint goes once you have eaten the mint
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"i hope the leaving is joyful, & never to return"
May 30, 2019
Lots of people here have said it, but I like it:.You go wherever you were before you were born.

Still pretty subjective, but to me it means; you didn't exist before birth, so why would you think you'll exist after death? So don't worry about it.

(easier said than done)

What kills me is after I'm dead, nobody will be left alive who loved my mom. I feel I need to give her a memorial monument or something before I go. Like at a Catholic shrine, something with her name on hallowed ground. I know it's superstitious nonsense, but knowing it would have made her feel better means it would make me feel better. It will cost me about 5-10k.
I'm gonna do crazy shit to get that money. I may fail, give up, but I guess a memorial for her is my big bucket-list item.
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Jun 8, 2019
Some in a box, some scattered around to become dirt. You come from dust, you return to dust.
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Mar 24, 2019
my brother goes were i go


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May 22, 2019
The same place we were 10 months before we were born
Ahm So you are saying I return being a sperm inside some dudes balls?! If true, I hope I end up getting swallowed instead of entering an egg Again.
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"i hope the leaving is joyful, & never to return"
May 30, 2019
my brother goes were i go
I had some of her ashes but they got lost/stolen while I was homeless.
So now putting her name on hallowed ground seems even more important. Last gesture I can do for her, even if it's only symbolic.
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Jun 8, 2019
I wish we'd cremated my brother, I'd like to have some of him with me. Instead he's in a dumb Jewish cemetery that he hated.
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Ambitious but rubbish
Jul 2, 2019
I'm expecting to cease existence with my ashes disposed of in a thoughtful manner (recycled into fertilizer?).

That said, I do have a slightly crazy hypothesis, thanks to being married to someone that is obsessed with ghosts and the afterlife. How come some people allegedly become spirits but others don't? My hypothesis is that right at the very end, there is one final question along the lines of "Do you wish to continue? Y/N". If you tick the Y box, you end up being a spirit that gets to do cool ghostly shit, which is fine if you want more time to continue. If you tick the N box, then everything goes black and it's game over.

Spoiler alert: I'm planning on ticking the N box.
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Jun 28, 2019
I'm not here to convince anyone of anything but reading about near death experiences might bring you peace. I recommend Dr. Raymond Moody's books, but you can also find tons of material online.
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Jun 29, 2019
I read of lot about ndes and not all dying/unconscious get them only about 20 percent do and the rest say all they saw was black so I don't know if I am fully convinced alone from ndes.
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Subhuman Creature
Apr 30, 2018
I see ppl saying that we go back to the state we were in before we were born (refering to blackness/the void). But to me it's like how do we even know where we were before we were born?

We didn't exist in this body yet to definitely say: "I remember what happened before I was born". We have no recollection of it cause our consciousness in the current form didn't exist yet. So maybe before this life we lived other lifes, or maybe we were in some other plane of existence.
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"i hope the leaving is joyful, & never to return"
May 30, 2019
I see ppl saying that we go back to the state we were in before we were born (refering to blackness/the void). But to me it's like how do we even know where we were before we were born?

We didn't exist in this body yet to definitely say: "I remember what happened before I was born". We have no recollection of it cause our consciousness in the current form didn't exist yet. So maybe before this life we lived other lifes, or maybe we were in some other plane of existence.
Nobody is saying they remember. Void just means nothing. There's nothing to remember.
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Subhuman Creature
Apr 30, 2018
Nobody is saying they remember. Void just means nothing. There's nothing to remember.
I know thats not what is said but it's implied... if you say we go back to the state before we were born, you imply you somehow know what state you were in before you were born. You can't possibly know what was going on before birth. Maybe we lived other lifes.
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"i hope the leaving is joyful, & never to return"
May 30, 2019
I know thats not what is said but it's implied... if you say we go back to the state before we were born, you imply you somehow know what state you were in before you were born. You can't possibly know what was going on before birth. Maybe we lived other lifes.
Oh god I hope not. One has been more than enough, more than I could handle.
I like the person who said we could do ghosty shit though. If being a ghost feels like being stoned, with no gross frail physical body, I would do that for eternity.
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Dec 30, 2018
This is really one serious reason that's keeping me from going is the fear of where I will end up. What if it is even worse than what I am experiencing now. Tired of this severe fear of the unknown along with SI.



Subhuman Creature
Apr 30, 2018
Oh god I hope not. One has been more than enough, more than I could handle.
I like the person who said we could do ghosty shit though. If being a ghost feels like being stoned, with no gross frail physical body, I would do that for eternity.

I really don't hope so either. I truly crave nothingness. And I was holding onto the notion of "i'll just go back to the place before I was born, not too bad right?" but then i started thinking, what was even there before I was born? Clearly, I was not the first human being to come into existence so this place that we called Earth existed before I was born, what else existed before I was born that I might not know of...

I kinda would like doing ghosty shit for like a year but then I'd be bored. Or maybe my imagination of what I could do with such 'powers' is limited.
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May 31, 2019
Where does the software on a computer go when you turn it off?

Software and data can actually linger in computer memory even after you've cut the power. This involves cooling the chips with a cooling spray to help them keep their charge. Eventually though the memory chips will lose their charge and the data is gone forever.

It's the same with us. When you "turn the power off" the brain cells will still retain their "data" for up to 5 minutes. Then they start to die off and the content stored is gone forever.

That's both a comforting and terrifying realisation at the same time. Dying doesn't appeal to me, but when I finally cross that threshold, my suffering is over and I can finally sleep forever.

Some out there theories about death that I have, is reincarnation and that life is a simulation.

In both cases you "wake up" after you're stone cold dead. Either you'll be reincarnated into a new life, be it as a human or any of the other animals.

If life is a simulation you'll just wake up and realize what you've just gone through. That theory is pretty cool, come to think of it.

Maybe people in the far future go on trips, living a whole life, gaining different perspectives and experiences by living in another persons body for a lifetime. It would be like going on an extended vacation.

In reality though I don't believe that's what happens. When the oxygene supply to the brain is cut you'll simply become brain dead. Game over.

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Jul 3, 2019
I think we just go back into the earth and the cycle of nature in terms of atoms. In that way we live on and are interconnected with everything I suppose. However I don't think the consciousness, who we are now, lives on. I think that ends as the brain decomposes/cremates.
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Letmego. Please

Letmego. Please

Nov 18, 2018
The atoms/particles that are 'us' return to the space where nothing exists till there are enough atoms to create something, be that a person or a tomato or a dust in the universe. It may be nutty but so am i.

There is a better explanation of what I'm trying to say but it is sadly beyond my brain today.
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Jun 28, 2019
I read of lot about ndes and not all dying/unconscious get them only about 20 percent do and the rest say all they saw was black so I don't know if I am fully convinced alone from ndes.
Good, because like I said my goal is not to convince you of anything. Fwiw, to me it makes sense that not everybody gets them. I was unconscious several times throughout my life and very close to death a couple times and I didn't see anything. I still believe there is significance in what so many people experience though because it can't be a coincidence that the accounts are so similar across cultures, religions, traditions and times.


“From Knowledge springs power."
Sep 1, 2018
you go to hell.

the place where you play mario kart for eternity but everytime you get into first the blue shell knocks you into last place.

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Jean Améry

Mar 17, 2019
To a magical place in the sky where all dreams come true, each man gets 74 virgins each day (women get whatever they want) and there's a party going on 24/7 with alcohol and drugs that cause no harm or discomfort whatsoever.

Either that or lights out for good.
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Conflicted Cat

Conflicted Cat

May 23, 2019
you go to hell.

the place where you play mario kart for eternity but everytime you get into first the blue shell knocks you into last place.

View attachment 13326
There's a worser hell than that. Crash Team Racing Nitro Fueled, getting chased by 5 warp orbs, spammed by time clocks, rockets and bowling bombs, cheaply sending you all the way to 8th place.

Anyways, all we can do is speculate. No one knows, and there's no way TO know sadly. As goes with before we were created. I have a hard time thought believing it's literally nothing. There's gotta be something...

Jean Améry

Mar 17, 2019
Software and data can actually linger in computer memory even after you've cut the power. This involves cooling the chips with a cooling spray to help them keep their charge. Eventually though the memory chips will lose their charge and the data is gone forever.

Cool analogy.
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Dec 27, 2018
Back to our eternal home (heaven). And from there, you'll realize that earth is just a sh!tty and f*cked up playground of humanity!

I WILL NOT choose to reincarnate back to this planet again no matter what!
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Jun 18, 2019
Nowhere. It's 100% our brain and its survival instinct that clings onto life, and comprehends only what it knows AS life. The brain doesn't understand what to think about itself not being able to think.

Basically what I'm saying is, you take away brain function, and there's nothing left of consciousness. Just absolutely nothing. "speculation" (heaven, reincarnation, ghosts etc) is just the brain holding onto false hope of afterlife, as it doesn't know how to comprehend death. This is why we're afraid of death.
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Jun 29, 2019
Nowhere. It's 100% our brain and its survival instinct that clings onto life, and comprehends only what it knows AS life. The brain doesn't understand what to think about itself not being able to think.

Basically what I'm saying is, you take away brain function, and there's nothing left of consciousness. Just absolutely nothing. "speculation" (heaven, reincarnation, ghosts etc) is just the brain holding onto false hope of afterlife, as it doesn't know how to comprehend death. This is why we're afraid of death.
So do you think it's worth it to stay on this earth and suffer or go into the void ?
Back to our eternal home (heaven). And from there, you'll realize that earth is just a sh!tty and f*cked up playground of humanity!

I WILL NOT choose to reincarnate back to this planet again no matter what!
I hope heaven is real but it sounds too good to be true :/

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