44 years, but they have passed very quickly and I have not had time to mature or adapt to my personal situation. Since the 13 years that time has passed at an inordinate speed for me, especially these last 12 years, how can I have gone from 32 to 44 without even being aware of it?...
...I haven't even been able to enjoy the famous crises of the 30's or 40's (not that I'm envious of that, I'd just miss it hahaha)
44 anys, però han passat molt depressa i no m'ha donat temps ni a madurar ni a adaptar-me a la meva situació personal. Desde els 13 anys que el temps passa a una velocitat desmesurada per mi, sobretot aquests últims 12 anys, com puc haver passat del 32 als 44 sense ni ser-ne conscient?...
...ni tans sols he pogut gaudir de les famoses crisis del 30 o els 40 (no es que tingui enveja d'això, només em faltarÃa, jajaja)