I am 27 and I plan to kill myself at 30 because I don't want to see another decade.
My 20s have been an absolute mess and I am just tired of it all. I really wanted to live and tried so hard to really make things work out for the best but I am done fighting. Last year was the worst year of my life that was when I finally gave up on life all together.
All I wanted was a man to love me, a stable career doing something meaningful and just to be happy generally.
I don't want to be single in my 30s. I have been single in my 20s it has been so lonely and I finally can't cope anymore with the years of male rejection.
Life is not for me.
I envy those with the option to die in a reliable, painless way, it's truly so hellish how suicide isn't seen as the human right it truly is, I wish for a death as peaceful as never waking again, all I wish for is to sleep eternally. It's horrific how I cannot just choose to peacefully die with no risks and complications involved, what I'd fear is trying to die going wrong and leading to much worse suffering.
@FuneralCry Suicide is inherently painful no matter what method you choose.
The human body is more resilient than people realise thst is why failed suicide attempts happen. Your body will always fight for your survival even when your mind gives up on you it is crazy.
There is no such thing as a peaceful way of passing because the body will fight til the end for your survival.
Why do overdoses and poisoning fail?
The human body can detect posions and harmful agents that enter the body, SN is a posion and the body will recognise it as harmful agent so will fight to expel it out of the body
The reason why most poisoning and overdoses fail is because the body successfully expels the substance out of the body. The overdoses that do succeed the body wasn't strong enough to expel the poisonous substance that entered. How strong your body is will determine how successful your method will be.
Why does jumping over train methods fail at times ?
When people try to jump the body does stop you from making the jump using that fear and anxiety to stop you from jumping properly
The list is endless.
15?! That's a lot
what happened
@dkrw People think suicide is easy. The media will always report a successful suicide especially if it is young person to sell stories.
Suicide is not is not easy because attempting sucide regardless of method is a painful act exposing the body to harm. Naturally the body will fight to protect you from any harm the body is exposed too or potentially exposed.
The reason assisted Suicide for all kinds of pain is legal in Switzerland its because Swiss society recognises that killing yourself is not easy and can expose a person to more harm if they try it themselves.
ASAP -- I hate waking up wishing I hadn't, every single day.
Waiting to aquire a peaceful method or finding a partner that can provide one since I'm broke right now. Too scared of survival to jump off a building, in front of a truck or train ,etc.
If only my 15+ CTB attempts in the past worked.
@DeathWish3301 Don't feel bad suicide is not easy as people in society think it is.
Suicide is never easy because attempting sucide regardless of method is a painful act exposing the body to harm. Naturally the human body will fight to protect you from any harm the body is exposed too or potentially exposed. This is why a failed suicide attempts are more common but the media won't report that instead will report a successful suicide to sell papers.
The reason assisted Suicide for all kinds of pain is legal in Switzerland its because Swiss society recognises that killing yourself is not easy and can expose a person to more harm if they try it themselves.
Attempted various methods. OD on medications & booze, partial hanging, CO with charcoal. Went to train tracks almost every night for a month to jump but couldn't do it, I don't count those times, though. I still go once in a while knowing I don't have the courage.
What happened?
They either failed, couldn't handle the pain or SI kicked in; or got the police called on me a few times by neighbors.
@DeathWish3301 The truth is majority of humans fear death even the most cold blooded murders fear death too look at how they fight til the end to avoid getting the needle. Whether or not you believe in a God or a higher power of some kind we don't know what happens when we die. That uncertainty scares people.
Once a person attempts the suicide the reality there is no coming back frightens them which is why they can't bring themselves to kill themselves.
Train is the WORST and most DANGEROUS method because this is one method a person CANT afford to make a mistake or screw up otherwise the results will be loss of limbs and permanent disability.
Jumping against a train involves a high level of accurate and precise calculation from the time you stand against the platform/chosen surface and the seconds the train comes to the final part when you jump. This is a narrow window often with seconds.
Anything can go wrong during this time period.
āThe train decides to stop or reduces its speed as result instant death will not happen as there is not enough force to instantly kill the person. In UK where I live a woman tried to kill herself using the train method. The method failed and she ended up losing lost both her legs.
I also feel terrible to my mom
She has tried to help me a lot and I feel deeply ashamed and guilty to her for being her daughter
but my wish to die and for everything to be over is greater
@dkrw It is not your fault mental illness is so cruel. It is so scary how the brain is a natural organ of the body but it uses our past traumas, insecurities ,phobias and other fears to torment us.
One of the worst things about being suicidal is no one saw how hard that person fought til the very end to give themselves a good life and to achieve recovery.
Your mother loves you and you are worthy to be her daughter which is why she has not given up on you.